Paddison diet: Hi, I was just wondering if anyone tried... - NRAS


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Paddison diet

Sarahlouise3 profile image
22 Replies

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone tried the paddison diet to treat other auto immune conditions such as interstitial cystitis!

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Sarahlouise3 profile image
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22 Replies

I am amazed at how Clint Paddison is able to cure RA and other autoimmune diseases. He is either extremely brilliant and deserves the Nobel peace Price or he is a con man. Oh, by the way he also is a comedian. So....who should you trust? Your doctor or a comedian?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Well....I do like at laugh Suzanne!

How is the dental work going....., Hope the RA is still calming down.


in reply to AgedCrone

My RA is disappearing!! My last redo root canal is this friday. Hopefully no more drugs. With the approval of my rheumy of coarse!!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

I am SO happy for you.....luckily I have never had to have root canal work , but if if had I'd sure be getting it investigated.

I'm still sitting in the sun in the Canaries, but today it is so windy I have skipped my daily walk as it is hard to stand upright.

I'm just watching how to be a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys....think I may have missed my vocation......ha!ha!

Good Luck on Friday!


in reply to AgedCrone

bawhahaha how to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader... I will give you advice on being a sexy cheerleader in one very important step. Now this step is imperative. ARE you ready for the secret?

Step 1: get your hubby to REMOVE his glasses

xxoo Sue

PS Sitting in the sun? You lucky gal. Another "freak" snow storm here!! Not impressed. How do I convince you that Vancouver has extremely mild winters if it keeps on snowing?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

You can't.......I only ever came to Vancouver in the winter &'froze my butt off every time.

I just heard from home & my girl friend lost her roof & it totalled her car in the storm Doris last week!

So glad I missed it...mind you it is so windy here I can't stand up straight!

in reply to AgedCrone

Dang Doris!! Glad your friend is well. Next time you are in Vancouver AC, look me up.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

The very, very best of luck for Friday x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Has a lot of spare time eh?! Must be nice for him, plenty of people filling his coffers would enable him to have plenty of spare time. Well, it's better than working, wouldn't make a living from his comedy would he?

in reply to nomoreheels

It's disgusting how people claim to have the cure for RA as long as you give them money. There was a person claiming that the American based H___ Foundation cures RA and the medical community snubbed them. The American based H____ Foundation did do a double blind study. Guess what their cure was?....Prednisone cures rats with RA... Disgusted with con men preying on the fears of people suffering with autoimmune diseases.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

That's disgraceful, but they got their comeuppance at least. I've just looked it up, one poor man ended up $6,995.00 out of pocket, paid 2/3 by maxing out his credit cards & the other 1/3 from his & his wife's life savings, lost it all attempting to treat his wife's Parkinson's. Any doctor will tell you you don't get results from steroids for Parkinson's! He wasn't alone, many others were conned out of their money believing their disease could be "cured" & paid even more than he did. Oddly they were happy to speak with them whilst they were taking their money but not so much when they asked for a refund, absolute shysters. Does this sound familiar? I'll give you a hint, he has a "programme" & he's a part time comedian. I must just say though Sue the H Foundation isn't to be confused with another of the same name, a UK charity for young people's aspirations in the Arts.

in reply to nomoreheels

I wasn't aware of the UK foundation & thankyou for informing me. I will edit my post. Please forgive me. I just learnt a valuable lesson.

all the best

Sue being the Knucklehead :)

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

No need for forgiveness Sue! 🙃 You didn't know & neither did I until I searched for it. And you were only a knucklehead the once, not branding you for every or any mistake & certainly not for something you'd no idea existed!😘

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to

I trust my rheumatologists. Without the medication, going for this kind of program alone, I believe our joints will be gone. This is only my own opinion.

Katie6221 profile image

If you're interested in learning more about healing auto-immune diseases, and other health complications alike, Restore by Rachna Chhachhi is a quick and very informative read! She herself suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, and decided to educate herself as a nutritionist so she could discover the root of her problems, and truly cure herself, rather than just work towards remission like most doctors do.

Here's Rachna's site, which also offers the first chapter of her book free of charge:

She treats all types of ailments (MS, RA, hormone imbalances, and much simpler problems, like weight loss, too)

There are some more liscensed physicians practicing this type of natural gut-based healing, all with slightly varied techniques that I'm sure work in slightly different ways, but all have the same basic principles. I think the paddison diet is a great "gateway-diet" to help teach people more about leading a healthy anti-inflammatory lifestyle, and choosing foods that don't upset the natural balance of our system. He's not the only one doing this, though, so search around, see what others are doing and start trying out things yourself! Remember, natural healing takes time, so it's best to take things each day at a time, and keep careful records of how your diet (no matter which you choose) impacts your day-to-day wellbeing.

Good luck to you!

Sarahlouise3 profile image
Sarahlouise3 in reply to Katie6221

Thank you

nomoreheels profile image

I'm not sure if anyone here's tried it for interstitial cystitis Sarahlouise but he had RD & claims it works for that. The following link takes you to HU sites where IS has been discussed so maybe asking your question on any of those sites would get you answers

I saw you'd asked Clint a question on an old post yesterday. Just to let you know he's not replied to anyone on this site for quite a while so maybe also asking him your question directly on his website might be worth a try?

I hope if you find any of them have they can help you.

Sarahlouise3 profile image
Sarahlouise3 in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you. I will look up the link when I get home. Ic is so painful, I've been in pain for the last 8 weeks but I am so hopeful that there is a cure through diet.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Sarahlouise3

I'm so sorry you're in such pain. Actually you beat me to it, I was going to contact you again! I had a rootle round the net & came across a dedicated IC site. You may have come across it though in your searches, nevertheless this is it & more specifically related to diet They also have an online support forum, their members may be able to help with diet?

Another in the UK, though not a dedicated IC site may be also worth a read It also has an online forum & scanning through they certainly discuss IC so maybe joining there & asking your question would help?

I hope you find answers, from the little reading I did I understand it can be very painful.

sondra416 profile image

I was on the Patterson program for six months and it did not help one bit.To the contrary it made my diabetes go out of control! Also my protein levels dropped dangerously low.He doesn't ever mentioned that anyone on a vegan diet needs to receive B12. I am a physician with rheumatoid arthritis and can't believe that I listened to this man, someone with no medical or nutritional training.I do believe diet can help, but not this one. I am currently looking into a program called The Myers Way, founded by a physician, Amy Myers.

ZanDische profile image

I want to add a comment that Clint's program works, plain and simple. No, I haven't bought his book or gone through his program - I didn't have to, because like him I researched on my own and put together a very similar diet. Like him, I spent 2 years going to Naturopaths, reading, experimenting, etc. I tried MTX, Arava, Enbrel, Plaquenil, etc, and experienced massive side effects. I watched his Tedx talk and honestly, it could have been me up there talking, our experiences were that similar. Unlike Clint, I don't have RA but do have Sjogren's, Lupus and Fibro. They are fully in remission. The program IS difficult. It requires absolute and total willpower and dedication to healing. But man, when you wake up and realize you've gained ten years of your life back (and your future), it is unbelievable. The most difficult aspect for me though has been the reactions of other people, particularly other RA/auto-immune patients - who have told me I make all this up, that I must not really have a disease, or that "they tried it" and it didn't work for them. Funny enough, every doctor or Rheum I have seen has been extremely supportive of my dietary changes when previously they were decidedly unsupportive of attempts at natural "alternative" treatments, like IV therapy or acupuncture or herbal remedies. And the results prove themselves! Here's a tip: you can't half-ass this program. You have to fully commit, or it WON'T work. Further, if you go back to eating crap afterward, your disease will come back. I healed my Lupus in 3 months flat and lost 40 pounds using a combination of juice fasting, cleansing and a raw diet. For me, I was eventually able to add back in limited amounts of meat with no issue. I still try to eat everything raw whenever possible. The only point of issue I take with Clint's program is dairy - I don't typically eat regular dairy products but I do make my own kefir out of whole milk and drink that, and I still healed to the point where my blood work showed no disease. I think the more living, probiotic and fermented foods you can put in your body, the better. I have tried to explain to many people how to go about this diet and it can feel overwhelming to start and maintain, especially when you are sick, exhausted and fighting the pain and the rest of the world. I just want people to know that his "science" is real and it works, and whether you do it yourself or buy his program, there is REAL hope for eliminating these diseases.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to ZanDische

Thank you for this reply😊Feels so good to hear how stepping outside of the box is possible and leaving behind toxic meds is a solution for so many. It is sad that most of the accepted knowledge is centered around toxic meds and inspite of the growing number successful dietary treatments and new research it seems even more important to wage a war between these two approaches. As you said dietary treatment is hard, it is also hard to find what diet works for you , just as hard as finding a med combo to calm down your RA. The difference being that diets aim to restore normal immune function whereas meds try to manipulate the immunesystem and always bringing with them adverse effects for the body, to some degree.

Like you I am controlling my RA without meds and still trying to find the optimal dietary regime. I wish you all the luck and am quite convinced that we are taking the right path.😊👍🏻

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