Sometimes we just have to be brave for ourselves and for our friends.
Being brave: Sometimes we just have to be brave for... - NRAS
Being brave

Oh, look at his little face!
I would sooo have that jab for him!, but it reminds me how much some of the people here are frightened and need us, but especially the young ones... they really get to me.
Just bought a job lot of starch for the upper lip and considering a re-wire for the wobbly lower one specially for when we see family, especially the grandchildren.
Doesnt This little toot just melt your heart?
Bless him/ her.
I thought he was a floof, but you could be right, he could be a toot. Maybe we should put it to the vote? Does he look like a Toot or a Floof people?
(and anyone who says he looks like a Poffle will be ignored, everyone knows Poffles have spots)
Toot is pronounced as twt - if you get my meaning.
Like cwtch (welsh ) just so we get it right.
Never heard of a floof?
Im not entirely surprised you havent heard of them as they are both random invented words for extremely cute along with flooferton, poffler, and spoffle, probably quite a few i havnt thought of yet , but theres always tomorrow. I should point out Floofs are generally long haired but not always and spoffles are like poffles but with spots (of course). The oldest kids and i invented lots of words that were absolute nonesense but many of them somehow fitting.
surely he's a very brave Wiffle. Much braver than my late lamented very big Ridgeback who would have been shaking in a corner. He was a good nurse though and when my RA was immobilising me would lie all day on one sofa while I lay on the other, watching me and coming to lick me when he could see I was hurting. Useless at making a cup of tea though.....
Yeah - my cat doesn't much like to try to make coffee or tea either.. Something about short legs and having to stand on the stove, it's hot, the kettle is too heavy... oh well, she is gorgeous and sweet and a lot smarter than I expected her to be
Never heard if a poffle either come to think if it Leonwp
Its an education this evening.
I am obviously missing out somewhere-- lol
Leonwp, not questioning your judgment but looks more like a fnoofle to me.
Oh Leon what a lovely pic - the wee darling! Puppies, kittens, lambs - things that make you go "Awwww"!! , indeed! x
Awww - poor little guy