I thought i would share this, as I'm sure my obsession with understanding this disease is shared by others on here.
So, I have never had abnormal ESR or CRP tests. They've always been within normal range, even when I was first diagnosed and couldn't walk.
My GP has finally agreed with me, that for me, these tests are not an indicator of disease activity, as my hands and feet are still visibly swollen. He's written it in my file and is contacting my consultant to express this view. He acknowledged that sometimes to get things done, you need to be "tenacious".
Equally the second opinion I was fortunate to able to get from an American Rheumatologist who is considered best in his field made the following comments (these are specific to my case, but I'm sure will apply to others on here.) "Controlling the inflammation of RA is important in preventing the joint damage that occurs due to RA. However, the fact that anti-CCP antibodies are present puts her disease in a category associated with likelihood of joint erosion. That the inflammatory markers are normal is a good sign and makes significant joint damage less likely but that she has continued joint swelling indicates that there is still synovitis. Synovitis is the swelling due to the presence of inflammatory cells in tissue around the joints. It is those inflammatory and immune cells which cause damage to joints and bones." The long and short of this is that despite my excellent blood results the swelling I still suffer from means that I am still in danger of joint and bones damage and my current drug mix isn't on top of the RA.
So for me, I will continue to be "Tenacious" until my RA is in Remission.