Appears only 24% of people are successful in getting HR Mobility. Down from 83%.
Works wonders having a PM as a Patron then.
Honestly when will their membership realise that they put ££ before challenging the Govt.
Appears only 24% of people are successful in getting HR Mobility. Down from 83%.
Works wonders having a PM as a Patron then.
Honestly when will their membership realise that they put ££ before challenging the Govt.
So true zimmie this Tory government doesn't know what disabled stands for the way they treat people , their an absolute disgrace
Even though Govt taking away, my main issue is with NRAS not challenging hard enough.
Zimmie, please see my main post on this topic. I do not know what you base your assertion that NRAS is not challenging hard enough on but I do not think it is fair. We have received anecdotal evidence on this topic for some time and with these figures now available we will be calling on government for an urgent review in to the situation.
Wow, big guns out now. You've been quiet last four months I see.
My asertions are made by reading, listening and above all having RA
NRAS cannot have a patron who voted to remove money from WRAG group
Only the most severe will not have multiple assessments.
Support group only then
Did NRAS fight for that ?
If they did then your potentially leaving behind everyone else who has RA
Urgent review = guess that means sitting down with Atos, Maximus and DWP to work out who should benefit, I mean you do talk to maximus don't you.
Well put how can you support people with one hand and take away with the other they just don't get it I became ill and that has now made me disabled if only removing help would make us well
Disappointing. 🙁 I know that the whole point of the change from DLA to PIP was to remove those receiving the lower rate care component. This is inhumane. That said, so are the cuts we've just had to our social care budget. We are a relatively wealthy county too. It's a rubbish job at the moment telling people that we can't provide home carers because of the national shortage, that care homes keep closing down and that they can't get much funding from us for the little care that there is available because of the cuts to our funds.
Personally I think they were after people with MH issues who were potentially getting HR Mobility.
And your probably correct removing the LR care was an added bonus.
Trouble is now we have people who are working and need the use of Mobility car that will become unemployed.
I just want an opposition party and I don't care who it is to actually think through their actions before making any decisions
I have bipolar. I also have psoriatic arthritis and graves' disease . The mobility component was removed, and my care allowance was also reduced!
Stop paying your NRAS membership, I don't pay and still have access to Healthunlocked.
I read this too got the email from benefits and work site, disgusted with the whole DLA to pip crossover, some of the stories I've read are truly sad .... Oh and on a side note, our patron was one of the MPs who wanted to take away the 30pound disability premium for people on ESA(support group) .
First diagnosed was really into NRAS, but then I thought it's just a newsletter your paying for really.
Anyone can ring helpline same as Athritis care uk.
Yep, patron voting to take £30 away from people.
NRAS have really lost the plot and what they set out to be IMO.
All aboard the gravy train first stop Govt resources.
They have changed the eligibility criteria round the motabilty component so less people will be entitled to the higher rate this is probably the reflected in the statistics that you see