Seriously is ra related to itchy hands palms to be exact and the heels and side of my feet no rash or anything just mega itcy no matter what i do its still there driving me mad
What an itch: Seriously is ra related to itchy hands... - NRAS
What an itch

Not that I'm aware, but types of eczema can be intensely itchy especially before there are any visible signs. And hands & feet are classic spots for eczema.
Hi. My sister and I, both with RA, suffer from itchy skin. I have itchy calves and also, itchiness around my jawline. Drives me mad at times. However, it's not there all the time. I think you should see a GP anyway. Apparently my aunt had itchy palms for ages then discovered it was a thyroid problem. What meds do you take? Have you ever had psoriasis?
I feel for you because it drives you mad.
I have mild eczema on my back and ankles and heel.
My GP prescribed derma care hydroxocortisteriod and an Emulsifying cream both are available from the pharmacist but I would advice you to have it checked.
I also find really cold flannel left on my feet for a while helps.
The derma care is not to be used on the face as it thins the skin.But pharmacist will advice.
Thanks for replys dont have any skin conditions that im aware of, going to mention it to my rheumy its driving me mad ive had tyroid test well blood test came bk fine so not sure what is going on x
I too itch like crazy on the palms of my hands, especially in the mornings. My feet and ankles tend to itch more at night, so much so I scratch until I bleed. All this despite Aveeno in the mornings, Nivea at night to cool the itch and hand cream before sleeping. Not sure of the cause ?
I only ask as had really itchy hands arms and legs, my Rheumatology nurse said it could be a reaction to one of my meds, after deducing she said it was probably down to my Hydroxy I had to leave it out for two weeks, which I did, the itching stopped, so re introduced it no itching. And no problems since. So I agree with everyone please contact your Rheumy team or your GP. They will help find out what's causing your problem. Good luck x
If its getting to that point, then its definitely worth mentioning to your GP. There are a whole lot of things that can make your skin feel itchy, some a bit more serious than others.
Yes I have it and its from psioratic arthritis I have with rheumatoid Arthritis as well