Whenever I feel like I can take on this disease somet... - NRAS


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Whenever I feel like I can take on this disease something knocks me back....

N-work28 profile image
24 Replies

Bit of a moan.... I try to gain my strength back by trying to exercise when I'm not having a flare.... All goes ok, but then a really unsupportive family member says ' what's all this gym classes about then?' Well it's to try and gain some strength back and try to keep limber as much as I can, I, very much the believer if you don't use it you lose it with this disease! I'm really trying but some days my left hand can't even grip anything or I get trigger finger and lock up. Need some boosting words please! No negativity like from some people I thought would be supportive for my efforts!

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N-work28 profile image
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24 Replies
N-work28 profile image

Oh and it's like one or two light classes a week!

Hi, only when you have this disease you can understand the daily trouble and strugling with pain we have to deal with, and the tiredness which is so bad sometimes.

I fully understand you, and your exercitie too. Because it gives you something to be proud off!

XxxxBas from Holland!

ccw93 profile image

Good for you! I have had give up running for a bit and is driving me insane! exercise is the best, Its just trying to find the energy that's the struggle. Any gym classes in particular? X

N-work28 profile image
N-work28 in reply to ccw93

Yoga, tried kettles but hurt my shoulder body balance is good, I think it's good for my mind and inner strength too !

saskia15 profile image
saskia15 in reply to N-work28

Hi why don't you try to find a Tai Chi class that is for Arthritis ?I go to one and have found it increases Strength and Balance . I can honestly say that I was sceptical at first but it works. I found it helps my memory too.

JennyA123 profile image
JennyA123 in reply to ccw93

Hi I just starter water aerobics it's working... Try it is good for you.

popsmith1874 profile image

Its amazing the stupid comments you get from people who dont understand the illness, but good on you for trying as sometimes it can be a chore just getting going in the morning

Don't allow the unsupportive family member upset you. The person doesn't understand the disease and there is no need for you to explain yourself in this age of "Google". Give yourself a " pat on the back" and continue going to the gym. Life is too short to let others upset you :)

Take care


nfcm profile image

Absolutely true that you need supportive people around. Negative comments tend to imply that you seeking attention, the way I have dealt with such comments is by avoiding discussing my condition with unsympathetic individuals. Unlike you, my right has gone really bad the last few months. Do what you can on a good day and stay positive.

sylvi profile image

You ignore those who try to beat you down,think i will bloody well show them. They are just jealous becausethey haven't got the motivation to do what your doing. You are doing great to be exercising,i try to swim,but this week i haven't been able to due to the cold. I can't get dressed then go out into the cod to get undressed again to get wet then to get dressed again to go back out into the cold. So your doing something i haven't done this week and well done you.xxxxxx

N-work28 profile image
N-work28 in reply to sylvi

I know how you feel with swimming I love it but yeh unchanged and changed in this cold would cripple me! Not to mention pools aren't very warm these days!

JennyA123 profile image
JennyA123 in reply to N-work28

At my gym the pool is super warm and I do water exercise and it helps a lot... I use the YMCA

craigsif profile image

Oh I do love the people who are SO aware of your problem, and know what it feelslike cause 40 years ago auntie Mildred had something similar!! And they wore a jacket which fitted ever so snugly!!

We cannot choose our family, but I now take the stand point, if you don't like what We do,then stay away.

You keep doing your classes, as long as YOU want. XXX

Ranjmcl profile image
Ranjmcl in reply to craigsif

I know how you feel. It's difficult to explain to someone who doesn't have chronic disease.

Finding something you enjoy and can do can be difficult. Even swimming is difficult getting in and out of a pool.

Luckily, our local pool has steps going down instead of a ladder so it works for me.

caron6056 profile image

Well done for keeping going with exercise, it is so easy to not make The effort when everything hurts and you are so tired, a lot of people who are unaffected by this just don't understand, ignore their ignorance, you are doing great!

Scorpius profile image

Many is the time that I have wished that R/A was infectious. "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes."

jenna profile image

You keep going, this is one of those diseases that won't go away like a headache, but when you feel not to bad you have to do what feels right for you. I go to the gym when I can, just walking in water is good for the body, it's like a feel good factor. We on this site know what this pain is like..... Don't let anyone pull you down. I agree with caron6065 ignore their ignorance.

JacquiThomas999 profile image

I intend to go back into the pool soon. As you say, if you don't use your muscles they get floppy. I know how you feel about family. My middle brother doesn't really understand what RA is all about. Doesn't understand that it is willpower alone that keeps me going. My mother normally steps in and tells him where to go. My hubby is supportive though. Keep it up, exercise when you can. Head up, chin up, take a breath and take the next step into the world.

moomie profile image

Don't let them get you down it is frustrating and annoying when you are trying your best. You have had good comments here too.

I have same problem. In a bad flare at the moment struggling to walk and sit. My G.p has signed me off work for 4 weeks. On Saturday my other half was shocked and irritated that I was not working a football match last weekend. I sometimes think he wears blinkers.

Stay strong there are people out there that understand and they give you strength.

N-work28 profile image

Thank you all for your positive inspiring comments! Means so much xxx

speersy profile image

I go to the gym, six days a week for an hour and a half per day. RA isn't going to stop me. The only way to keep a hold on this horrible condition is to stay as fit as possible so you have the energy to fight it. Not saying it's easy and sometimes I cry but it isn't going to beat me. I can't do what I used to before this started two years ago (I can't run which was a big part of my life) but I can always do something and anything is better than nothing. My husband moans that I am doing too much and it was a treat at the hospital yesterday when he said the same to my Rheumy who told him that exercise is vital for RA sufferers and there is no such thing as too much! So next time they make those comments ignore them, or even challenge them to match you. Bet they won't 😀 You should feel proud of yourself for every minute you spend in the gym. Keep moving and keep smiling 😀😀😀😀😀😀

pm52 profile image

Take no notice of what people say, I have. I get so sick and tired of people saying "but you look so well, as if there is nothing wrong with you". Well done for trying to exercise and if you can, keep it up, I agree with you, use it or lose it really does apply to this disease. No one understands unless they are a fellow sufferer. The pain and the terrible fatigue, just not being able to do what you used to find easy, and also Ifind it hard when I see people older than me so much fitter and getting about easily. Keep plugging away and take no notice of people who do not know what they are talking about.

flow4 profile image

I swim and do aquafit - it's great! I especially like the deep water class, which I couldn't do when I first started, because you exercise out of your depth and have to tread water as well as do the moves, so it's *very* good for core strength and gives a very good work-out with absolutely no impact at all. I get a good rush of endorphins so it's good for my mental health as well as my physical health! :)

Jackiecnunez profile image

I understand how you feel. I started to exercise recently and after a few days, the flare worsened. It's nice when you can get the support from loved ones and it disappointing when you don't. It's a bummer. Keep on keeping on. Pat yourself on the back - you deserve it. Treat yourself to something special - you are taking care of you.

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