Now christmas is over i feel like i want to collapse into a heap and not get up. My fingers hurt and my breathing is not very clever. I am so exhausted and i don't really know why(well i do as cfs and fibro are kicking me) I could cry i am that exhausted,yet still i go on plodding through life with my determination not to give up. Today is a day for resting for me. I hope all the people up north are all safe.Hugs for you all and if any are going spare i sure would appreciate them.xxxxxxx
Exhaustion: Now christmas is over i feel like i want to... - NRAS

Hi Sylvia, sorry you are in so much pain. I over did it Christmas day and had to have a complete rest day on Saturday. That way i was fit to visit my daughter and my father yesterday. My other daughter drove and offered to get a wheel chair for me. I managed the walk as long as i didnt rush. So i am resting a bit today only cooking for my two boys who live on there own.
I hope the people up north are ok and that the floods go down.
Also you have some rest and feel a bit better tomorrow.
Sending hugs to all. XXX
Sylvi, hope you manage to rest up today and recharge those batteries ! This Christmas has been so exhausting for me as well. Youngest daughter moved house on 22nd December, and we had our 13 yr old grandson to stay with us for three days.
He wore us out I can tell you and all I did was cook, my that boy can eat !!! Then my dad who is 91 and lives 30 miles away decided he was going to be "difficult" !!
In the meantime my psoriasis decided to flare, all over back, chest arms and new for me, scalp - horrendous. We took grandson back 23rd then I had to try and get ready for Christmas Day !! we had 10 here for lunch, me and Ken did everything, they ate their lunch, opened presents then took off without even helping clear up, wash up etc.
It was 11pm before Ken and myself sat down !!!!! Then yesterday morning I was completely incapable of anything, totally exhausted and flaring in just about every joint. Neither of my three grown up kids has phoned to say thankyou or anything for our doing Christmas, I am so upset about that, specially as I have had Ken in and out of hospital this year. We are most definately going away next Christmas. I am booking holiday to Canaries for 28 days. Meanwhile I am totally out of action now, that's my prize for doing too much. Love your photo Sylvi. Our gardens doing silly things, we have roses in bloom,,blueberries in blossom, it's weird !!! Take care, Lynda xxx
((((Big hugs))))) to you too Sylvi. I'm not surprised you're flagging now. You've had a huge op, got back on your feet really quickly. You've had a huge amount of excitement in your life, you've been aiming at Christmas and now it's over. No wonder you feel exhausted and flat.
Rest as much as you can. Get up and have a stretch or a wander around every hour then rest again. Get back onto your healthy eating plan, think of something nice to aim for in the New Year and you'll be back to your old self before you know it.
As for those poor people up north, it must be just awful. I know how I have felt when water ran down the drive and into the garage. There I was filling buckets and trying to throw it back onto the gravel as it was filling up faster than I could through it away - and that was clean water. My heart goes out to them, they are heroes they way they just seem to gather themselves together and get on with it. True grit.
So, ((((more big hugs to keep you going)))) keep smiling Sylvi 💐
Thank you everyone,i feel for you all and though it is not nice your all feeling rough i know you understand how i feel. I forget it is only eleven weeks since the op as i was getting on so well and still am,but i will be glad when the food and sweets are all gone and i can not worry so much what is available ton eat that is bad for me. Christmas day was lovely here in my home and i know i am paying for it now.xxxxxxx
Hi Sylvie,Big big hugs to you . I must say I feel pretty shattered today . I have pottered with the washing and ironing and now I'm just sitting with a cup
Of tea and a slice of cake.
Yesterday I took my children shopping in the sales,so that is why I am shattered today !
I noticed that you say that you have CFS. I would be very interested to hear about that as my daughter who is 14 has that. She was diagnosed about a year ago. We are under the hospital and Infact we are going on Tuesday.
look forward to hearing from you.
Jane xx
That must be difficult for you as her mum Jane. I have a friend with CFS though she refers to it as ME. She managed it well once diagnosed (I suppose she'd be early thirties then) with CBT & medication but has worsened in the past couple of years. She worked for the Halifax (27 years) who were very accommodating when she had her worse periods until she had quite a bad period & they insisted she went in to cover for holidays. She made a minor mistake, on her own account as is happens but really very minor & a genuine mistake, nobody could think it otherwise the amount involved though still a breach of contract. Her manager considered it serious enough to report it to head office where she had to go before a disciplinary panel & was sacked. She's the nicest, most genuine person who has a long term, even chronic condition, it's such a shame.
I hope the appointment on Tuesday goes well & is helpful for both your daughter & you. Do you know there's a small Myalgic Encephalomyelitis community on HU & two others, Edmesh & Foggy's, the latter helping those with invisible illnesses including CFS. x
Sorry to hear this Sylvia so here's some from me ((())). You've had a heck of a stressful year & whilst it's been a positive end to it there's no wonder you feel wrung out, & that's without the add ons CFS & norm wise. I hope the worst of it passes soon & you can start on your new colouring books, nice & slowly does it.
We were out from late afternoon at a friend's but came home at 6.30, my h couldn't cope & had a meltdown, to be honest it was just too crowded & I should have thought about it before accepting. I popped off to have a lie down this afternoon & fell asleep, my h got me up & I feel asleep again in the recliner, must have been more tired than I thought! x
I had six hours sleep last night and at the moment am starting to feel my old slow self at the moment.Just put some washing on the line for hubby and didn't feel too bad doing it.. We will see how the day progresses my friends. Hugs to you
Hugs are free sylvi. So here's a load coming your way. x Hope you feel better soon. x Maggie.
A hug from me to you. I am feeling the same as you what with Christmas and two of my granddaughters birthdays to celebrate, I will then be able to take a rest. I would also like to wish you a very happy new year x
Same here my darling if that's any Consolation. we are all overtired and full of flu. So we are resting today and send internet hugs xxx
Just been to Nuneaton to see what was in the sales and i started out really well,now i am home i feel like i have hit the proverbial brick wall. I just can't go shopping all day anymore. I am so tired now,xxx
It's just so tempting to do more than we should, I've given up doing it as it just makes me cross! If it's any consolation I just can't manage town shopping any more either Sylv, big stores neither. I'm really wanting to get to the Boundary Mill sale for some bedding (& anything clothes wise that flings itself at me) but it's nearly two hours round trip & last time I made it about a quarter of the way round the store & came away with a top! Harrumph on your behalf. x
Not sure if you are aware silvi, but Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and exhaustion are all symptoms of either Low Thyroid (Hypothyroidism) or can be down to B12 deficiencies or both together.
B12 Deficiency and Low Thyroid (Hypothyroidism) mimic each other.
I do know one in ten women over 50 get thyroid problems.
I will speak to my dr when i am next there,thank you.xxxx
For thyroid problems you get better answers from members of the Thyroid Uk forum site (on here = Health Unlocked,) TUK members have real experience of thyroid problems, whereas Doctors often dismiss CFS, Fibro and tiredness. Also there are grey areas in both low thyroid and B12 Deficiency where Doctors 'miss' or 'over look' potential thyroid /B12D patients. Several members of my family have been 'missed' by Doctors, but all thanks to members on Thyroid Uk my family members are now feeling back to normal, or as near normal as can be
Just a suggestion sylvi try posting your CFS, Fibro, exhaustion up on Thyroid Uk if you haven't already sylvi.
I cured my Fibro pains and fatigue/exhaustion once optimally medicated with Thyroid medication and also both myself and Hubby were in the grey area of B12 bloods. B12 Deficincies can cause your same symptoms.
Also low iron/ferritin/follate and vitamin D or deficiency's to consider.
There is also a PAS (Pernicious Anemia Society) forum site on here (Health Unlocked) for B12 Deficiency.