Spell: It seems that the person who put up that post... - NRAS


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sylvi profile image
37 Replies

It seems that the person who put up that post about spells and cures has been taken down. Thank goodness.

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sylvi profile image
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37 Replies
Jacki08 profile image

That's good. It's still on my profile that he is following me though! Strangely enough I couldn't get on this site this morning- it said there was a virus! 😯

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Jacki08

That bis probally because he put a spell on it. Ha ha ha ha...xxxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Jacki08

He followed 82 in all Jacki but it seems he's deleted his account now so guess he got the hint.

Hope you're ok? x

Jacki08 profile image
Jacki08 in reply to nomoreheels

Thank goodness he's gone! Not too bad thanks -'all biopsies came back clear ,:got results yesterday .Hope things are ok with you and Si. Xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Jacki08

That's great news!!! Yes, we're fine thanks. Still waiting for the phone call but at least we know it's happening & the two Surgeons have discussed it & confirmed will both be working together on him. He's a lot calmer now even though it's hurting more but I suppose that's because he knows it won't be forever. x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Jacki08

I am seeing the rheumy consultant next week so i can tell him all thats been going on. I have a hospital appt this morning for my weight. You all might as well know i am on course for a operation on my weight. I am having what they call a sleeve. They will be cutting away some of my stomach. They feel that this will help my ailments if i am more mobile. So heres hoping it goes well and i can get more mobile and feel brighter than i am feeling at the moment.xxx

carotopgal profile image
carotopgal in reply to sylvi

Sylvi, just wanted to post a note to tell you that I had gastric bypass 10 years ago, and it was the best thing that I've ever done for myself! I lost 125 lbs in a year, and have kept it off ever since. Good luck with your surgery, and PM me if you have any questions!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to carotopgal

Thank you for that,at the moment i am not nervous,it might be different when i start the yogurt and milk diet so my liver shrinks before the op.xxxx

nomoreheels profile image

Yes, Beverley sorted him out thankfully! Wish it was as simple as saying a spell don't you?!

How are you feeling today Sylvi? x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to nomoreheels

I am seeing the rheumy consultant next week so i can tell him all thats been going on. I have a hospital appt this morning for my weight. You all might as well know i am on course for a operation on my weight. I am having what they call a sleeve. They will be cutting away some of my stomach. They feel that this will help my ailments if i am more mobile. So heres hoping it goes well and i can get more mobile and feel brighter than i am feeling at the moment. To be honest i can't wait to be more mobile,i know it won't happen yet,but i have had my pre-op so it will be anytime in the next few months.xxxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sylvi

There's no disgrace in that Sylvi, not here amongst people who care about you, I hope others would agree. They must think you're a good candidate, I'm sure it will ease pressure on your joints. I'm not going to say any more, it'll take away from what I've already said.

I hope your Rheumy appointment goes well & the one this morning too. x

in reply to sylvi

dont feel disgraced you are going on a long abd arduous journey before you get this operation, I know as my sister has had a gastric band and I know the hills she had to climb. if you want to talk you know where I am, take care xxx

mistymeana profile image

Goodo. I just clicked on the post to report it and already sorted. If anyone ever really does find the odd spell that can cure all my ills do please let me know ;)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to mistymeana

I think we all would be happy if this guy cured us. He is nothing but a quack,ha ha ha ha.xxxxx

Crikey, I've missed it all ! I wonder if he was following me, I'll never know as don't know who he was, oh well ..... We've been busy as had new carpets in our bungalow. We had to move all the China out of dressers and all the books etc so,furniture could be moved to lay the carpets. There were 3 fabulous fitters and they moved all the furniture for us and then put it all back. Then in the morning they rang to say our new bed was in and could they bring it !!! It was total chaos, but it's all over now, so we have spent today putting stuff back etc. and cleaning up. Hubby still waiting to have his gall bladder op. And he's looking very frail, he's on fat free diet and lost so much weight. I'm so worried about him bearing in mind he had major colon cancer surgery four yrs ago. He's very snappy so I know he's feeling right poorly as he's always usually so bright and breezy.

Meanwhile I've been having what seems like an all over flare, with horrendous back pain, so have hardly left the house this past few weeks, so me and hubby a right miserable pair at present. I did however go out on Tuesday to audiology dept., where I was given my new hearing aid and got tuned in !!! My, it's just fantastic, but a bit difficult to get in and out. I can hear the TV so much better and my grandson is thrilled with me as I don't have to keep saying 'what was that' !! Lynda xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I hope your hubby soon gets his op darling.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

Thanks Sylvia. I've got mixed feelings about his op, I'm hearing of people having complications following gall,bladder ops, and with him having such major colon surgery previously it's a worry. Xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

I would like to think or hope they're in the minority Lynda. Mine's in need of his taking out too but needs another reparative op on his sternum before it will be reconsidered. It's already been delayed because of his heart op, ho hum.

I hope he sails through his surgery & recovery & finds it beneficial. x

in reply to nomoreheels

Oh dear, NMH, so many problems, getting older is no fun is it ? I feel so useless to my hubby sometimes because I am just so exhausted and need support myself. I try my best, as he does with me, we help each other all the time,,but we are seriously now considering a possible move into Extracare type accommodation. Ken is finding his beloved garden too much, we have tried a couple of gardeners this year, but to be honest we have been well and truly fleeced financially by them, so our son comes and helps when he can, but it's not enough. Kens 75 next birthday so maybe we do need to rethink our lives.

I really hope your hubby manages to get his surgery, sounds like he has big complications as well, and it's all such a worry. Lynda xxx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Not so much in the grand scheme of things Lynda. I could have lost him in 1991 when he was given 2 days & if he hadn't have fought he wouldn't have survived pancreatitis so blessed really for the time we've had & that I didn't become a widow at 30.

I think sometimes it's the right decision to have less responsibility & more assistance (if that's the right term) so if you think it's a good move then go for it, if Ken finds the garden too much that's less of a concern for him too. It annoys me when people are done over by gardeners, happened to my f-i-l, we have lots of yuccas & other such 'pointy' plants in the front garden & I can't duck & dive them anymore to tidy up so he asked someone to come unbeknownst to us & charged him a ridiculous price for a couple of hours work. Did bu**er all for it as well.

Oh sorry Lynda, turned into a bit of a rant hasn't it.

Maybe a word with Ken's Specialist will ease your minds a bit. I know they can't forsee the unforeseen but he's the only one who can really give you some assurances. x

in reply to

Hi Lynda. My gallbladder surgery 7 weeks ago was a bit of a nightmare because I was still on steroids, was operated on in a tiny hospital with only one theatre and scrub team and I was just very unlucky. It's true I know someone who has lost half their liver to this procedure but then she already had liver disease. I think we are the exceptions though and I have to say that I've had no problems since the abcess/ blood poisoning and wound infection healed up a few weeks ago.

If anything my digestive system seems improved now and I can eat anything without any more than the reflux/ heartburn I'm prone to anyhow. But in retrospect I would have insisted on being opened up rather than laperoscopy as this would most likely have been more straightforward for me. It's a more major procedure than people realise but I know many who tell me it's been life changing for them in a good way. Sorry none of this helps you much with your husband's complications but I certainly have no regrets about getting it done.

Sylvi I think it's good to have the procedure as advised - not much to be lost and lots to be gained as you've suffered so much already. Best of luck. Tx

in reply to

Hi Twitchy, I have to say that reading about your gall bladder op this past few months has made me very nervous re. Kens forthcoming surgery. You had a right nightmare, and I'm pleased to hear you are feeling much better now. Kens only got a short piece of colon having had a right hemi colectomy four years ago. He has done really well from this life saving cancer surgery until,he had an acute gall bladder infection end of May when he spent a week in hospital. He was told it would be eight weeks before being sent for but still waiting for his pre op etc. meanwhile he's been on fat free diet and the weight has just dropped off him ( he was not very big to start with) ! I think because I am feeling so down with my own health problems that I am finding it very nerve wracking waiting for his surgery. I have had to arrange for some,care for myself whilst kens out of action this time as I just won't manage. I shall also pay for some help for few weeks afterwards to try and take the pressure off and then I can give my energies to him rather than household jobs.

He is not having keyhole surgery due to complications with his huge scarring from 4 yrs ago, so likely to be in hospital 4/5 days we were told. He's very bad tempered at moment which is so out of character so I assume he is as worried as I am, though he will not admit to it (it's a male thing) !! Lynda xxx

in reply to

Ah poor both of you and sorry that my own horror story got you extra worried. It's always a balancing act between the need to tell RA friends how things are and scaring people who are dealing with similar issues. I tried to make it clear that in my own case it was as much about hospital incompetence, poor standards of hygiene and my own autoimmune problems - all unique to my situation hopefully. I think I assumed that it was just a fairly straightforward keyhole procedure and the worst that would happen was that my stitches might get infected because of the steroids. It didn't occur to me that they would remove my gallbladder by keyhole because the scrub team were due to stop work so there wasn't time to open me up as they needed to! I'm sure none of this will apply to your hubby though. Most of the problems I've come across have been for people who had keyhole surgery when they shouldn't have.

He will be anxious because of all he's been through - hospitals, more surgery, worrying about possible complications, worrying about you. Hopefully all will prove groundless but in my experience the anticipation is often the worst bit. Txx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you darling,the op looks likely to be oct/nov. I am hoping withthis op i will be more mobile next year. We will see won't we. I will have to take a before and after photo to see the change in me.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

I am sure you will do well sylvi and admire you for making such a difficult decision. You have had a tough time so let's hope this turns everything around for you and next year will be a much better one. A lady at work had this done and she looks amazing! X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Thank you darling,I just want to be able to be free of pain and to get about.If i look gorgeous well that is the bonus.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

Pain is awful, thankfully so far l haven't been too bad. You are already and so caring and supportive of others, lovely lady. Hope you have a good day. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Aww thank you darling lady.I was brought up to be nice to others and if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

You will always be gorgeous Sylvi, now hatter what shape,or size you are !!!! Hope your surgery goes well for you Lynda xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Aww Lynda that is so sweet of you to say that.I thank you darling.xx

Hi sylvi,

yes as soon as it was reported to us we removed the post. Unfortunately it was put up overnight. The person in question has deleted their account as well. Unfortunately we can't stop these people putting these posts on. We just have to be vigilant and remove them as soon as we see them or they are reported to us.


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Pleased to see he's deleted his account Beverley. One less to bother us with mumbo jumbo!

in reply to nomoreheels

Let's hope he doesn't pop up again! These people really don't realise how much upset they cause.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

You can depend on him being reported again if he tries it again! Hope he doesn't though & got the hint his "help" isn't wanted here. It his following of 82 members that spooked me.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

He was just a silly old fart who thinks he is gods gift by t he sound of his post. We are well rid of him. We have enough on our hands without his spells.xxxx

Matalow profile image

I'm sure he has been expelled from Hogwarts ,a typical Melfroy inclusion with Snape.

But I would like the invisible spell it may take the pain away.

I am very happy that this lowlife scum ( and that is this person's goodside) pray on people. Not impressed. How Dare they????

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