My hands are permanently like a fist, I cannot straighten my fingers and the are crossed over each other. In my local private hospital there is a consultant who specialises in hands and wrists. I am thinking of going to see him. Has anyone had an op to straighten fingers and was it successful .?
Painful hands: My hands are permanently like a fist, I... - NRAS
Painful hands
I have had one finger straightened twice- the first time it lasted two years and the second time was not at all scuccesful. The finger is now locked at right aangles from the knucle neares the hand. I have also lost a lot of circulation in it and find that my raynauds is far worse in that finger. I have therefore, reluctantly decided to cut my losses and am just hoping that my other fingers don't end up the same, as some are already beginning to curl.
Thank you for your reply Kathleen Mary. It doesn't sound like a good bet! It is so difficult having hands that don't work!

hope I wasn't too negative!
Not at all, I guessed it might be locked.
Hi Magnolia, yes I have. I have 3 fingers on both hands fused & both thumbs fused too. My index finger on my right hand points about 75 degrees to the left, so when I point-people follow the curve but I feel like I'm still pointing straight. All has been successful to straighten my hands. I'm holding off on having the curvy finger done though because it doesn't hurt & I can still use it.
Hi there
Do you have access to an occupational therapist who may be able to help?
Kiki x
No, I don't see anyone from OT. The only time I saw an OT was when I was in hospital. Maybe I should enquire, sounds like a good idea.