Another day and i have found out that the infusion doesn't seem to work on Fibromyalgia (well that's how it feels to me) Getting up and down the stairs is a lot easier thank goodness. It has certainly helped my knees and some of my energy levels are up especially in the mornings. The weather is awful and very wet out there and hubby thinks that's why my hands and neck hurt so much. I am glad i have had the infusion as it has helped me,but the big mistake i have made is it only helps pain,not my other diseases. My fatigue is still as bad. In the mornings my arms itch and come up like a rash,i it looks like an allergic reaction,but it isn't it comes up in whelps and it itches like hell. Once i have put some cream on it it settles down,anyone else get this? I am feeling a little bit sorry for myself this morning and i hope it soon passes. Hugs to you all...Love from me.xxxx
Another day.: Another day and i have found out that the... - NRAS
Another day.

Could the rash be due to the plants? I have to shower after the garden or I will get a rash?
I'm glad the infusion is helping a bit but the other symptoms such as tiredness may take a bit longer xxx
The horrid weather will not help. I think most people are down a bit when its raining. It doesnt give you any energy to do anything. If it helps with the pain thats good not so good if doesnt help the energy, regardless of the weather. I'm rambling a bit, but i think you know what i mean.
Sending hugs for you .XXX
I am sending big hugs to you Sylvi. xx
Hi Sylvi--- I have a similar problem with my skin Mine is on my thighs and arms--'also comes out in bright red whelps. I used to think it was a reaction to anti inflammatory tablets. I'm more inclined to think it is when my RD isn't controlled and when I am flaring. 😕
Sending you hugs a big one. Sorry can't help with rash thing I wonder if the drugs we take xx
Hope you pick up soon Sylvi. Gentle hugs xxx
hugs. allergic to the gloves? or the infusion?
Hi Sylvia, Things aren't getting any better for you are they! Let's hope the break away will do you good. We are off to Cornwall too in a few weeks time and always, always go to St Ives one of my favourite places (since late 60's -70's you know the hippy years!!). I do so hope that you get some good weather and better days healthiest Sylvi.
I'm off for a MRI on my knees tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully they will find out what is going on with them, can't put up with this pain much longer - up all night again last night, then ended up with a migraine getting so stressed. Well, enough of my whinging (doesn't get me anywhere!) Really hope the antibiotics kick in quick and you can have your next dose of mtx asap. Big hug, Smiler xxx