I have been on MTX since December last year.My HB is a bit low about 7 .now I have developed a cough since a mont h and it's not leaving me.G.P gave me antibiotic without any help.cough is productive and now it's affecting my hearing I can't even hear what's on TV I wander if anyone has experience similar effect.
My name is indira: I have been on MTX since December... - NRAS
My name is indira
I developed an annoying cough after being on methotrexate for nine weeks ( it wasn't a chesty cough but like a irritable throat ) My consultant told me to stop taking them. My cough stopped. i then took sulfasalazine for three months - had no side effects but had no effect on my RA. I'm waiting to go on biologics now. Hope you get it sorted
Yes I had a similar experience last summer. I had a cough which went on for about a couple of months and needed two lots of antibiotics to clear it up. I mentioned it to my Rheumy when I saw her and she said that I should always stop taking MTX while on antibiotics and allow a clear 5 days after taking the last antibiotic before recommending the MTX. She also mentioned that MTX can affect the lungs and make getting coughs more likely. Since then I have had a couple of episodes and although I have not needed antibiotics have stopped MTX for a week to allow the cough to clear up. As MTX is slow acting you don't really notice the missed dose. Hope this helps
Thank you very much Panda . It's nice to know one is not alone. I find there is no professional I can ask for advice.My next appointment with the team is not till September.
I am also on MTX and I too have a cough and was told by my Rheumy, that MTX, can cause lung issues..so I was instantly givenThoracic app..and subsequently have them every 4-6mths to monitor my lungs/breathing and coughing.. If it is the MTX causing the cough, I suggest you make a special point of letting your Rheumy know of your concerns..As for your app.. not being till Sept, you could ask your doctor to write to your Rheumy to organise an earliar app, or phone the Rheumy Secretary explaining your concerns and need for earlier app..
Hope things work out for you..
Thanks for the advice it is quite helpful. I shall to my G.P.
Hi Indira your HB is a little low isn't it? Is the GP and RD specialist treating it? I feel exhausted just thinking about it. I don't know if Mtx can affect your hearing, maybe it's related to your infection. I think that MTX is omited for a week when someone is on antibiotics as Mtx can slow down recovery. Best check with Rheumatoid nurse or GP
YES! I Have experienced the SAME EXACT THING!! I went on TWO rounds of the Z-Pack (Azithromycin) ... and NOW on a round of Cephalexin.. I am hoping that this will work ?!? They also gave me an Inhaler (albuterol) and it has helped a LITTLE ! I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON!