I am so sick and tired of this flare and not being able to do anything. I get on my feet and i sweat and my breathing gets poor.My shoulders are sore as well. I feel like i have the flu but know i don't. My crp is 23 when the last time it was 7.9 and i don't feel any better at all. I am just sitting here doing nothing,i can't even help my son and his wife move. I feel so useless and unable to help even my own son. I am losing weight,but i don't know if that will matter if i can't do anything do you. I have just sat here and had a good old howl...Hugs to you all.xxx
So fed up with this flare........: I am so sick and... - NRAS
So fed up with this flare........

What a shame, I do feel for you. It's awful to feel so helpless, especially when as a mum you're used to being the one who does things for the family! I find that particularly hard.
You will feel better, it just takes so long doesn't it? Rest and keep warm, we all need a weep sometimes, I really hope that you will feel more comfortable soon.
Best wishes. M x
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm looking at my very swollen knuckles and despair too. I do hope this wont go on for too long. My counsellor suggested that when I feel really low its good to note one good thing that has happened in the day, it helps a little bit. Be better soon!
Sylvi, just wanted to say I am thinking of you and wishing you could feel a bit better. Take care, and a very gentle hug from me ! Lynda xx
Hi Sylvia,
Thinking of you at this difficult time and sending as many positive vibes as I can muster.
P.s. Maybe Son does get it but right now is feeling as helpless as mum does because he can't make it go away for her... Just a notion.
Hugs .. hope this flare will calm soon. Can't say this clod weather helps any. More Hugs xxx
It's not fit for man nor beast out there Sylvi, you're better off staying indoors. People coughing & sneezing all over the place, I would stay put indoors until the wild weather is over, last thing you want just now is to fall prey to a cold or worse being as you are, you'll be more susceptible. I'm pretty sure your son & his wife wouldn't expect you to be helping them, cuddling you is probably his way of saying so, do you not think? It's not nice him seeing his mum like you are & being distressed about it it but he knows you're in a bad way yet powerless to do anything about it.
I hope this flare settles soon but until it does stay put & keep warm. Thinking of you & sending hugs. (x)
I think I remember that you wanted to lose some weight? That's a positive amongst the negative - and you know that the flare is going to ease down, not today, not tomorrow but eventually. Then there will be the new slimmer you able to do more!
Hi sylvi, sorry to hear your not good, I feel your pain I too have been very ill, 4 months now and not in a good way, its terrible being this way, im putting loads of weight on and losing mass amounts of muscle as I haven't been able to do anything, my wife cleans me and dresses me, I can just about eat , as my shoulders are so painful, it has been terrible, thankfulky I am getting smalk changes and feeling slightly better, due to new meds,,hopefuly you are better soon x
Hi hun, I know exactly how you are feeling. I am in the middle of a terrible flare up - in between meds at the mo. I think it does you good to have a good howl every now and again. My partner says I look better after I have had a good cry. Apparently it releases endorphins - or endolphins!! as he called them- bless him. I know its frustrating to feel so hopeless and I think its the best advice I ever got on here - just go with it, its all you can do. The breathlessness is all part of the flare up as well. As far as your son is concerned I think he will understand, but doesnt want you to see how it affects him seeing you like this. My son was the same. Have a chat with him when you feel better, I think you'l be surprised. Dont do it whilst you feel under the weather though. I find watching a comedy or a good film always cheers me up - you cant do anything anyway may as well get comfy and watch a good film. You'l be better soon. Many hugs xx