Has anyone ever had blurry vision after MRI? - NRAS


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Has anyone ever had blurry vision after MRI?

cathyh profile image
30 Replies

I had an MRI on my ears this week. All fairly straight forward I am not claustrophobic. I have been diagnosed with primary sjogrens and have had pressure in my ears and tinnitus.

When I came out of the appointment I couldn't focus on distant objects my vision was blurred with a bit of double vision. It lasted about half an hour luckily I wasn't driving just walking. I didn't go back in and ask maybe I should have done I thought it may be common but there is nothing on Google.

Has anyone experienced this?

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cathyh profile image
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30 Replies
Sunflower62 profile image

I personally I have had many MRIs over the last 25 years I would say it's nothing to do with the MRI but it's your medical problems I would speak to your nurse on the help line Monday morning. I find some of my meds give me blurred vision. However if you feel the need and it's bad phone the out hours number in your area I have found them so very helpful then you can see a DR this morning. Hope it goes soon

Allmessedup985 profile image
Allmessedup985 in reply to Sunflower62

I’ve never in my life had blurry vision and I also had blurry vision about 12 hrs AFTER I came out of the MRI. So if you dont have the knowledge on answering the question, I would refrain.

earthwitch profile image

I can get that kind of thing happening, but actually its nothing to do with the MRI. With me its to do with the position I am lying in on the MRI table,and having to lie still for so long - in particular the way my neck and head is positioned. Somehow it just seems to put my neck out a bit, and even though it may not be sore, it isn't right. What I try to do is take a muscle relaxant before the MRI (my GP will give me diazepam for that, but there are other meds), and then once I get off the MRI table I try and do some gentle neck exercises to get my neck back in the right position as quickly as possible. Also using a bit of voltaren gel on my neck helps.

cathyh profile image

That makes sense Earthwitch I very rarely lie in that position. Thanks.

Gadolinium profile image

I have toxicity from the contrast agent used in the MRI. My symptoms began with blurry vision. I would strongly recommend a 24-hour Gadolinium urine test (if they used a contrast agent with gadolinium and not iodine). That will tell you if you retained some of the gadolinium, which is very toxic. I'd also check out the site gadoliniumtoxicity .com. There is some very helpful info there, including info on how it harms the body over time, even in people with normal kidney (renal) function.

LisaJoy74 profile image

Hi cathyh, I know your post is four years old now but hoping that you or sosmeone reads this. Did you ever find out whether your MRI caused the blurred vision? Did you have any long term effects? I had an MRI and MRA on my head yesterday and they only lasted about 20 minutes in total but when I sat up on the bed my vision was terribly blurry. I then had to complete a satisfaction form and my handwriting was like a childs! I've also noticed my memory isn't great as though I have brain fog. Still feel weird today, I didn't have the contrast. I had the scan due to migraines. Thanks for your time, Lisa.

Lisabyday profile image
Lisabyday in reply to LisaJoy74

I had the exact same thing happen. And we have the same name coincidentally. It was a ten minute mri, no contest injection and very blurry vision now a few hours later. How long did your last? Are you ok now? Did you ever figure it out?

Rkls profile image
Rkls in reply to Lisabyday

I had one today and it happened to me too. It was definitely not from my position or from the contrast.

Simo7 profile image
Simo7 in reply to Rkls

I had one yesterday, had them before without problem but this was 20 minutes and my vision was blurred for a few hours after. It’s fine now. Don’t think it was anything to do with position and I was quite happy no stress involved etc.

Olevet99 profile image
Olevet99 in reply to Simo7

hey Simo7 has everything been ok since then? I had a MRI earlier today and I had blurry/ double vision for about 30 minutes. Never had that happen before

Simo7 profile image
Simo7 in reply to Olevet99

Hi Olevet99, yes vision was fine a few hours after and no problems since. Hope yours is ok and back to normal?

Allmessedup985 profile image
Allmessedup985 in reply to Simo7

yes MAJOR BLURRY vision 8-12 hours after noticed while looking at my phone- it was so scary I turned my my phone off- #never had vision problems before the ATTEMPTED scan- as I was burned so badly I had to get out. - was put in in all my clothes and jewelry, no padding around the walls and my arms, and told to rest my left arm on top of my leg. What a horrifying experience! Hope everyone is doing ok

Simo7 profile image
Simo7 in reply to Allmessedup985

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a bad experience. I’ve had one scan where I went in in my clothes, that was a shorter time though but definitely no jewellery or metals as they get stuck to it (my bag got stuck on the outside!) I hope you’re starting g to feel better. There’s definitely some problems if everyone is reporting the same blurriness, maybe bodies do t like strong magnets for too long? Wish you well x

LoonsRus profile image

I had my first MRI yesterday. It was for prostate. I was 45 minutes in the barrel. Felt good afterwards. But on the 4 hour drive home I had severe vision impairment. I could no longer drive. Other symptoms were dizziness, facial numbness, dried mouth and cognitive dysfunction. I had difficulty in making a phone call.

This vision loss I experienced happened about 2 hours after exiting the machine and was the same as the vision loss I had as a teenager prior to getting a severe headache. But I haven't had one of those attacks in forty years.

Yesterday's vision loss, however, did not result in a migraine.

I also discovered, sadly, that the hospital where I had the MRI was not in the least interested in my experience.

I suspect the medical profession loves the MRI and does not want to here any problems.

TauRye5 profile image

Strange, I came out like this too and, couldn't see my normal 20/10 vision. I have theory for this one.

It may not be claustrophobia but may be physical reaction to being confined in a tight space for a period of time. Your eyes can't focus as well and they get use to looking at the wall 2 inches in front. Not much to focus on there. It's like when you come out of a written exam and your eyes are fatigued. Also while in there, I became really relaxed.

I must ask, are the symptoms still there?

My eye went back to normal after a few hours.

Lisabyday profile image
Lisabyday in reply to TauRye5

Same happened to me but my eyes were closed the entire time.

Rkls profile image
Rkls in reply to Lisabyday

Same here. My eyes were closed. Mine went back quickly but it was still odd

Tigywnkle profile image

Yes, I have blurry vision that lasts for 1-2 hrs after MRI without contrast. This has happened multiple times as I have MRI every 4 months. My Optometrist has no idea why this would happen. Nor does the MRI tech or MD.

Lisabyday profile image
Lisabyday in reply to Tigywnkle

I’m glad I found this thread. The same exact thing just happened to me and still blurry. Did you ever get an answer as to why?

SharkTamer profile image

I just had 3 MRI scans in a row of neck and back. I noticed the head stabilize thing was nudging in my neck/shoulder. My arm became numb. Finger and toe started twitching aswell. They asked me to hang in there for the last 9 minutes. I didn't have contrast and kept my eyes closed pretty much the whole time. Afterwards when I came out I thought it was the light making my vision blurry. But when I looked at my phone in the changingroom I noticed I was seeing double/ blurred. I asked at the reception and they got the radiologist. He said it's not common but that it's the position I layed in and should go home and take a hot shower. I went to work instead and took the shower there (coz I can). About 2 hours later I just feel a slight numbness in my eyes mostly right also. And it's just slightly blurry and not double vision anymore. At first I couldn't read anything though

Sissy_sabbs profile image

I’m so glad to read this. This happened to me literally as soon as I left the machine. I could barely walk! I went downstairs to emergency and no one could tell me why it happened. It lasted a good few hours too.

Soi11 profile image

FYI Had an brain MRI ysterday as part of an aging study through UNTHSC here in Fort Worth. Did the same two years ago. This time when walking to the car I noticed that my right eye was blurry. Thought it was from laying there an hour or the 'no blinking' part.. Three hours later (and now 26 hours later) it was still blurry. Called the research office "No idea why.". They called the MRI people. Same response. Told me to go see my PCP and optomitrist. They appear to be covering their backsides.

Beca_jayne profile image

Just to share my story, I also had blurry vision after an Mri, mainly my right eye. Tripple vision. It lasted about 3 hours and then returned mainly to normal. No other side effects. On other threads I read other people had the same thing, lasted a few hours. I also read ann article linking it to being more common with people who have had ear infections before like labaraintitus, something to do with the inner ear and the movement/sound of the mri machine. Anyway, I'm OK now. Hope this reassures anyone who reads this xx

Lisabyday profile image

I just had the same thing happen. I had an mri without contrast injection and right after my vision was blurry. I am on no medications and it was o it ten minutes in the mri so laying in a weird position is ruled out. I still have blurry vision now a few hours later

Rkls profile image

Alright!!! I feel better that I am not the only one. Blurred vision and discomfort in the joint that was being scanned. Thanks for sharing everyone!

Yogachica profile image

I know this is an old thread but I just had this happen today. I had terribly blurry vision for about 1/2 hour after my MRI with contrast. I don’t know if it was the contrast or what could have caused it….

KRKR profile image

I have had 3 MRI's in the past 2 months, some with and some without contrast, and each time I had blurred vision afterwards. I do get blurred vision from time to time even before the MRI's and brain MRI has always come back normal for Optic Neuritis. One thing that I considered was possibly the permanent metal retainers behind my front teeth are causing a magnetic pull that affects the nerves in my face? In my research I've found that MRI's can cause peripheral nerve stimulation which accounts for muscle twitching during MRI's. I'm curious to know how many other people who have mentioned blurry vision after an MRI also have metal in their mouth?

besindia profile image

Yes. Had this today after MRI without contrast. But brain scan and strong vibration of the "bed" I was put on and strong sound. I felt the vibration in the head and neck. Maybe that is, why. Was gone after a while

Olevet99 profile image
Olevet99 in reply to besindia

it could be a possibility. The machine is very loud . 20 minutes of lots of noise and vibrations from a machine that surrounded us. How is everything now month later?

Serg1122 profile image

Had the same thing happen. Eyes closed, no injection or dye used. Vision loss /blur lasted over 5 hours going to sleep soon - will let you know tomorrow. Went back to MRI technician was told never heard of this and was advised to go to emergency. Not taken seriously in emergency (low priority) mainly due to vitals being stable/normal. Waited over 4 hours - got fed up and went home. Will make another post tomorrow.

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