I have had for 6 months hissing in my head and stuffy ears that crackle when i swallow a drip at the back of my throat plus right ear pain and I have creaky neck.Dr said not sinas and my ear tubes are clear
What have i got????: I have had for 6 months hissing in... - NRAS
What have i got????
Ask him if you can see either a neurologist or ent doctor if it isn't clearing x
It was an ent doctor I saw he did all the tests said all clear. My hearing was fine but i said i have had this noise plus what seems like ear pressure plus post nasel drip and and neck pain and he said i would go back to the gp
Do you think you could be reacting to a food.....sounds odd I know, but if I have anything that I have a problem with ie gluten, dairy or soya, my ear canals, especially my left one, get all bunged up & crackle when I touch them. I have lots of other symptoms obviously, but that alwAys happens too. Worth a thought.
I have thought for a long time that Post Nasal Drip, tinnitus, vertigo, not to mention asthma/eczema are all related to ibs - just wondered - do you have ibs?
Not quite sure. Have you been tested for Tinnitus? I also have started getting crackling in my left ear when I eat - I think I have stretched the ligaments on that side of my jaw. Could that be it for you as well? Worth asking your GP as the ENT man has ruled that otherwise all is clear.
Hope you get an answer soon - it is really annoying. Might be worth speaking to your dentist as well to see if he has any ideas or perhaps you are grinding teeth on that side? Worth further investigation I should think.