Ever since going on enbrel I have been having a lot o... - NRAS


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Ever since going on enbrel I have been having a lot of anxiety & panic attacks and I'm wondering if anybody else out there is experiencing

delbazil profile image
6 Replies

I can't find much literature linking the two but it just seems too much to be a coincidence and I was hoping to find others who have research this and have an idea if there is a link between the two.

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delbazil profile image
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6 Replies

Hi Delbazil,

We are not medically trained on helpline, so can't really comment, however I do think that if the anxiety and panic attacks continue it is worth mentioning to your rheumatology team or GP.

Best wishes


wiliby profile image

Hiya, I,m not sure if it was enbrel but since staring I have had a few anxiety attacks, not a full on panic attack thankfully. I find it strange as the enbrel works really well and I should be less anxious..... I wondered if it was just the coming to terms with disease that brought them on, does that make sense? After being in pain and worrying how I was goi g to cope then within weeks I was in remission, I think my mind was in a state wondering what next!

Have you mentioned it to gp?

francherry profile image

Hello, I am also on Enbrel and experience anxiety. But the anxiety and panic attacks (at one stage 3 times a week, ending up in A&E regularly) started before I started Enbrel (they developed after a bad reaction to a DMARD). I am not having panic attacks now thanks to cognitive behavioural therapy but still have anxiety (and insomnia as a result). I am doing mindfulness training which helps and stopped drinking coffee as that made me really jittery. I haven't made a link with Enbrel but I think it is natural to be anxious when we're taking such powerful drugs. A lot of my anxiety is connected to uncertainty (about the future, about the effectiveness of the drug and how long I'll have to be on it, side effects etc). I would definitely mention it to your GP and try and see a CBT practitioner who specialises in this area. The person I saw had successfully treated other people who had had panic attacks linked to health anxiety (as well as PTSD). I would also recommend looking at books in the library about panic attacks and anxiety as those give useful strategies for dealing with them. Sometimes the simplest things are really helpful - for example very strong smells can distract the brain if I'm feeling anxious - I use aromatherapy oils such as lavender. Good luck and hope things start to improve soon. Take care, Fran x

Tessthomy profile image

Hi everyone. Really funny as I too have been v anxious recently. (On and off about a year) ..However I've put it down to poss the mtx, not the embrel as the mtx makes me so nauseous at times, and then I can feel anxious if I'm out and about. Luckily the jabs aren't as bad as taking orally so the nausea is a little better, however the anxiety remains.

I am unsure if this is now because of the uncertainty of the RA. I too have had cbt which has helped enormously And I thoroughly recommend it. It helps me change the way I think about my health and illness, in order to overcome the anxiety. Also I am 'at the age' and the menopause is upon me, which I have read also can cause anxiety for different reasons.

All I can say is I'm just so glad I found this site. Knowing others are going through the same is comfort in itself. I'm going to kick anxiety's ass along with the RA !!

Good luck.. TT x

Tessthomy profile image
Tessthomy in reply to Tessthomy

Ps francherry I also do mindfulness meditation..helps with focusing the mind, highly recommend this too. X

GeorgiaBulldawg profile image

I too have very high levels of anxiety and panic attacks since beginning Enbrel. I have a history of both of these conditions, but, was well controlled with meds and therapy., for years. However, after that second injection of Enbrel, anxiety and panic attacks kicked in again, big time ! Had to increase my anxiety and panic attack meds. I have some anxiety but no

Panic attacks and the anxiety is not quite as bad as it was, but, it is still present. Guess I’ll just have to deal with these symptoms b/c Enbrel has changed my life of being in bed all day, under a heating blanket, needing help to do everything to being totally independent and out and about doing my normal activities w/o any pain ! Enbrel has been such a blessing to me !

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