In retrospect,I started on the downward spiral way back in 1979. That January I had "flu" followed by psoriasis. I had a one year old child,was working full time and kept house. I was tired but thought it was my busy life. I had a second child in 1980 and was still working. During the next few years I was having problems with my digestion,bloating and my muscles felt and looked puffy but I carried on working.In '90s I started suffering with arthritis but no one made the connection to the psoriasis. In 2009 The bloating and weight gain had become so bad I gave up wheat and started to feel more comfortable. I had my gallbladder out in 2012 after gallstones. I was also diagnosed with an underactive thyroid.
I had been under a rheumatologist for three years (2009-2012) but he dismissed me to the pain clinic as I could not tolerate the medications he tried. So I asked to see another rheumatologist,who I saw two years ago. My follow up appointment was yesterday, ten months late. All this time I have been having problems with my feet,I think it's Morton's neuroma. and I am in constant pain,sometimes worse than others.
So yesterday:- arrived in plenty of time and waited over half an hour after my appointment time,only to see a registrar. The man himself was not in the hospital. This young women thought I was a training exercise. I told her my feet were the biggest problem but she wanted to test all my joints, Then she wanted me to go. No I had to get assertive. This problem as far as they are concerned has been going on for seven years now without any satisfactory treatment. When she know I was not satisfied she offered me x rays and another review, Not good enough in my opinion. I did manage to get ultrasound out of her but feel very hard done to .
Do I write and complain? see my GP again?? where do I go from here. I had to give up my job and only gor I year of ESA. so I am reliant on my husband. Is this right.
Sorry this is so long but it's been a long time coming.