Steroids. = Osteoporosis: Been taking steroids ie... - NRAS


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Steroids. = Osteoporosis

jelly4toes profile image
8 Replies

Been taking steroids ie predisolone not happy about side effects I take 5 mg per day. I've now got osteoporosis and keep breking my ribs , Rheumys very dismissive.' Oh thy mend themselves which is not the point as far as I can see,I don'tknow what t0 do. any ideas guys. I also take 125mg of azathioprine each day

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jelly4toes profile image
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8 Replies

Your rheumy should send you for a DEXA scan to check bone strength and thickness. Meanwhile you can help yourself by getting Calcium tablets and Vitamin D tablet, although I believe Tesco sell their own brand of Calcium +D3. If you manage to get a DEXA scan, you should get them on prescription. I have Adcal +D3 and I've only got Osteopenia. Visit for more information.

allanah profile image

Agree with the above , I got a bone density scan, not uncomfortable and got results quickly, I'm super hard !!

francherry profile image

Hello. I see a separate consultant in the osteoporosis clinic as I have borderline osteoporosis. She put me on 1,000 International Units of Vitamin D daily as a maintenance dose for my bones but also wants me to start riesdronate. I'm really reluctant to do this. I agree with the others about having a DEXA bone density scan if you haven't had one already. I've had one every December for the last 3 years. Could you ask your rheumy to refer you to another consultant within the department about the osteoporosis? That's what my rheumy did (except she did it automatically without me having to ask). I'd also recommend the excellent helpline run by the National Osteoporosis Society - 0845 450 0230 which I found really helpful. All the best, Fran

Tillytop profile image


I'm sorry you are in pain from your ribs. I too have osteoporosis and have fractured my ribs more than once. Painful I know and frustrating that there is nothing to be done but wait for them to heal. But, as the others have said, there certainly is more the rheum could do to help you. Even though I already had low bone density and osteopenia, and was a "walking list of osteoporosis risk factors" I really had to push for the DEXA scan which confirmed my osteoporosis. Then, having discovered quite by accident that my hospital rheum dept actually had their own specialist osteoporosis team I had to ask to be referred and I don't think if I hadn't found out about it myself it would ever have been mentioned to me. It was well worthwhile and at least I know now that I am getting the right advice from the person who really knows . Although osteoporosis can't be cured it can be slowed down and there are drugs which can help to strengthen the bones even if you, like me, are taking steroids long term. As Fran says above, the National Osteoporosis Society helpline are really helpful - they are staffed by specialist nurse and are a great source of advice.

Good luck - and hope the ribs heal soon,


earthwitch profile image

Thats good ammunition to really talk to your rheumy about changing or adding new meds (including biologics) that will deal with the RA better so that you don't have to keep taking the pred. Pred is nasty stuff long term,and really only should be used as a stop-gap measure while other DMARDs or biologics kick in - not as a treatment on its own. I'd almost be tempted to make a complaint about the comments about ribs mending themselves. As you are obviously thinking yourself, this is a potentially serious side effect - you might be just breaking ribs now, but you could just as easily break something else after a minimal injury that could be a whole load more serious. My mum has severe osteoporosis and her last two breaks have been nasty - a femur break where it completely snapped in half and caused her immensely severe pain for the two days they had to wait for her warfarin to get out of her system before they operated, and then she had a long time in recovery with high levels of personal care required to manage at home. The second was actually a neck fracture where she was incredibly lucky that the broken bone didn't penetrate the spinal cord. So yes, osteoporosis and increased fracture risk is not something to be taken so casually, and if there is a way to get off the pred that could be contributing to it, then please argue strongly for that.

Sharon56 profile image
Sharon56 in reply to earthwitch

Yes I agree Pred is nasty my Mum was on it for years for polymyalgia and ended up with osteoporosis. Her bones were fine till then. I wont take it.

Hoping4GoodHealth profile image

Hmmmmm, this makes me wonder if I have Osteoporosis . I am on Prednisone for about 5 months. Although it is only 5mg. It concerns me after reading all the comments about nasty side effects of Prednisone.

About 3 years ago, I went for a massage ( prior to RA & Fibro diagnosis) while I was lying on my stomach during the massage , I felt a terrible pain & held my rib area. The Therapist said, Oh my God, I think I cracked your rib.

No one I had talked to ever heard of anyone getting a massage & getting a broken rib.

Lots to hunk about

Hoping4GoodHealth profile image

Think about ?

Anyone ever break a rib during a massage ?

Not what you're looking for?

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