My mom seems have huge flare in her RA and now she experiences strange feelings. It began rather like peripheral neuropathy (numbness, lack of sensitivity in legs and hands, tingling). But now she have additional symptoms. It feels like something pulls and tight her inside. She says its like she was placed in big cocoon. First it was like her knees, calves and hands are tightly bandaged, but stiffness is encrease day by day and now it is all around shoulders, back, hips, buttocks, neck. Not like joint stiffness, it affects soft parts too.
We are wondering if its tendons, muscles or something. Her legs and hands almost don’t obey her. Seems we will need sick-nurse soon, cause we are in we are in big trouble.
She took her two rituximab infusions two months ago. These symptoms appeared a little earlier rituximab and was barely noticeable but became much bigger after. Is it RA or rituximab side effect? Did anyone come something like that through? Any info or assumptions wouild be much appreciated.