Do I need to tell my go or rheumatologist that I've stopped my mxt?
I've had a cold for 27 days common sense now kicked i... - NRAS
I've had a cold for 27 days common sense now kicked in and I've stopped my mxt. Should I stop the folic acid and hydroxy too?
Yes you need to tell her, she will advise you on the Folic Acid, and the Hydroxy
It is very important that you mention how long that you have had the cold, your immune system could be low
Hello, as borderriever has said you need to tell your nurse. You seem to have had cold for sometime too....I wish you well and answers soon. Maryx
Yes talk yo the Rheumy department ,, I have been the same for the past couple of weeks so I hope you feel better very soon xxxx
Thanks, all it will call the rheumy nurse
You need to build your resistance (immunity) to colds and flu's. Try a little extra intake of PROTEINS like Meat, Eggs, Fish and if you are a vegetarian then try Beans, Avocado, Soya beans and such. Also Vitamin C supplements.
If your children have chronic colds try my grandmother's advice. Try Waterbury's Red Label Compound, as a regular tonic.
I'm not on mtx but been on hydroxy for years and never been advised to stop for cold/flu. I certainly wouldn't stop it before you check with the rheumy team/GP or you might need to go through the 12 week wait for it to kick in again. It might be worth taking echinacea for a while to help your body fight off infection.