Rheumatologist Appointment next week: Hi All for the... - NRAS


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Rheumatologist Appointment next week

James_crewe profile image
8 Replies

Hi All for the past few months ive been in majour pain from the following places:

both feet




lower back

mid back

ribs on the left side

right shoulder

both elbows

both wrists

and left palm the past couple days..

I went to my GP last week who wanted to refer me to the rheumatologist for some blood works and possible X-rays, my gp thinks i have arthritis as it started with my feet and even though Ive been on medication its still spread throughout my joints and isn't getting any better.

Every day at the moment is a struggle from sleeping to getting out of bed to complete agony and walking sends pains through my joints with every step.

Im not sure if it is arthritis but im sure others will have had the same problems in the same places, i feel constantly tired and the past few days headaches, drowsiness and feeling sick but i think that's side effects from the 8 tablets of zapain my gp has put me on till i see the specialist on the 5th Dec.

Just thought i would see how others deal with this

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James_crewe profile image
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8 Replies
earthwitch profile image

Good call, getting the referral to the rheumatologist. They are the right specialist to see, and the suspicion of the GP I guess would be some form of inflammatory arthritis. They will probably check for RA first, but with back pain, ask about spondyloarthritis as well. If they suspect that, they will probably send you for a lower back and sacroiliac joint xray or MRI as well as other tests. In the meantime, don't google too much, but do check out the signs of inflammatory back pain - nass.co.uk/about-as/getting... If you have all or most of those, then make sure you mention the signs to the rheumatologist when you see them, as it will help them figure out what is going on.

allanah profile image

Hi I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I have RA and have similar pain to your description and also get swelling and a lot of morning stiffness in my joints.

The best advice I got was on nras.org and they have a lot of advice on symptoms of RA.

I hope you see the rheumatologist very soon and get onto some good treatment for whatever the problem is. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on? Good luck and I will be thinking about you on the 5th, not too long now ! Although I bet it feels like it ! Xx A

angel-delight profile image

Hi I am so sorry you are feeling so much pain, I have RA 20 yrs and going through a really bad flare up. Coming on this website I feel is very helpful, it lets me know I am not alone in my pain. I also hear sometime how people have difficulty getting someone to understand the pain as you can't see it most times. My GP wrote to my Rhumey Consultant about my blood tests and he gave her a call, first for me!! He also asked her to let me know if my pain is worse since my last visit to contact his secretary and he will try to get me an earlier appt. I cannot complain about the care I receive. Good luck on the 5th December, I am sure you will get the help you need to reduce the pain you are suffering. xx Sue

doctorpatg profile image

Hang in there - it will get sorted out eventually. You should have some answers soon and some help with your symptoms. My RA started about 20 yrs ago in my feet and has run a very fickle course - sometimes really bad and sometimes pretty normal. Keep us updated and best of luck to you .


Welcome to the site:-)

All your symptoms sound very familiar, I'm glad that your gp has referred you to a rheumatologist as they're the right folks to diagnose and sort this out. My RA started in my feet and hands, then ran around my body merrily - this plus joint stiffness in the mornings and some ultrasound scans swiftly got a diagnosis. Whatever it turns out to be there are good effective drug regimes, and people on here who understand what you're going through:-) You're not alone .

Let us know how you're doing and how you get on next week at the hospital.

Cece x

fivep profile image

Hi, I feel your pain! Except for the back pain my symptoms are the same as yours. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist on December 3rd, so hopefully get some answers. My GP already sent me for blood work which all looks normal, so not sure. Good luck!

Terrpist profile image

Please let me know what the doc says,I have seronegative arthritis,only shows on xrays.Find a doc that is going to help you,I went five years wondering what was wrong with me and I finally found a rhemy that's treats me for osteoarthritis,RA and fibro,She says I have Poly arthritis.Please follow up with us

James_crewe profile image

Afternoon all,

Ive been to the doctors last week and had a urine test and blood tests done, they also did a chest xray and didnt bother with any joint x-rays as they said its not settled in any one joint at present so would be useless to xray them. i got a phone call a few days later and got told my bloods had been lost so nipped in straight away to give more.

I was back again this morning for another urine test and more bloods including kidney bloods. the 24hr urine collection i did a week ago showed higher than normal protein and all urine tests done so far have showed the same. the x-ray of my chest showed enlarged lymph nodes so currently i'm being told my condition is one of two diseases either RA or Sarcoidosis i have been put on prednisolone (steroid's) for a month and the doctor is going to call me every few days to see if there is a drastic change in my symptoms.

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