Will the side effects wear off? It's been 11 weeks. - NRAS


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Will the side effects wear off? It's been 11 weeks.

8 Replies

I've been on cimzia (fortnightly anti TNF injections) for 11 weeks. I get terrible headaches that require sleep in a dark room for one week after the injections. So, I'm spending 1 week out of every 2 feeling very unwell. :( Apparently, headaches are common but mine seem very bad and they make me vomit which is apparently not so common. I see rheumy this week for 3 month review and not sure if I want to continue, do you think the side effects are likely to wear off? I don't know if I can persevere!

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8 Replies


You really need to see about this, the contraindicationns seem severe so talk to reumy about them. It seems that you are not functioning very well so it is very important you get this put right


in reply to

Thank you for the reply. I will talk to my rheumy tomorrow. :)

minxy1960 profile image

Fruitycake23, my weekends where also ruined with 3 day migraine and nose bleed followed by sicky feeling with the MTX ! I did put up with it for 3 months but you can only take so much lol .....Plus Cimzia Dosnt work for everyone I felt no benefits at all which was a shame because it was "Hope "so onto Humeria? As of end month . Good luck

Xxxx soft hugs xxxxxx

Angie x

in reply to minxy1960

I already suffer from scummy Saturdays where I feel hungover from the MTX. Fingers crossed for you on Humira! x

Victoria-NRAS profile image

Hi fruitycake23

Really sorry to hear of the problems you've had with this drug. Sometimes side effects like this can lessen with time, but of course when they're so severe and lasting for so long at a time that must be very hard to cope with. Definitely worth a serious conversation with the consultant. I suppose the first question is whether or not the drug is working for you, as if they feel it's giving you very little benefit in controlling your RA but giving you a bad side effect it may not be the best option. If it is helping the RA, perhaps ask if there is anything you can take to get these headaches under manageable control.

Make sure that you get across how bad these side effects have been for you and how much they are affecting your quality of life. I really hope they can either find a treatment that suits you better or manage these horrible side effects!

Kind regards


(NRAS Helpline)

in reply to Victoria-NRAS

Thank you for your helpful reply. The problem is that I've had a fair bit of relief from the drug, so it's a hard decision to made. I saw my favourite GP today and we had a little chat, so I'm a little clearer with where I'm going. I'm seeing my rheum consultant tomorrow, so I'll know more then. Not an easy road and not one I'd thought I'd still be struggling down 4 years later....!

I have spoken to healthcare at home, they keep sending me to rheumy or GP. Thank you. x

allanah profile image

Hi sorry I missed your post till now so I agree with all above but I just wanted to say I am thinking of you and hope things improve for you x

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