Has anyone experienced stomach ulcers due to NSAID? - NRAS


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Has anyone experienced stomach ulcers due to NSAID?

Rowan profile image
14 Replies

I'm currently take omeprazole to prevent ulcers forming, sulpha salazine, hydroxy, and etodolac.

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Rowan profile image
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14 Replies

Hi Rowan,

There is plenty evidence to show that taking NSAID can cause ulcers which is why we are prescribed something like Omeprazole to help protect the stomach lining

I take both and just as an extra precaution never take my NSAID on an empty stomach, even if it is just a glass of milk or a biscuit

You do not say whether you have an ulcer now, or if you suspect this, in which case have you approached your GP.

On top of RA this must be horrible....


Rowan profile image
Rowan in reply to

I had an ulcer 2 months ago, had antibiotic treatment and increased dose of PPI for a month. It seemed better so my PPI was reduced to 20mg per day. However, I've been getting some stomach pain again not as bad as it was but I'm definitely uncomfortable after eating. I'm pretty fed up because I rely on NSAID to help me get through the day!

in reply to Rowan

Hi Rowan, I know very little about stomach ulcers however reading your reply is there an option to speak with your rheumatologist to see what other treatment options are open to you?


micky40 profile image
micky40 in reply to

I got them from taking naproxen and am now on omperazole 40mg a day

Rowan profile image
Rowan in reply to micky40

Will you be able to stay on 40mg long term?

in reply to Rowan

I believe that is an acceptable level...you can easily check with your pharmacist

Rowan profile image
Rowan in reply to

I've wondered that too. I was on methotrexate at first but had terrible side effects. Rheummy has mentioned injecting mtx instead. I guess I've been avoiding the issue as I don't want to experience all the sickness and lethargy again!

in reply to Rowan

I moved from tablets to injections and for sure the side effects were very much less... There are many on this site who say the same.. I am hoping one day not to be taking any pain meds if that is any help


I had what was thought to be an ulcer that seemed to spring up from nowhere when I was having a month off MTX back in March. The doctor thought it was from my year prior to diagnosis when I took a lot of NSAIDs regularly. No one told me I needed a stomach protector until I'd been on Ibuprofen regularly for many months. With this recent episode of stomach pain my GP put me on Omaprazole 40mg and it was working brilliantly for a few weeks but then I went back on MTX and unfortunately this clashed horribly with the Omaprazole, so I was switched to a different type of stomach protector, Ranitidine (or Zantac) and this seems to hold the ulcer at bay just as well as Omaprazole without conflicting with the MTX - which I've now had to come off for other reasons unfortunately

Switching to injections didn't really solve my nausea/ stomach issues but then I wasn't taking a stomach protector for a long time either - however it made a big difference to my RA and I preferred injecting to taking those pills. Tilda x

Mumoftwin17 profile image

Ahh sorry to hear about your Ulcer......I've have gallstones which they are now saying was prob due to past meds ie:- Naproxen and lots of ibruprofen/paracetamol....etc etc... iritating the Gallbladder ..you get to the stage where your scared to eat ...because everything hurts afterwards!!...Still on the up side I'm losing a few pounds!!!

I'm on Buscopan now......they seem quiet good atm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in reply to Mumoftwin17

Perhaps you should consider having your gallblader removed Mumoftwin? I have gallstones too but mine rarely give me any jip these days. If they did I would have the op. I do know lots of people who've had this done and have never looked back. Tilda x

Mumoftwin17 profile image

Hello Tilda......Yes I'm hopeful that the consultant will remove the gallbladder ....I see him on 9/9/13.......I cant wait!!!...I shall be skipping down to the operating room!!!


Ronnie63 profile image
Ronnie63 in reply to Mumoftwin17


I had my gall bladder removed in 1990, one of the first to have keyhole surgery. In overnight, rapid recovery, no issues or scarring, you don't actually need a gall bladder, it's a bit like an appendix, your liver does all the work, so if they offer to remove it then go for it, it's hassle free and I feel great. Gall stones are horribly painful so best get it out

All the best

Ronnie x

Mumoftwin17 profile image

Thanks for your comments Ronnie.....I just want rid of it....!!!!!!

Ticking off the days to see consultant!!

thanks again


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