Sorry if this has been addressed already, but why are we getting double entry answers now? Only just started in the last couple of days. Am I being a bit dense in not knowing why?
Sorry if this has been addressed already, but why are we getting double entry answers now? Only just started in the last couple of days. Am I being a bit dense in not knowing why?
I can tell when I am going to get a double entry - its when I click on submit and then nothing seems to happen so I click again. I just delete the doubles so not an issue for me usually but it may be harder on a different type of computer perhaps? I suppose its still early days and they will be tweaking? X
TildaT - You have totally summed up what happens!
If you are still having problems, I would suggest emailing although the old site had this problem too, so it may just be 'one of those internet things'....!
there are lots of double entries??
Oh yes I've just seen what you mean Carolyn - you mean there's a reply and then a double of it in the edit box for each comment? It is really annoying. I hope they sort it out. I will email them soon if it carries on. Tilda x
Exactly. Not sure why that's necessary.
Seems some people don't have the problem.
Carolyn x
Well I only had it a few times last night while on my laptop and don't get it on my iPhone but it does make threads difficult to read properly. Maybe its just our browsers - I use Firefox on my laptop and Safari in my iPhone. X
I'm using my laptop with Firefox.x
lots of them on here doubles that is
Sorry you are all suffering with the double up it is the change over fault. We need to just drop memos to HU support and they will sort it out. Good luck Good Luck xgins