Hi i take mtx injections and im going away do you kee... - NRAS
Hi i take mtx injections and im going away do you keep them in your hand luggage with you and who do you notify of this at the airport

Yes you should keep them in your hand luggage as they could freeze in the hold. You need a doctor's letter saying this patient needs this drug and it should travel in your hand luggage - the security person will ask for the letter each time you pass through security. Hope this helps. Tilda

thank you
Hi there, my GP tried to charge me £25 for the pleasure of writing this letter- phoned my rheumatology nurse and she did it there and then with no charge other than a smile
Remember you will need to take it in a cool bag
Have a great holiday

thank you
£25???? This makes me so grateful I live where I do. Our practice nurse arranged everything for me - typed out the letter and asked my GP to sign it. How could this possibly cost £25?! Mind you I dot have a rheumy nurse so its really a good job I have such a nice surgery.
If you get your MTX delivered by healthcare at home, then they will give you a letter free of charge as well. I've been told that mTX doesn't need a cool bag as long as not going anywhere incredibly hot as it's ok up to 25 degrees. Polly
I flew to rhodes in may and had my mtx in a container in my hand luggage and didn't even get stopped/questioned. I did have the letter from healthcare provider with me just in case though.
Hi, I also take MTX by injection. I agree that you should get your letter from Rheumy or GP. Disgraceful that you have a GP that charges for this. I have been away many times and taken my letter with me but never been stopped or asked if I am carrying sharps. The letter is important and imperative because it is a back up if you ever did get asked. I don't carry mine in a cool bag though. Should I be doing?????
Thanks for your reply teene - much appreciated