Has any one else found with this warm weather you feel better for it? I ask as my right ankle has swollen write out. Have been having pain with the achilles tendon. I don;t understand why i have swelling. I have done nothing to upset it. Any ideas thanks for reading xx
Hi all: Has any one else found with this warm weather... - NRAS
Hi all

I've had pain with my achilles tendons too but mine is mainly just confined to the morning and there's no swelling that I can see, but I rarely show swelling. The weather makes no difference to my RA but it does make a difference to how I feel about it - I'm so much happier if I'm gettting lots of sunshine that I cope better with drugs and with RA. I hope your swelling goes down soon.

It seems i do better with cooler weather. I was surprised by this as many on this site seem to do better with warmth. Trust me to be different. xx
Hi Miss
I feel better when the weather is cold, my fingers are swelling again as it's warmed up
Perhaps I didn't put that too well actually. I swell much more in heat and am very fair skinned but I feel better psychologically so I don't care as much. And also I live in the far north if Scotland where heat is rarely a major issue! X
Perhaps I didn't put that too well actually. I swell much more in heat and am very fair skinned but I feel better psychologically so I don't care as much. And also I live in the far north if Scotland where heat is rarely a major issue! X
Thank you Tilda like you i do feel better when the sun is out to. x
I am finding that my ankles and feet are so swollen in the hot weather and is much more painful.
I am not too good in the hot weather either, my best times are from Oct - Feb then it's a downward slide. xx

Hopefully this humidity will clear soon. Then will feel brighter xx