The Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Foods Those Food... - NRAS


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The Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Foods Those Foods Known to Be Anti-Inflammatory by Chemical Composition Vol. I

27 Replies

Knowledge is knowing a tomatoe is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad...quote by somebody who knew better.

Good Nutrition, More Than Just a Good Idea

We don't think of our meals or snacks, as being a bundle of chemicals, but they are. Used to be we ate things because we were hungry and we liked them. Or our Mothers told us we had to.

With the advancement of sciences along the way to now, it was discovered what the things we ate were made up of. Then the question was raised and answered, what did they do to us, or for us? From there, research has advanced tremendously.

In regards to the treatment of various imbalances in our bodies, resulting in diseases needing to be treated, research has found how well our bodies and our chemical make-up, can be affected by what we eat.

Why not? We are putting many different chemicals into our bodies in the attempt to fix what's wrong. The foods we eat are chemicals and water. Just stands to reason that the selected foods that are known to contain the best chemicals can be an aid in our recovery, or atleast in our level of "unwellness".

Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxident Properties of Foods

As a simple rule to go by, any highly colored vegetable or fruit will contain the highest amounts of chemicals called anti-oxidents, thus ant-inflammatories.

Uniquely, they happen to be the same ones we read as being the best for us in terms of healthy nutrition.

All berries, ie, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, black berries, boysenberries, as well as purple grapes, currants and cherries in fresh, frozen or even dried forms. Canned items will always contain less nutrients.

This group provides vitamins, miinerals and powerful plant chemicals that help to protect against many diseases and aging.

Orange-colored vegetables: Pumpkin, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and orange and red bell peppers provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and powerful plant chemicals known to protect against diseasess and aging.

Dark green, leafy vegetables: Spinach, Chard, Kale, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, romaine lettuce, arugula and salad blends of baby greens provide vitamins, minerals and more powerful plant chemicals that help protect against diseases.

Tomatoes- especially cooked tomatoes such as pasta sauce and canned tomatoes, as well as fresh tomatoes and other red fruits like watermelon, persimmon, red-fleshed papaya, provide Lycopene, a very strong chemical known to have a great effect on heart health, lowers cholesterol, and also contains anti-oxidents to relieve many diseases.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids:Fish-such as wild- caught salmon, canned albacore tuna, sardines and herring provide omega3 fatty acids for heart health and to protect the immune system.

Soy foods-such as tofu, soy milk, soy nuts, edamame beans, tempeh and miso provide high quality plant protein, plant based omega 3 fatty acids for heart disease and for boosting the immune system.

Well, there's "food for thought"! I'll stop here for tonight, but there's lots more to tell you about. So, we'll do this again!

Hope the weather is kind to you for a few days so you can get out to get all those veggies.

Think about this: Have a garden, if you don't already. Start small, like one or two tomatoe plants and some bell peppers, maybe green onions, and garlic, gotta have garlic! That will be covered in the next segment. These things grow well in containers also, you just need to water them more.

Thanks for "listening", Did it feel like you were back in school? Take care all, rest easy, eat lots of veggies and salads and enjoy life, we only get to go around once! It's just a card game and these are the cards we got dealt. Play them well. :) Love to all my dear new friends, just a stones' throw away,across the waters, Loret

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27 Replies

glad you managed to post your blog today!

warrior profile image

H,i thanks for your blog !I eat a lots of veg too plus garlic,turmeric,ginger!I eat natural youghurt ,oats,skimmed milk,chicken ,fish and red wine!!!!!!!!!!!!I have had RA for 4 yrs went on methotrexate,folic acid .Amlopodine as metho can cause high blood pressure and weight gain which it didI went like a balloon.I then gave up all medicines after 4 yrs met a new rheumatologist who is so wonderful and supports me as I told her I now do Mindfullness every day I am in remission now ,Iwas not happy where I lived I moved to the country,I have no money but rent ,Icould not walk 3yrs ago!I hope this will help someone!x Rhian

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to warrior

Thanks Rhian warrior, You are giving me hope as I am still at the difficult to walk stage. Will start eating better!! Axx

warrior profile image
warrior in reply to allanah

Hi I am glad Ive given you hope allanah!please keep in touch with me xI still say major stress causes RA,out of curiousity did you have stress previous to being told you had RA?I feel for you I really do ,I honestly thought I was going to be bedridden !Keep smiling (even tho the pain )see friends every day,laugh with them !Rhian xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to warrior

Hi Rhian, you know everything was fab at home(just had my romantic anniversary as some of you know!!), work was great I had just won an award and love the people I work with. Kids are amazing.

The only thing I can put my finger on is that I had swine flu for 4 months which led to pnuemonia and never really felt better after that, but that was 2 years ago and the joint pains just started when I woke up on March 11th....that sudden!!

My grandmother,dad and all his eight brothers all had RA, so I got tested and told I didn't have it which i was so relieved. In those days there was not much treatment and now I realise how brave he was ,he never complained.

So I told the rheumy I couldn't possibly have RA cos my GP had done blood tests which were ok. Well now I know about sero-neagtive arthritis effects! Sometimes I wish it was positive cos my GP still isn't clear about RA!!! I will try to educate himj though!!!! Love Axx

allanah profile image

Great stuff,

I having been complaining on my blog about my weight and immobility and not being allowed exercise.So you have been prompted to eat more healthily. When I am abroad I find it so easy as the veg and fruit there is SO much more tasty than the tasteless stuff in the UK. But I will try the more coloured food and eat myself healthy!! Axx

in reply to allanah

You can't go wrong with that! Has any organization ever researched why fruits and veggies in the UK are "tasteless", as you say?

Might be good incentive to grow your own. Get a big bag of Potting or Gardening soil from a Garden Center, use containers and plant a couple tomatoe plants. They are very easy to grow.

helixhelix profile image

You mean you don't put tomatos in fruit salads? (only joking....we do have odd habits over here but not that odd. But then 'you' mix peanuts & jelly which I've always thought bizarre)

I also think that a plate of colourful food makes you feel better because it looks nicer. I associate pale food with feeling ill; boiled chicken, mashed potato, boiled cauliflower - ugh. And I know arugula is rocket over here, but what are collard greens? I think they appeared in quite of few of the american books I read as a child (anne of green gables, huckleberry finn) but I bever knew what they were.

in reply to helixhelix

Are you questioning our PBJ's? Peanut Butter and Jelly (or Jam) Sandwiches. That's about the first sandwich our babies get to feed themselves. It's addictive, when I don't want to cook, I make a PBJ! Try it, you'll love it!

Collard Greens are an old Southern staple. I don't care for them at all, too bitter. People here in the North that came from the Southern states always talk about Greens and Ham Hocks. I think I can find plenty of other things before I'd resort to that!

Hi Loret, Thanks for that it does pretty well sum up my diet so I should feel triumphant but I don't? Re veg being tasteless it could be that the UK weather isn't great for growing certain types of fruit and veg or the amounts of chemicals used to preserve imported fruit and veg here or a combi of the two? We grew tomatoes this year but the plants all got diseased as there is too much sun and wind and they weren't in the ideal environment so my hubby is refusing to grow them again this year but we know lots of farmers and it's mostly quite organic in these parts because the soil is pretty good - although not for us as we live on the side of a very granite laden hill!

I am feeling more yiuck each day just now despite consistently eating well for nearly a year - my gallstones are playing up a bit more everyday (I think it's them anyway) and I feel under the weather,tired, bilious, stiff and so darned grumpy ever since New Year's cold! So not everything is down to what we eat or what we do re exercise unfortunately as I'm doing great on both fronts - but I do think it all helps for our reserves if we look after ourselves as well as possible.


in reply to

I love your hill! Actually, growing plants in containers is often easier and can be more successful, as you start out filling the pot with a commercial potting soil or gardening soli from the Garden

Center. For veggies, it's wise to use an all purpose fertilizer. We have Miracle Gro, not sure if it is available there, but something similar.

Or you can stack some landscaping timbers to make a rectangled box, fill it half way with dried leaves if you have them, then add the soil. Makes gardening so much easier, you won't have to bend.

There is nothing compared to a warm, red ripe tomatoe off your own plant! Unless it would be a warm, ripe peach! Oh, mercy!!

Victoria-NRAS profile image

Hi Loret

Diet and supplements are a topic we often get asked about, and I'm pleased to see that it is being discussed here. However, where possible we like to include references for information such as this, demonstrating the evidence behind it, and are always looking for new sources of information, so I wonder if you would be able to supply some references as to where this information came from?

For those interested in this topic, here are a few links you might find useful:

NRAS article which also talks about coloured fruits and vegetables and fish oils etc:

Research from Arthritis Research UK, on supplements commonly used, some of which have natural anti-inflammatory and other qualities:

Arthritis Research UK information on diet and arthritis:

I'm really pleased to see that this information is inspiring others on the forum. As Allanah said, it can be hard for people with RA to exercise, but diet can obviously benefit people in a number of ways, including weight loss, which of course in turn means less strain on the joints.


NRAS Helpline & Information Coordinator

in reply to Victoria-NRAS

Hi Vicki,

Thanks for reminding me. Had I remembered Journalism courses, I would have known I should have references.

I did read the ones you listed. A wealth of information there also.

This topic is not going to fade away anytime soon.

As I wrote in my first paragraph, all foods are simply chemical compounds, and if we put chemicals in our bodies in effort to treat diseases, why not consider our foods as part of that therapy?

My next installment will talk about the various other sources of anti-oxidents, and vitamins, minerals etc. Many seasonings have very high levels of anti-oxidents. Need to find amounts needed to make a difference.

Thanks for your help.


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Victoria-NRAS

Thanks Vicky and all Axx

Yes it's a really good topic Loret thanks. As well as all of Vicky's links you might like to browse a recent tv series on UK television called Food Hospital. My occupational therapist told me today that one episode covered a man with Ankyling Spondilosis (sp) - another type of inflammatory arthritis closely related to RA so here's the link to the website for this also. TTx

in reply to

Good site, Tilda. Nice explanations for each one. Thanks for sending it.

"It is rheumatoid arthritis that is most commonly thought to be treatable with changes to a person’s diet."

in reply to

That's true. Can't believe all the articles that have been written on this topic of anti-inflammatory properties of foods.

Maybe if we made a salad with all those veggies, and topped it with 4-6 ozs. of Wild-caught Salmon, every day....Hmmm...can't hurt.

I do have salad almost every day, usually with a hard boiled egg, or tuna. Sometimes chicken if I have some leftover from last night's dinner.

Change of subject: Whew, is it ever windy here, and the temp is dropping steadily. It was warm this morning, at 58, now it is 38 and predicted to go down further and then snow tonight. So Beware!

Cheers, Loretxx

Information in this article was obtained from several sources, primarily the Arthritis Foundation magazine. "Arthritis Today" which features information from research projects, new drugs being tested, general information regarding all the forms of Rheumatic diseases.

Also: foods

Prevention Magazine

Victoria-NRAS profile image

Thanks Loret

Much appreciated!


great and useful info xx and so v healthy. we have no excuse now not to eat more healthily xx

Thanks, as long as we pay no attention to ads and commercials and displays in the stores, we should be fine :)

How are things with you now? Hope all is going OK. XXXLoret

julieporter profile image

Thanks for the article - really useful and it's giving me "food for thought"

Julie x

in reply to julieporter

Sure thing, Julie. Hoping to have Vol. II ready next week, or maybe sooner. Think we're all going out shopping for veggies this weekend :)

thanks Loret, I am going to print this out and stick it to my notice board! :)

Gina_K profile image

Thanks Loret,

Fab blog, I too will print. I do try follow most of this anyway, especially fruit. Red wine, sets off pain for me.

Stress definitely preceded my RA diagnosis, although maternal family history.

Had high stress for 18 months preceding symptoms and eventual diagnosis.

Resolved to watch diet more carefully.

Thanks again, practical blog, Gina.

in reply to Gina_K

Hi Gina, I'm glad to know so many people liked this information. As promised, I will be continuing with the rest of the anti-inflammatory foods and seasonings, and herbs. Probably next week.

This next week and the one after are crammed with projects for me! Hair cut on Monday, Study club on Weds, Lab work on Thurs and somewhere in there have to compose my monthly column for the newspaper. I'm thinking I may be better than half done on that one, as I will likely use the Foods info.

I'd love to try eating only anti-inflammatory foods and seasonings for a week, just to see if there is noticeable difference. Though that is pretty much what I do.

So hope your sources of stress have quieted, so your meds can work better. Love ya, Loret

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