my back is killing...... again!: my back is still... - NRAS


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my back is killing...... again!

Christine67 profile image
11 Replies

my back is still painful.

Taking all my meds, even doubled up on Tramdol.

Every joint hurts!

I'm getting fed up now. I'm moving around very slowly, but this is making me feel really blue

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Christine67 profile image
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11 Replies

Hi Christine, sorry to hear that - nothing so debilitating. I am afraid i can only really offer sympathy and no practical help. I find cocodamol better than paracetamol but you probably can't get that at this time of night. Have you got the strong diclofenac?

Is there any chance you could get a steroid injection to help if you haven't already.

Hope it will ease a bit over the weekend.

Beth58 profile image

Hi Christine, I know how you feel and there's nothing worse.. Sadly no advice for now as you've already doubled your Tramadol. Try soaking in a hot bath, that sometimes works for me.

My GP gave me Nefopam to take with the Tramadol (only use it when absolutely needed), it increases the potency of Tramadol, it was very effective but knocks me out for days. I also get a Kenalog (steroid) injection every 3 month from my consultant.

Give your GP or consultant a call first thing Monday morning.

Hope your pain eases, so you can get some rest.

Beth xx

swoodge profile image

Hi Not sure why you have a bad back but i have RA but my back problem is from an old injury resulting in a burst disc and back surgery to cure so i now say i have back problems and every now and again i get sciatica and back pain when standing shopping ironing or hoovering so basically most days it gets worse whenever it feels like it and you never know when. It got worse recently and i had another MRI and i now have another bulging disc so the horrible pains in my leg are back and i have days that i can hardly move, in saying all of that i am replying to tell you that i have always been told because of the disc and sciatica i should ice my back as its swollen and if you heat it it will swell even more which makes sense to me. The ice pack does really help it numbs the area and takes the intense pain off for a while to enable you to move around a bit. I too take co codamol and Tramadol which i have increased at the moment. I dont like diclofenic it make me very paranoid and weird so i avoid that one. I did get given a higher dose of ibruprofen in Naproxen but it made me very sick so i dont take that either. I seem to be ok with paracetamol based things so i stick to them. Hope you feel better soon try the ice if you havent before if you havent got a pack use peas wrap in a tea towel before putting on your back as its too cold otherwise. Sue x

Tramadol is an opiod pain killer standard capsules are 50mg maximum daily dose is 400mg ie 8 capsules, paracetamol can be taken with this or an anti inflammatory if you have been prescribed some.

If the back pain is due to spasm some gps will prescribe a few diazepam, but they are always frightened of addiction.

Hope you get sorted soon xx

Christine67 profile image

I take mtx weekly, with 2diclofenac instead of 3as it was affecting my blood results with too much potasium. I had to watch what I had to eat that had high levels of potasium in..

Along with 2paracetamol and 2 tramadol,I was going to sleep on the sofa and reaming I was singing Stevie Wonder songs or doing things at various concerts.

This pain has seemed to ease overnight, but I've had a heatpack on my back (which the pack advises not to use whilst sleeping) but its helped me this morning, I've managed to clean the bedroom and go back and forth to the bathroom with very little or even no pain.

Thanks for all the advise peeps. I've taken it all on board, I am seeing my consultant at the end of the month, so he will be told of how I've been of late

Thanks again. xx

Beth58 profile image
Beth58 in reply to Christine67

Hi again Christine, not sure what's causing your back problems, my back problem is Ankylosing Spondylitis and RA it's also affecting other large joints; I take DMARD Leflunomide x1, Anti-inflammatory Naproxen x2, Pain relief Tramadol x8 + Nefopam when required, Relaxant Amytriptyline x20mg as well as a 3mthly injection of Kenalog...

even these aren't enough during bad flares. I also take a host of other things for BP, Heart, Kidneys.

Sometimes the only thing that helps after taking pain relief is a hot bath (with a glass of wine, but shhhhh, I didn't say that) which helps relax me so I'm able to get some rest. The only problem with that is getting back out of the bath! lol

Good luck with the consultant, in the mean time if your pain is really bad, your GP could prescribe something to take with the Tramadol which will help ease the pain or a relaxant anti-depressant if it's making you feel depressed.

Make sure your GP has a record on his system of how your feeling (this will help if you ever make a claim or are reviewed for benefits)

Beth xx

You could try a different anti-inflammatory to Diclofenac re the potassium (I can't take Dic for similar reasons to others here) such as Naproxen or even just max dose of Ibuprofen - which works well for me as long as I take it regularly with stomach protector? If you can get the inflammation down with steroids or anti-inflams it would probably help with pain?

Trish53 profile image

Hi Christine

So sorry to hear that you're suffering with your back :-(

I've had severe lower back pain on and off for 30 years (due to prolapsed disc)and tried all the usual suggestions with no lasting success. Last summer (just after I was diagnosed with RA), it got so bad I could hardly stand up and walk. My GP referred me to the physio dept of the local hospital. There, I was told by the physiotherapist that, because of the severe pain I had been in over the years, my back had gone into spasm and lost all flexibility (the bodies natural reaction to try and lessen the pain). I was given accupuncture weekly for 6 weeks, and a set of exercises to do 2/3 times a day to strengthen the core muscles of the body, so that it would help to support my back rather then relying on my spine alone. After 4 weeks the accupuncture kicked in and provided good pain refief (although this was fairly temporary) whilst I continued to do the exercises regularly (takes 10-15 mins morning and night-can't manage to do them during the day as I work) After a while (probably a couple of months or so)I saw a dramatic change in that the muscles around my middle/stomach became very strong and my back pain was hardly noticable. This has continued now for nearly 6 months (with no pain relief required) and the unexpected bonus is that my stomach is flatter and firmer than it's ever been and people ask if I've lost weight (which I haven't!). How I wish there were similar exercises to remove RA pain!!

PS - Pilates is supposed to do the same thing, and I bought a DVD but ashamed to say I've not even opened it yet!!

I do hope you're feeling better soon x


Christine67 profile image

I have considered pilates, I've looked on amazon. will probably purchase a couple soon.

I've dosed up on tramadol today and moving like a spring chcken. Even been shopping!

I'll try anything.

lets hope thr painkillers keep the pain away!

in reply to Christine67

Great to hear you feel better Christine, hope it continues.

Hi Christine

Taking too much tramadol can be counter productive. Whilst I know from my own experience in treating my ankylosing spondilities it keeps me awake at night and can bung you up too. Sorry to be blunt. What is the answer to the pain. Yes hot baths are good and definitely relaxing, exercise if you can but I know this is difficult on some days. Some people swear by a low carb diet and no citrus fruits. Your consultant may have to advise on this or dietician. A visit to a hydro pool if you can find one near you is an option but this may have to be done through your GP. My hospital is in Bath and when I have treatment there it includes hydro. Its absolutely great in a warm pool doing a few exercises. No pressure as you can go at your own pace but it does have to be supervised by a physio.

Regards Jezza

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