Hello month 4: As of today I'm at the start... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello month 4

nsd_user663_50109 profile image
39 Replies

As of today I'm at the start of month 4 still hoping that it gets better as anxity as bin hell on earth this last week.. Docs will not give me nowt apart from stupid advise like try yoga exercise.. Iv bin doing yoga for over a year now and I run everyday too.. So iv tryed kalms rescue remidy. Nowt works so now on the B12 as that's suppost be good.. Still not smoking so at Least that's something

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nsd_user663_50109 profile image
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39 Replies
nsd_user663_48542 profile image

Hi Shelly

Has the anxiety started since you quit or was it there prior ?

I would go back to you GP and get a 2nd opinion of another doc,

Dont go back on the cigs now youve done so well, im on day 91 and still really struggle, not so much with anxiety but with the cravings, theres no way im going back.

Let me know how you go on with the vitamins

Rach x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Hi Shelly

Has the anxiety started since you quit or was it there prior ?

I would go back to you GP and get a 2nd opinion of another doc,

Dont go back on the cigs now youve done so well, im on day 91 and still really struggle, not so much with anxiety but with the cravings, theres no way im going back.

Let me know how you go on with the vitamins

Rach x

Iv seen 4 different docs who all tell md different things.. I had bloods done and all sorts. Yes it only started since giving up smoking never in my life had anxity problems.. I dont get any craves much now.. Just the anxity. Today's not bin that bad tbh. Just hoping that it was a finel attempt at the nicotine demons to try get me smoking again. As it seems to be going better a few weeks ago.

Unah profile image

As of today I'm at the start of month 4 still hoping that it gets better as anxity as bin hell on earth this last week.. Docs will not give me nowt apart from stupid advise like try yoga exercise.. Iv bin doing yoga for over a year now and I run everyday too.. So iv tryed kalms rescue remidy. Nowt works so now on the B12 as that's suppost be good.. Still not smoking so at Least that's something

Sorry Shelly but you are not in Month 4. You have smoked on two separate occasions and you should go back to Day one. This isn't fair to all the people who genuinely achieved being here

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Sorry Shelly but you are not in Month 4. You have smoked on two separate occasions and you should go back to Day one. This isn't fair to all the people who genuinely achieved being here

I don't really care tbh what u or anyone else think I had a few puffs at a party and to me a few puffs aint nowt compared to the shit iv bin throu with this quit.. And I deserve to be here as a few puffs ain't like iv done a days smoking as if I did I probly just carry on smoking as don't ever want go thru this crap again

Unah profile image

Going back to Day 1 doesn't mean you have to go through everything again. You need to be honest with yourself or it will never work. You have done the hard part and that can't be taken away but you have smoked so you have no right to say you have been smoke free for 3 months. Other people got here honestly by not sneaking even one puff and you are undermining their efforts.

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


i see this old chestnut has raised its head again

Una you cant tell Shelly what room she should be posting in because she had afew puffs because thats your personal opinion

This is Shellys own personal quit and only she can make the decision which day or month she is on

This forum isnt like that there are afew forums around that if you do what Shelly did thats it your out which i and alot think is harsh after all whats a few puffs in the grand scheme of the actual quit?

she isnt back puffing away on 20 plus aday now that would be different

We are all on our own personal quit journeys and only we can choose what we see ok for us and its our choice if we have a situation come up where by the stress is too much and give into what is a natural occurance and have afew puffs

most of the time thats it for so many they think omg ive smoked therefore i might as wel carry on because im not strong enough and stop


omg ive smoked but im not going to let myself get drawn back into becoming a slave to the ciggies again im going to pick myself up and carry on not smoking

now Shelly could have not said anything about her relapse and carried on with her quit with none of us the wiser

but she didnt she held her hand up and said i smoked but im not going to let that make me a smoker again which is often the case

so on her quit journey she is carrying on

thats her decision

all we can do is offer her the support she needs like everyone else that comes on here

not judge them

that is the aim of this forum at the end of the day to offer support and encouragement to each other

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I suppos everyone who quits thinks different we're there is people who quit for months or weeks have a silly little drag and think that's the end of the world.. And starting from day 1. We're I think that's just a bit silly a few puffs is nowt.. Stupid but nowt

If I would of had a drag of say a e cig after months of no nicotine would u then say I should start from day 1? to me then that's saying if ur on NRT u shouldn't start counting ur quit untill ur completely of nicotine?

I came off all NRT a month before I should have as I didn't see the point in it as one day I would have to come off that too.. As its felt like I had to quit twice.

So I'm very proud of getting to 4 months even with a few drags. As them drags made me see that I don't want to smoke it's vile. Iv do e this quit on me own iv had no quit buddies I did for the first few weeks but there all back to smoking now. All my mates smoke most my family smoke so it's bin a very lonely process for me, Untill I found this forum.

Unah profile image


Una you cant tell Shelly what room she should be posting in because she had afew puffs because thats your personal opinion

This is Shellys own personal quit and only she can make the decision which day or month she is on

I am sorry but I disagree. Other people have struggled to reach the 4th month honestly and their efforts are being undermined because somebody thinks it's ok to have a few puffs. There have been times I would have given anything for a few puffs but like most people I would have gone back to day 1 if I had. You must be honest with yourself if you want to succeed at anything.

I stayed away from this forum for the last week because I knew I had to speak out on this issue.

What is the point of reaching the penthouse if you smoke along the way. You are doing a disservice to everyone who has strived damned hard to get there. It makes a mockery of all their efforts

Unah profile image

I don't really care tbh what u or anyone else think I had a few puffs at a party and to me a few puffs aint nowt compared to the shit iv bin throu with this quit.. And I deserve to be here as a few puffs ain't like iv done a days smoking as if I did I probly just carry on smoking as don't ever want go thru this crap again

I've been through the same S**t as you. I have been so depressed that I've spent nearly the whole 12 weeks in bed and the only times I've spoken to anyone is when I was at the checkout at asda. I have been climbing the walls with the anxiety and spending hours using relaxation apps. Anything to get through this. I didn't need to resort to Valium to help me and perhaps that's your problem.

When I decided to quit I thought it would be a case of getting through cravings. I haven't had any cravings. I thought I could handle that for a 3 months if in the end I would become a person that wasn't ruled by fags (sorry British expression). I didn't realise it would turn me into this neurotic excuse for a human being. I have never suffered from depression in my life and the only time I had anxiety was during the menopause. I class that as the worst period of my life till now. This has got to be worse

I have enjoyed being here and hope I have helped a lot of beginners. I actually felt bad about not helping this last week.

I know I will never ever put a cigarette in my mouth again whether I come here or not

I would like to thank the people who have sent me private messages

nsd_user663_49670 profile image

Although I've not been posting much lately I do still read and I can 'sort of' understand everyone's point of view.

Firstly Shelly - Although I'm just approaching the 1 month milestone of my quit journey I could say I've been 'trying' to quit for an extra 16 days. I say this because, after managing to go 16 days without smoking, I gave in and smoked 3, probably in the space of just a couple of hours. Once the realisation of what I'd done kicked in I did feel dreadful that I'd been so stupid and let myself down.

After licking my wounds and feeling sorry for myself I decided to start again, came back on here and owned up and I have to say I felt better for it. Everyone was very understanding and just as supportive as ever.

Now I know everyone is different and that getting used to not smoking, especially if you've done it for years, can be really difficult. Yes we should be forgiven for having the occasional slip up but if we do, we all know that deep down we've interrupted our quit and, no matter how bad feel, we have put ourselves back to the beginning.

When I had my slip up I knew it was my own fault but I had gone 16 days without smoking so I knew I could do it again. I actually think my failure made me more determined not to do it again so perhaps it was a good thing in a way.

I am not meaning to sound judgemental Shelly because you have done well in that it is now 4 months since you first started your quit.

I just know that without the help and understanding of both Carol and Una who are tireless in the support of us would be quitters I probably wouldn't have got as far as I have.

Evie x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I am sorry but I disagree. Other people have struggled to reach the 4th month honestly and their efforts are being undermined because somebody thinks it's ok to have a few puffs. There have been times I would have given anything for a few puffs but like most people I would have gone back to day 1 if I had. You must be honest with yourself if you want to succeed at anything.

I stayed away from this forum for the last week because I knew I had to speak out on this issue.

What is the point of reaching the penthouse if you smoke along the way. You are doing a disservice to everyone who has strived damned hard to get there. It makes a mockery of all their efforts

I'm not quitting for other people and to be honest I don't really care was strangers on a forum think

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I've been through the same S**t as you. I have been so depressed that I've spent nearly the whole 12 weeks in bed and the only times I've spoken to anyone is when I was at the checkout at asda. I have been climbing the walls with the anxiety and spending hours using relaxation apps. Anything to get through this. I didn't need to resort to Valium to help me and perhaps that's your problem.

When I decided to quit I thought it would be a case of getting through cravings. I haven't had any cravings. I thought I could handle that for a 3 months if in the end I would become a person that wasn't ruled by fags (sorry British expression). I didn't realise it would turn me into this neurotic excuse for a human being. I have never suffered from depression in my life and the only time I had anxiety was during the menopause. I class that as the worst period of my life till now. This has got to be worse

I have enjoyed being here and hope I have helped a lot of beginners. I actually felt bad about not helping this last week.

I know I will never ever put a cigarette in my mouth again whether I come here or not

I would like to thank the people who have sent me private messages

Who the hell do u think u are with ur I do t need to resort to Valium thats my comment problem.. Well bully for u that u never needed help with done sort of anti depressant for ur life.. Maybe if u would of asked why I have to take medication. But I don't tend to put my medical history on a forum that's designe to help quit smoking.

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I am sorry but I disagree. Other people have struggled to reach the 4th month honestly and their efforts are being undermined because somebody thinks it's ok to have a few puffs. There have been times I would have given anything for a few puffs but like most people I would have gone back to day 1 if I had. You must be honest with yourself if you want to succeed at anything.

I stayed away from this forum for the last week because I knew I had to speak out on this issue.

What is the point of reaching the penthouse if you smoke along the way. You are doing a disservice to everyone who has strived damned hard to get there. It makes a mockery of all their efforts

I'm not sure if I'm right but after readi g done of ur post u did have a few cigs didn't u?? As wasn't ur signiure resently that said had a relaps?

Unah profile image

Who the hell do u think u are with ur I do t need to resort to Valium thats my comment problem.. Well bully for u that u never needed help with done sort of anti depressant for ur life.. Maybe if u would of asked why I have to take medication. But I don't tend to put my medical history on a forum that's designe to help quit smoking.

Maybe learning how to spell would be a start. My 7 year old granddaughter spells better than you

nsd_user663_49670 profile image

Hi Shelly

I don't know if you read my earlier reply or not but I've just read your last one.

I agree, we all have our own reasons for quitting and we're all doing it for ourselves because we want to.

I think the forum and the differing views of everyone else on here with us are all very valid in their own way. Whether we choose to agree with them or not is up to us but it is important to remember that we are all in the 'same boat' and all here for the same reason.

I chose to consider myself back to square one when I failed - if I'd just carried on regardless and said nothing I would have felt I was cheating myself but that is only me. We are all different!

As long as we don't give up on our quit then what does it really matter?

Evie x

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Maybe learning how to spell would be a start. My 7 year old granddaughter spells better than you

Hahaha here we have the name calling.. Shows how grown up and mature you are.. I like I said b4 I use a phone so the bloody thing spells wot it wants

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Hi Shelly

I don't know if you read my earlier reply or not but I've just read your last one.

I agree, we all have our own reasons for quitting and we're all doing it for ourselves because we want to.

I think the forum and the differing views of everyone else on here with us are all very valid in their own way. Whether we choose to agree with them or not is up to us but it is important to remember that we are all in the 'same boat' and all here for the same reason.

I chose to consider myself back to square one when I failed - if I'd just carried on regardless and said nothing I would have felt I was cheating myself but that is only me. We are all different!

As long as we don't give up on our quit then what does it really matter?

Evie x

Very true I came looking for a forum as I had no help with quitting and I found this one and iv had sum lovely people on here helping me out. If it want for this forum I proply would be full time smoker now.

With the few drags I had was about 4 I put my hands up too it as I new I made a mistake. Let my self down. Spoke to some of the nice members on here and was going go back to square 1 but was encourage to stick where I am as a few drags ain't nowt to 4 3 month of non

But now I think some people think this is a competition between us all

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Maybe learning how to spell would be a start. My 7 year old granddaughter spells better than you

Haha you proper made me laugh.. Ner ner ner ner ner. Sprang into me mind when I read that.

Unah profile image

So why don't yo use a spell checker

Unah profile image

Hahaha here we have the name calling.. Shows how grown up and mature you are.. I like I said b4 I use a phone so the bloody thing spells wot it wants

I use one too but I make sure it can spell

Unah profile image

You come across as the only person who can't spell. We all have devices that try to take over but we take the time to correct it

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I use one too but I make sure it can spell

Yawwwwwn if you have nowt else to say why are u posting on here bored of u now. Was funny first but boring now u said it 3 times

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

You come across as the only person who can't spell. We all have devices that try to take over but we take the time to correct it

Probly cuz iv got better things to do than sit on here moaning

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I am sorry but I disagree. Other people have struggled to reach the 4th month honestly and their efforts are being undermined because somebody thinks it's ok to have a few puffs. There have been times I would have given anything for a few puffs but like most people I would have gone back to day 1 if I had. You must be honest with yourself if you want to succeed at anything.

I stayed away from this forum for the last week because I knew I had to speak out on this issue.

What is the point of reaching the penthouse if you smoke along the way. You are doing a disservice to everyone who has strived damned hard to get there. It makes a mockery of all their efforts

So have u smoked or not as above u have put there were times when I really want to smoke etc

But here on another post u put

"I would have been 12 weeks quit today if I hadn't had that one bad day and went back to day one."


Quit Day 10th June 2012

Smoked for 50 years

Patches for 8 weeks and inhalator occasionally

nsd_user663_49037 profile image


I think you need to back off Una. You're getting too personal and insulting. Bullying behaviour really needs to be monitored and stopped.

Unah profile image

I'm being insulting. No way. It's insulting to all the people who quit without taking a puff

nsd_user663_49037 profile image

Maybe learning how to spell would be a start. My 7 year old granddaughter spells better than you

Yes everybodys opinion is valid but your above quote is just downright rude. If your 7 year old granddaughter spoke in that manner to somebody I'm sure you would scold her. Good luck to all.

nsd_user663_49037 profile image

I'm being insulting. No way. It's insulting to all the people who quit without taking a puff

It is insulting!! You practically called the girl stupid! And what difference does it make to you how Shelly manages her quit? We should all concentrate on our own quits. I'm quit exactly 4 months today (without taking a puff) and I'm certainly not insulted by Shellys story. Why be so bitter??

nsd_user663_49037 profile image

Apologies Una-G. My mistake. Best of luck in your quit too.

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Yes everybodys opinion is valid but your above quote is just downright rude. If your 7 year old granddaughter spoke in that manner to somebody I'm sure you would scold her. Good luck to all.

I think it's more childish than rude

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I'm being insulting. No way. It's insulting to all the people who quit without taking a puff

Why are you so botherd about what I get up to with my quit. Why does it bother you so much. like I said at least I was honest I bet there had bin plenty of people on here that have smoked more than a few drags on here and not put there hands up to it.

Unah profile image

You are not honest. You smoked therefore you are not entitled to be in the 4th Month room

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

You are not honest. You smoked therefore you are not entitled to be in the 4th Month room

U arnt honest if u go back a few post maybe page 3 u state that there were days when u really wanted to smoke. But on another post u say u have?

I was honest I put my hands up to smoking. And I still don't see why u are so bitter about it. It's not like u know me personally or that we had some kind of non smoking packed.

nsd_user663_49670 profile image

This discussion seems to be going nowhere.

nsd_user663_49670 profile image

Sorry, posted too soon.

Let's all just carry on quitting, whatever!

Good luck to all.

Evie x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Shelley has done well!

Hi Shelley, I dont think we should get too hung up on what month you should be posting in. I think we have to remember that you have done extremely well to get as far as you have with your quit under the circumstances that you have had to deal with. Anxiety is dreadfull for the sufferer and you are a young girl living alone and trying to quit a very addictive drug whilst everyone around you who was supposed to be quitting with you, caved in and gave up. The least of your worries is what month you post in. Even if you went back to day one and posted in there it doesnt take away what you have achieved. Una is looking at this from a point of view that only someone smoke free for a year should enter the penthouse and I can see where she is coming from and I agree with her. Although your lapses are minimal and usually when you have had an alcoholic drink I am inclined to forgive you,

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Wow :eek:

Shelley I don't give a toss whether you had 3 puffs, 3 cigarettes or 3 men in a boat. Your slip up hasn't affected my quit nor anyone else's by the looks of things. If it happens again then you will fall into the "social smoker" camp and you'll have to think long and hard about what you really want to be because it can't be both.

LMFAO - who has spell check on a phone :D

3 men in a boat hacking 1 is a struggle at the mo :D

Unah profile image

U arnt honest if u go back a few post maybe page 3 u state that there were days when u really wanted to smoke. But on another post u say u have?

I was honest I put my hands up to smoking. And I still don't see why u are so bitter about it. It's not like u know me personally or that we had some kind of non smoking packed.

When I smoked I went back to Day 1. I only ever did it once. Nuff said

nsd_user663_49037 profile image

Nuff said????

When I smoked I went back to Day 1. I only ever did it once. Nuff said

'Nuff said'??? Oooohhhhh Una....looks like your spellcheck is letting you down.

Damn. I've just lowered myself to your level.

Not what you're looking for?