Hi All Quitters and Quitters to be,
I just wanted to let you all know what I have experienced to date while being on Champix.I have taken them for 9 days and my quit day was my 8th day so I havent had a cigerette for 33 hours now. ! Yippeee.
Since taking Champix, I have felt nausea, absolutely bloated, tummy craps which have been quite painful and wind as well. I have also been tired but when I do sleep I am having really vivid dreams and it is harder to waken up as well its like being in a DEEP DEEP sleep.
Over the course of the first week while still smoking as the days were going by it was harder to smoke because the tablets were making me feel yuk when I did and definately made them taste differant. I have felt sick at times as well, I only had 5 cigerettes on Satuday (5th day on tablets) because each time I had one I just wanted to to be sick and it made me feel guilty even having one as well.
So far I would say that the cravings have been less than I ever expected them to be, I have had a couple of bad ones though, just after my dinner and also in the morning as well, but I have just went and done other things and its went away. Overall I am surprised at how much I am not craving one, its the habit of what I used to do ie lighter, ashtray, packet of ciggies and use my hands which I actually think that is the worst part to crack at the moment.
I dont even like taking headache tablets so for me to go to the doctors for Champix was huge, I doubt I could do it cold turkey and I also did not want nicotine replacement therapy as I dont see the point in keeping nicotine going in when you actually want to quit.
So I will see how it goes, I have been smoking for 25 years (2-25) a day and I would class myself as an addict. I needed one first thing in the morning, after every meal and also having a cuppa etc. I cant believe I havent had one for 33 hours so I am sticking to it to see what happens.