Using Patches: Hi people im new on here so... - No Smoking Day

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Using Patches

nsd_user663_25209 profile image
28 Replies

Hi people im new on here so not sure if im doing it right. Anyway, i have just attempted to quit the evil ciggarettes using champix. Unfortunately they didnt agree with me and i had to stop taking them. So, after a visit to my nurse i now have a prescription for patches. I was just wondering if any of you are using them and if so do you have any advice or tips that you could pass on please????


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nsd_user663_25209 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hi people im new on here so not sure if im doing it right. Anyway, i have just attempted to quit the evil ciggarettes using champix. Unfortunately they didnt agree with me and i had to stop taking them. So, after a visit to my nurse i now have a prescription for patches. I was just wondering if any of you are using them and if so do you have any advice or tips that you could pass on please????


Hi Jingle Jo

Good luck iwth your quit, it's worth it.

Best thing to do is read some others post about quitting using patches. Just type patches into the search facility and plenty will come through.

Also have a look at FiCox's posts as she quit with patches too.

Someone else will no doubt be along shortly with some more advice.

If you have time, also read some of the info in my signature.


nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Thanks Mah, Im new to this forum so trying to work out how to post and read threads. Im going to try the search thing now. :)

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Thanks Mah, Im new to this forum so trying to work out how to post and read threads. Im going to try the search thing now. :)

Good stuff Jo, found reading everything helped in the first few days especially to keep focus on why I was quitting, as to patches I found that willpower was still needed. Just took the edge off, so read and read some more.


nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Ive decided that Friday will be my quit day which fills me with all sorts of feelings.





I really mean business this time. I have tried half heartedly many times before but now iv got 2 children which is why i need to quit for their health as well as mine. Im fed up of smelling like an ashtray.

Im going to a smoking cessation group today with my mum who is also quitting although she is using champix which are working brilliant for her.

Im only going to be a smoker for 2 more days!!!!!

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Ive decided that Friday will be my quit day which fills me with all sorts of feelings.





I really mean business this time. I have tried half heartedly many times before but now iv got 2 children which is why i need to quit for their health as well as mine. Im fed up of smelling like an ashtray.

Im going to a smoking cessation group today with my mum who is also quitting although she is using champix which are working brilliant for her.

Im only going to be a smoker for 2 more days!!!!!

Good luck Jo

I never thought I'd manage to quit but I have, so if I can do it so can you. Was wedded to the ruddy things. In the end I hated the relationship and wanted out but it always seemed to hard to quit.

In the end my desire not to have another fag eventually outweighed my desire to have a fag and this quit has had it's moments but it's worked.

Good luck with the smoking cessation groupa and am glad you've got such a close confident to quit with. It really is worth it.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Jingle Jo my advice is drink drink and more drink, when you sober up you will have quit smoking LOL ermmmm was only joking I hope you have a sense of humour LOL I actually meant water as I found that it was my saving grace and helped me quit and stay quit, I wish you all the best and I know that this site will give you massive support and keep you focussed if you let it.

We are all here to help you and make sure you have some one to rant at and also to have a laugh with, quitting smoking doesnt need to be too serious I dont think, laughing helps your body to heal so keep a smile on your face and a pinch of salt at your side.

nsd_user663_24260 profile image

Good luck Jingle Jo

sorry that the Champix didn't work for you, they are working for me. As people say there is lots of people on patches who have given up. Just remember your doing it for your kids.

nsd_user663_24663 profile image

Hey Jingle Jo,

Just thought I would drop a bobs worth in with re: to patches.

I never actually thought they would work but they are working fine on me - so do give them a try, the only thing is weird vivid dreams and lack of sleep - everything else seems ok and also the cravings aint there also

best of luck with your quit - im on day 3 with patches today and feeling quite chuffed with myself.

You can do it and do it for yourself and the kids

best wishes to you


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hi. I quit with patches. I too have small children and it spured me on. Use them as a kick start to understanding why you smoke.though. there is a good link to tales from the quit in my,Sig which give great information and good ideas to help you understand the quit and then staying quit. Patches and other aids aren't a magic formula to quitting though, it really is all on the mind. Look forward to your quit date!

nsd_user663_23148 profile image

I am using the patches and here is what I found (I am probably repeating other people here):

Weird dreams - enjoy these :D

Slight sleep disruption to begin with, this soon passes.

Redness and itchyness where the patch has been - make sure you regularly move them.

Difficulties in keeping the patch on during sport, showers, etc.

The full time on the strong patches was far too long. Don't be afraid to step down early if you feel you will be fine.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_24115 profile image

love patches

been using patches for 22 days now ,love em, i wake up brew coffee open the patch packet peeeel of the back stick it on lovingly and say to myself thank god i dont have to smoke today. whenever i get a smoking thought i remember that im getting nicotine so dont need a fag aand i rub my patch and say hi. i still need willpower and get fag thoughts but i just go back to my journal where iv written 4 pages on wot smoking is really like when it was at its most mindless and stupid, cravings only last 3mins anyway.

and the thought of a cigarette is better than a cigarette everytime.



nsd_user663_4026 profile image

A journal or similar has worked for lots of people. Some have printed out quotes or written thoughts down and stuck them on the fridge for daily viewing.

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Wow im loving this forum already. Thank you everybody for your kind words of support. It has definately given me a boost today as my quit day is looming but im believing that i can actually do this now..

The idea of having a drink sounds good Lol!

I will apologise now because im sure that over the weekend i will be on here all the time.

My smoking cessation group today was quite good really, they advised that i can use another therapy such as the gum whilst using patches in the first couple of weeks when the cravings are bad. Might invest in some. I worked out that iv smoked for 17 years which is horrifying to think about but you people have given me that last bit of motivation that i can do it. Thanks xx

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

been using patches for 22 days now ,love em, i wake up brew coffee open the patch packet peeeel of the back stick it on lovingly and say to myself thank god i dont have to smoke today. whenever i get a smoking thought i remember that im getting nicotine so dont need a fag aand i rub my patch and say hi. i still need willpower and get fag thoughts but i just go back to my journal where iv written 4 pages on wot smoking is really like when it was at its most mindless and stupid, cravings only last 3mins anyway.

and the thought of a cigarette is better than a cigarette everytime.



omg exactly as i used to think i would rub my patch and think yes i am getting the nicotine i need without the other 4000 poisons that go with a cigarette

agree they give u wierd dreams but i liked the dreams

i didnt do the full course of patches changed to the inhalator a couple of months in (which is brilliant by the way and i use very little now) but i truely beleive the patches got me is the right place mentally and by the time i changed to the inhalator i was mentally strong

the only down side were them making me itchy when i had them on apart from that loved them

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

You lot are brilliant and i really hope that i will make myself proud. I have been and got loads of information to read and with the help of patches, this forum and all the reading iv got myself i will succeed.

I think the hard work will be mentally conditioning myself that i dont need a smoke. Therefore im going into this prepared to the hilt. Iv got gizmos to play with so my hands are busy, decided when i would normally sit and have a smoke im going out with the dog, Im taking the advice of using a journal. And im also gonna put quotes all over my house. In fact i think im becoming obsessed with quiting lol!!!

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

Hi Jingle

You will finds lots of tears laughter advice and a wee bit of flouncing - all welcome:D

Make sure you read read read and keep yourself focussed on your quit, reading positive stuff helps promote positive thoughts and if that fails plug in your headphones, scream/dance along to your music (best done in private) works for me ;)

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

thats all good to do educating myself was definately the key to me succeeding as far as i have i read something a few days ago that our sub concious makes us smoke if u think of it like this

if u drive and u take your lessons then u pass then u go out and drive on your own at first u drive and remember everything from your lessons step by step the longer u drive the more your subconcious learns to drive in the end u drive without even thinking about it and smoking is the same in the end your subconcious wants to smoke and wants to form habits and in the end u smoke without really thinking about why, u just do it

so once u realise this it makes sense and makes my quit easier

reading this really clicked with me and re enforced my strength

if u read read read things will really click and u will see smoking for wat it is rather than seeing it as a reward or a pleasure u will miss because it isnt a reward or a pleasure at all

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Thanks Boo, that does make a lot of sense. Its just great to be in touch with people who understand. Often, when i tell people im quitting the smokes, they laugh and say yeah right... supportive??? Not.

Well i am determined and i think with the support of this forum I will do it for good!! No more smoke..

Hahaha lets see what my posts will be like at the weekend

nsd_user663_1719 profile image

Hiya Jo

I quit with patches too (and a bit of help from the inhalator when times got tough!)

I echo what everyone else has said - and would like to add that for me, the see-through patches stuck better! (although there was nothing invisible about them once the skin underneath went all red)

This may not work for everyone, but I used the 24hr patches - and stuck my first one on before bed the night before I quit. It helped to wake up without the normal mega-craving for a morning fag - it all depends if you mind the colourful dreams or not! :D

Best of luck xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image


Hi Jingle jo and from me a welcome also. I can not speak for patches as I went cold turkey. The only bit I can maybe add is I remember a post on here by someone who tried using patches and almost gave up quitting because they were having terrible problems with them. No don't panic there are different makes of patches and someone suggested to them that they change to another brand and it worked. So if you do have problems other than the ones that others who used patches have mentioned try changing the brand.

The reason I have entitled this Wow! is because it is great to see the surge of "old timers" on this thread helping out, hi to you all.

Jingle jo you can do it good luck.


nsd_user663_22968 profile image

I'm using patches too and currently loving the dreams although my husband isn't as I woke him up at 2am this morning to ask him what he was going spend the 3k he had just won on!:D:D:D

I find the invisible ones stick better too, make sure you move them everytime you change them. Mine kind of feels itchy and as though it is burning for the first 30 mins.

I agree that educating yourself about the addiction is the key but have no doubt I wouldn't have got this far without the patches. Good luck!

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

totally agree ^^^^^^ i too would never be where i am today without the patches they definately got me to a place mentally where i was strong and able to change my mind on the method (now inhalator) and i did this easily

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Hello everyone, im getting very excited now as tonight is my last night as a smoker woohooo!!! and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.

I cant believe im excited even though i know its going to be hard but thanks to you lovely people i really do think i can do it. Im armed with plenty to read which iv been doing all day. My mum who is using champix is doing fantastic, she actually went without her morning cig (im very proud of her).

I will post again tomorrow to let you know how im getting on

Thank you xxx

nsd_user663_23148 profile image

Hello everyone, im getting very excited now as tonight is my last night as a smoker woohooo!!! and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.

I cant believe im excited even though i know its going to be hard but thanks to you lovely people i really do think i can do it. Im armed with plenty to read which iv been doing all day. My mum who is using champix is doing fantastic, she actually went without her morning cig (im very proud of her).

I will post again tomorrow to let you know how im getting on

Thank you xxx

Good luck!!! :D

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Thanks fencer, so far so good. Cant quite believe it. Im also using the 24hr patches and reading lots.

How are you doing with yours?

nsd_user663_23148 profile image

Thanks fencer, so far so good. Cant quite believe it. Im also using the 24hr patches and reading lots.

How are you doing with yours?

Good :) Coming up for week 7. Thinking bout stepping down to Step 3.

nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Well done!!!! You should be very proud of yourself. I had got some of the gum but havent felt the need for it as yet.

Its unreal how well today is going as i honestly expected to be a mess but its relatively stress free. I know thats probably down to the patches. I have also been reading the Paul Mckenna book and doing the exercises in there so maybe thats helping with the mental side of things.

I actually envision smoking cigarettes with eating sick (i know disgusting but hey its working so far) Lol!!

Good luck with the rest of your treatment x

nsd_user663_23148 profile image

Well done!!!! You should be very proud of yourself. I had got some of the gum but havent felt the need for it as yet.

Its unreal how well today is going as i honestly expected to be a mess but its relatively stress free. I know thats probably down to the patches. I have also been reading the Paul Mckenna book and doing the exercises in there so maybe thats helping with the mental side of things.

I actually envision smoking cigarettes with eating sick (i know disgusting but hey its working so far) Lol!!

Good luck with the rest of your treatment x

Keep it up, sounds like you are off to a great start!

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