CT or NRT: I have been thinking of my views... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_23260 profile image
21 Replies

I have been thinking of my views since having a thread shut down. Will my comments affect others lifes? Are my comments to close to the bone? Am I wrong with my thinking? Maybe I am but if can't air my personal view then it's all a bit hush hush and that's not what I'm about. I have tried NRT to many times, I have boxes of half empty patches and gum everywhere! It made me stop smoking but never stopped my addiction. I know a lot of people who tried to stop using NRT and they all failed. When I had my drug addiction to heroin I would go down to get my substitute from the chemist every day with the rest of the losers, after hearing the death of my best friend I booked a home detox and went cold turkey, much harder than cold turkey of nicotine. Anyway nowadays when I come out the gym and drive past the chemist I see the same losers stood waiting for there substitute, no better off are these fools 5 years on it's a real shame. My point is that is NRT curing the problem? Or is it prolonging the pain. Have some respect for my view on this and that my way of coping is a result of my past actions.

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nsd_user663_23260 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Deep Breath

:DHi Simon

I know you're taking a kicking right now but you are a couple of weeks along with your quit, please consider that you are feeling a sort of quit success euphoria and then post with that in mind.

In the end does it matter how people quit?

The early stages of the quit is not really the time for such a debate - go to the general section or another section. Anything below 6 months (in my opinion) could be a tad insensitive.

You are doing marvellously Simon and we are all cheering you on but a little consideration for those not in the same space as you...

Whatever works

Onwards and upwards.....


nsd_user663_5920 profile image


Does that chime with you, at all?

You used NRT for a few days, that does not mean you will fail ... or will you?

I hope you don't.

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

i feel u have to do wats best for u individually

i wouldn't be where i am today 59 days quit without NRT

there is no way i could have considered CT at the begininning [if that was the only option to quitting i would still be smoking today]

i used patches for the first month and half i needed them to get my mind set in the right place, it gave me time to educate myself by reading about quitting, it gave me time to get through the first bad weeks and not smoke, it gave me time to change my life so i could remove alot of my smoking triggers

i know 100% i would not have got this far without NRT it gave me the precious time i needed to adjust

maybe that makes me a weak person but so be it i dont care i am 59 days quit and thats all that matters

i am off the patches now and have a inhalaor as and when i need it [ which isnt that often as it happens]

everyone has to do wat they want as an individual same as everything in life not everyone is the same

nsd_user663_23260 profile image

Trust me I will not fail!

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I have been thinking of my views since having a thread shut down. Will my comments affect others lifes? Are my comments to close to the bone? Am I wrong with my thinking? Maybe I am but if can't air my personal view then it's all a bit hush hush and that's not what I'm about. I have tried NRT to many times, I have boxes of half empty patches and gum everywhere! It made me stop smoking but never stopped my addiction. I know a lot of people who tried to stop using NRT and they all failed. When I had my drug addiction to heroin I would go down to get my substitute from the chemist every day with the rest of the losers, after hearing the death of my best friend I booked a home detox and went cold turkey, much harder than cold turkey of nicotine. Anyway nowadays when I come out the gym and drive past the chemist I see the same losers stood waiting for there substitute, no better off are these fools 5 years on it's a real shame. My point is that is NRT curing the problem? Or is it prolonging the pain. Have some respect for my view on this and that my way of coping is a result of my past actions.

Hi Simon

It's not your views that upset others, and who knows, you may well be right, maybe CT is the best way. I don't know, all I know my way is working for me right now, but my way may not be right for you, nor yours for me.

No, it's not your views that upset me, it's the manner in which you express them.

For example, look at your post. You are by implication calling those of us using NRT losers. No you don't do so in as many words, but the way in which you have written your post implies it.

I am not a loser and I deeply resent you calling me such. You probably don't mean it that way but that is how it comes across.

So.. no matter what you have tried in the past, or what previous addictions you have had to fight have some respect for others. There is more than one way to skin a cat, just because you did/do it one way does not make you the expert or give you the right to dictate.

Give an opinion by all means, but do it in a manner that does not cause offence. Or cause people to report you to the mods.

nsd_user663_22800 profile image

Hi Simon,

Whilst for the most part I share your views re NRT, I accept that it is my opinion, and whilst I am happy to share it with anyone, can't and wont force it on anyone else.

In addition, as I am only 3 weeks smoke free, do not feel comfortable making such suggestions as I do ot feel qualified yet - who knows, this time next week could be week 1 again.

If used incorrectly, NRT could just replace the Cigerettes, but surely if it helps people get through the initial period, and is then withdrawn at a pace which suits the individual, it can be a massive benefit.

I don't think anyone here objects to you expressing your views, but know some have been upset by the manner in which they are made, and am sure that if you take the time to understand their comments and where they are coming from, that everyone can move on.

bbbreezy profile image

Simon, I really do applaud you for your quit and your manner of quit but it is not for all. Some of us Simon need a crutch, a leg up...

I decided on the Champix route and have been on 1/2 dose for the most of it and these last few days nothing. Simon, I could not have come this far without it; I could not have gone cold turkey. Should I feel a loser? Must say Simon, I do not.

We are all different Simon; what works for one does not work for all. I really would (and have) tried anything within reason to quit in the past.

I am not in the least irate with you Simon, more amused. You are entitled to your opinion, but I am not a young thing, struggling with my first quit who is easily swayed by anothers opinion. I do not wish others to feel they HAVE to use Champix. It worked for me. There are a variety of methods that can be used and any smoker should use whatever works for THEM to aid the quit, including this forum.

This forum is so blessedly informative and helpful. Can we not go on without mods getting involved and threads closing.

nsd_user663_4821 profile image


I've read your previous posts and you raise some interesting (although not new) points about the use of NRT. I don't think that the problems is with you 'airing your personal view' but in the way you chose to present this view.

You put your opinions forward as fact and no matter how strongly you believe in them, they are only your opinions. What doesn't work for you may be the Holy Grail of smoking cessation to someone else.

I think that you failed to consider the feelings of other forum members. As you have said above, you have failed to quit smoking before. Surely you understand how devestating it can be for someone to lose a quit? It can leave people thoroughly depressed and miserable. The last thing someone needs when feeling so low is to be kicked when they are down. Quitting smoking is tough enough without people picking at you in the very place you have come to seek out support and understanding.

I found your tone to be rude and offensive and I think you owe some members of the forum (particularly Karri, who I think you were downright dispicable to) an apology. Perhaps if you could swallow you pride and say sorry and present you arguments against NRT in a more constructive way (and in a more suitable place!) then you might receive a warmer welcome to the boards.

I, incidently, agree with much of what you have said about NRT (I've tried it myself) but I'll applaud anyone that manages to give smoking the heave-ho no matter how they choose to do it. Maybe starting a new thread in the 'Help to Stop' or 'Tips' section would be a good starting point for an amicable debate on the pros and cons of NRT? In fact it could even be really useful for those people that have failed an NRT quit and want to try another method.

Anyway, I've rambled enough. Good luck with your quit - I hope this one's a winner for you.


nsd_user663_23260 profile image

I apologise.

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Good man.:)

It is completely understandable that given your history you have strong feelings about this, and after succeeding in something as huge as kicking a heroin addiction with CT, I'm not surprised you're passionate in bigging up CT as a quitting method.

But it's a sensitive time and a sensitive subject for most people here. Feelings can run high. And you should be aware of this when you're writing. Read back over your posts before you hit send. Does what you've said sound a bit preachy/aggressive? Edit it!

If you were in a multi-faith or multi-cultural forum you would, I'm sure, be respectful towards the beliefs and cultures of others. To arrive on such a forum and say 'my way is the only way' loudly and repeatedly ... not a great idea. And so it is here. Just be sensitive. Each to their own!

All the best,


Oh Oh I feel a poll coming on - check the general section in 5 mins!! :eek:

bbbreezy profile image

:eek:I think John's gone poll mad.....:eek:

we may have to start a new self help forum for those addicted to creating polls:D

nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I hate to be too contentious but I don't really think an apology is quite an apology when read along side the signature block. Used for the first time when writing the apology. :mad:

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

I always admire a strong personality or those who are willing to stand in their truth. The down side is that to some it can appear arrogant. I should know :D i love to stand in my truth, thats all i know, i can be my own judge but i certainly would not judge others for their methods (not out loud). Also we can't alter other people so whats the point in making them feel like crap by trying to change them.

For me ct is the way to go. I am brutal when it comes to addictions. Nicotine is a toughie so being a pussycat about it just isn't going to work, nrt or not i knew THAT FOR ME a positive mental attitude with sheer will power and indestructable determination will win the battle and it did. I went insane and never want to go through that again.... but whats a few hard weeks compared to years of suffering with lung cancer?? I just looked at the reality and got it in perspective,,, this is a serious killer problem, how do i deal with it?? NRT just seemed like a waste of time but pleaassse... this is only my opinion before i get pounced on!! lol we are all different and yes some of us have got very strong will power.... (maybe not in other areas)

I could quit smoking ct, we are all different. I am glad i went ct over nrt anyday. Booze however....that another story lol.

Love to all my fellow quitters :D

I hate to be too contentious but I don't really think an apology is quite an apology when read along side the signature block. Used for the first time when writing the apology. :mad:

I did not notice that Dale, you are quite right he is obviously trying to bait someone, I believe it is called trolling - and the last person to do it was dealt with promptly by the mods! :mad:

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Well done for apologising Simon, good luck with your quit.

Maybe help some of those coming along behind you.


nsd_user663_22999 profile image

I did not notice that Dale, you are quite right he is obviously trying to bait someone, I believe it is called trolling - and the last person to do it was dealt with promptly by the mods! :mad:

Thanks John. I was beginning to feel a bit mean. Yellow triangle was hit earlier today.

nsd_user663_22533 profile image

If Simon is so bloody confident on his quit what the hell is he doing on here - clearly doesnt need support so bog off !!

nsd_user663_23260 profile image

Thank you fallen angel, you seem the only one getting my point. Who ever the nobody telling me to bog off is, I'm on here because I can be on here and you can't do nothing about it. Read back on all debates and its me that is getting insulted not anyone else. Was goin to keep off for a bit but with the hits I'm getting I think I might stick around. See everyone soon

bbbreezy profile image

I do not want to get in the middle of this and apologize if I am. I am not defending Simon per se, but I have seen Simon's posts on other threads and he has been encouraging and supportive to others and others have been encouraging and supportive back. Simon, you have done a GRAND job on your quit and I congratulate you.

You are also new at this quitting business and still have a lot to learn; I know you have quit harder, but each quit is different. This quit will be different for you. Other's quits are also different. We are not cut from one mold.

We all have our methods of quitting; I, at my stage in life, would have tried anything short of eating glass to quit. I do not and will not apologize for my method of quit. I am now "clean", but need be, I have NRT in close proximity. I would much rather use that than resort back to smoking. Now that I am clean, I feel much more "normal", but my cravings are slightly more serious.

Simon, we are all here to bitch, moan, learn, laugh, congrulate...., sympathise and SUPPORT each other. No one should feel discouraged here. No one should feel undervalued. We are all equal. No insults should be hurled or pointed at other people. If you have nothing positive to say, don't say it at all -

Sorry all, I am saddened to see comments going back and forth and see mods have to get involved.

bbbreezy profile image

I am p!$$#d;:mad: this is one of the first times I have not spent a bit of time on the board, reading, putting my bit in, hoping, probably in vain, that I possibly helped someone.

If I wanted to hear petulant children, I would volunteer at children's schools more often.

Thank you for reading; that all, is a bitch; a good bitch and I feel better:D

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