Day 21 on Champix, day 16 of not smoking - No Smoking Day

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Day 21 on Champix, day 16 of not smoking

nsd_user663_7933 profile image
9 Replies


I'm on day 21 of Champix, and have forgotten the last 2 days to take the pill in the evening. Having noticed no difference, I plan on continuing to just take the one pill in the morning for at least a few more weeks.

Couple of questions come to mind though. Why is the course 12 weeks, and not 8 or even 4 weeks ?

Also, anyone have experience of not following through with the complete course, either dropping one pill completely, cutting them in half, or stopping early ?

I fully expect to feel "deflated" when I stop the pills completely, as, in essence, they could be called "happy pills", however, is it not better to reduce the effects of the pills gradually and sooner, so that the eventual "going it alone" isn't such a burden ???

Maybe I'm just missing something though?

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nsd_user663_7933 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Billy Bob:D

Well done you stopping smoking and on day 16 smoke free that\/s great

I also used champix with no problems at all and like you I kept forgetting to take them after a while

finally at 7 2eeks smoke free I stopped taking them altogether and still no problems and I certainly did feel deflated at all

As for why they're 12 weeks courses I think is simply because all non smoking aid courses run for 12 weeks

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image


I'm on day 21 of Champix, and have forgotten the last 2 days to take the pill in the evening. Having noticed no difference, I plan on continuing to just take the one pill in the morning for at least a few more weeks.

Couple of questions come to mind though. Why is the course 12 weeks, and not 8 or even 4 weeks ?

Also, anyone have experience of not following through with the complete course, either dropping one pill completely, cutting them in half, or stopping early ?

I fully expect to feel "deflated" when I stop the pills completely, as, in essence, they could be called "happy pills", however, is it not better to reduce the effects of the pills gradually and sooner, so that the eventual "going it alone" isn't such a burden ???

Maybe I'm just missing something though?

Billy etc,

You'll get all that information from your medical advisor. That's the person you consulted for the medication in the first place.

Hang in there and become a non-smoker :cool:

Oh, welcome to the site...have fun...lawd know's I do ;)


nsd_user663_7933 profile image

Help from the Medical Advisor ?

Hahaha ... all that from my medical advisor.

I made an appointment with my Doctors Surgery, saw a Locum Doctor from somewhere in Eastern Europe who's English was not the greatest, who looked in a book for the correct name for Champix to put on a presciption for me and that was it ...

The 3rd / 4th weeks Champix prescription I picked up from the Reception desk without seeing a doctor at all for any progress report. I've not had any tests (these CO tests I've read about) nor discussion with a Doctor about any of it .....

Time for me to change Doctor's Surgery I think

nsd_user663_7769 profile image

Hi Billy Bob

It must be 19 or is it 20 days without a cancer stick even with the champix you are doing well.

The treatment time does seem a bit long about the same as patches I guess but if its not causing any problems with you why not carry on you are well down the path already.

I hope you or anyone never has a real problem with the doctor you have.

Good luck


nsd_user663_7933 profile image

What a "closed group of people"

Bit disappointed that I joined this "group" of people and received just the 2 responses to my original "question / reaching out for support" .... One from the lady who runs the group, which makes 1 other !!!!!!

I undestand that you are a "community", but it looks a bit poor that a "16 year old" gets more responses to his post than a 39 year old who's been smoking for more years than that guy's been alive ......... Come on guys, lets get real huh !!

PS. I'm on day 23 of not smoking, on Champix, dropped the dose to half last week .... but would like to hear from people in the same boat .... not from people that can just say "... woo wooo ... good job ". ... i.e looking for support that is actually supportive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_7361 profile image

Hi there.

I know what you are going trough..I have been there before!!!

The first time I took Champix I was not fully informed about what to expect..I stopped smoking too early, I got scared with my full-on side effects, etc...

I was going to a NHS Stop Smoking group at the time..I ended up giving up champix, group and quitting!!!

Recently I joined a different group and this forum and, although I am still smoking, I am on Champix right now.

I wouldn't be too hard on your doctor..this is quite a new med. The advice I could give you is to call the NHS Stop Smoking line and try to go and see a nurse BEFORE a group meeting..then if you feel comfortable, stay and see what happens.

This is what I did...because the first one I joined was so awful that I was was like a 'cult'!

A nurse will be able to advice you about champix and how long to take it for. To be honest, at meetings other people who have stopped smoking have halved their doses, or stop alltogheter.I think what they try to do is to decrease the dosage at the end, so they might prescribe the starter pack at the end, so your body will get used to be without the med.

Sorry for the long email..I know I am not a successfull quitter (yet) and I may not be the best person to give advice..I thought this may be helpful

Wish you luck


nsd_user663_7933 profile image

Thanks Zai

Cheers Zai ... On day 30 now, and cut the pills to 1 x half in the morning....

Thinking about the evil weed a bit more. Just goes to show that these pills do a good job at the start for giving up smoking, but there's always a time when it's just going it alone ..

I figure that the sooner I get to that, the better really.

nsd_user663_7761 profile image

Hi there,

I might be a bit late here, and you've managed to answer your own questions, but here goes anyway.

I'm also taking champix, 2nd time round for me, 1st time i took them for about 6 weeks at half the dose, but the side effects got too much for me and i stopped taking them, within weeks i became a full time smoker.

This time for all i'm having a rough time on them i'm sticking with it, but i do think it's down to each individual, my sister stopped taking them after about 5 weeks and has managed to stay quit for over a year now.

As for having to take them for 3 months, i think it is because research says that it's he 1st 3 months thats the hardest part of quitting, so it's just to help you over the worse of it. I have read that taking them for 6 months has a bette result of maintain you quit. Personally can't wait to stop taking them.

I hope that helps some.:)

nsd_user663_8263 profile image

not much of a contribution because only on day 9 of champix but thought id let you know where i am.

I went to the doctors after terrible time with patches. doctor did the same, just literrally wrote out a prescription and said just call if you need a repeat :confused: ?!?!. I was concerned by this as my local nhs centre (who have been great) said that i need regular visits to check how im doing etc (because of the potential side affects i suppose). Im taking 100 mg in the morning and just the 50 mg at night. not sure if i want to up that as seem to be doing ok, not sure id want to reduce it anymore at the moment though. I had a very stroppy day yesterday and was dying for a cig, but again pleased to say i didnt. The only side affects i am getting is that i feel terribly tired ALL DAY, do feel very down and want to be on my own all the time ?

I would say that if you feel happy reducing then so be it, i guess if 'they' felt you should be on the course for 12 weeks, they would prescribe the full 12 weeks instead of getting a new prescription every 2-3 weeks. When i feel confident to do this, i will be doing it and i will just make sure that i have the other part of the reccomended dose to hand if required.

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