new member-start champix tomorrow!!!HELP - No Smoking Day

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new member-start champix tomorrow!!!HELP

6 Replies

Hello everyone, is anyone about to take champix and as worried as me???

I've smoked 20+ aday for 16 years, i have tried patches, gum,willpower and failed witihin 3 weeks.

There is not a day that goes by that i swear im going to stop tommorrow for good but that day never comes, However after talking to my GP i was offered champix and i jumped at the chance to try it, and my daughter thought i should give it a go.

Im supposed to start tommorrow so i thought i'd search online for more information and i found all sorts of horror stories and now im starting to wonder if i should take them, i even rang the gp for assurance and she told me not to worry and to just try them for a few days to see how i go, in fact she laughed and said i should stop reading about all the side affects

However im still abit anxious and would appreciate ANY advice.

Also i now this may sound daft, but im going on holiday in 2 weeks and want to know if i can take them abroad, i mean i dont want to get major side affects while on the plane!!

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6 Replies
nsd_user663_4901 profile image


Hi Shortandsweet - welcome!

There are lots of us around who are taking Champix, and can offer a more balanced point of view! Most of what you find on the web are the bad stories - naturally people are keen to make them public. Less keen are those of us who have had no real problems and for whom they have worked/are working like a dream.

We are all different, and lots of people here have experienced different effects. Most of them are very minor, and I'm sure, now you have found your way here, you will also read all of our experiences.

For me personally, I am on Day 21 of Champix, and Day 11 of not smoking and apart from a few minor issues (mainly involving wind! :D) I'm doing just fine.

Personally, my advice would be stop worrying, but be vigilant. Listen to your body and see what happens - but don't expect the worst!

Good luck with the Champix, and I hope you stay with it. Being smoke free is marvellous!

Hi Shortandsweet - welcome!

There are lots of us around who are taking Champix, and can offer a more balanced point of view! Most of what you find on the web are the bad stories - naturally people are keen to make them public. Less keen are those of us who have had no real problems and for whom they have worked/are working like a dream.

We are all different, and lots of people here have experienced different effects. Most of them are very minor, and I'm sure, now you have found your way here, you will also read all of our experiences.

For me personally, I am on Day 21 of Champix, and Day 11 of not smoking and apart from a few minor issues (mainly involving wind! :D) I'm doing just fine.

Personally, my advice would be stop worrying, but be vigilant. Listen to your body and see what happens - but don't expect the worst!

Good luck with the Champix, and I hope you stay with it. Being smoke free is marvellous!

Thanks, just knowing you have took the time to reply has made me feel so much more confident and optimistic about quitting, this forum is a godsend after reading some of the messages , i realise im not on my own. no doubt i will be here alot over the coming weeks/months.

congratulations on quitting, i hope im as successful.

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

As we all do shortandsweet - no matter what method we are using to get through this - we are all trying together!

Please don't worry - just take each day as it comes - and share your thoughts and experience - it really does help to talk to people who know!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

From what i've seen on here so far, folk seem to have varied experience with champix with how it makes them feel for a few days, but in the main they seem fine with it, and its really nice when i see posts like 'now i have no desire to even smoke at all!!!'. Anyway, your doctor has given you these to try, and he above everyone would know if you were likely to have any problems otherwise he would not be recommending them for you. Give them a go and see how you are on it.. and lets see if its right for you.

As you mention taking them abroad, let the airport checking in staff know you have the champix for quitting smoking with you perhaps? Fairly sure many probably take them on holidays etc, but best to be on the safe side.

nsd_user663_5005 profile image

Do try it

Hi and welcome

Like yourself I have tried everything before and failed,:( my doctor recommended that this time I try with champix.

I started taking it on Monday 27th and up to now have had no side effects:), This morning when I had my usual coffee and cigarette, I started to get a slight headache, but it soon faded, then when I had another cigarette it started again. Then later on this morning I took my youngest to the hospital for his check-up and it wasn't till I got back home 4hours later, that I realised that my cigarettes were on the kitchen table!!:eek: and I hadn't even thought about having one.

I usual smoke about 15-20 aday and today I have had 3 up to now.

So my advice is yes read up about the drug but don't take it as law, as personally up to now my only problem is the headache I get when I have a cigarette

All the best with your quit Debby09

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi ShortandSweet :)

I used champix with no ill effects at all as you no doubt know all drugs can have side effects and you also will know no one gets them all and it varies from person to person

The only thing I had was a little nausea with the morning one which was solved by taking it later around an hour later

The bad stories about any drug are the ones most of us notice though do as your Dr says and see how you go if you become at all worried about anything go back to the Dr for help and advice OK

Below is my standard welcome and advice post for new members of the forum

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxxx

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