How did I ever manage a night out AND wine without even contemplating going out for a fag !!!!!! I never even considered it even when 2 separate friends offered, one saying oops sorry I forgot you don't smoke and the other saying Don't be boring and just have a couple and she will even BUY me a couple of boxes if I can't afford to buy them (she knows that I was scraping on SSP because of my broken leg and that by me switching places of work this month I am, in effect having a no wage month, which I'm now 17 days into-but managing) and my reply was 'no Idon't want a fag because I don't smoke anymore and besides that one with you now will be 25 per day by Friday so I'l stay at the table while you go outside and get goose bumps in the cold! I was soo proud of myself.
I think I am going to get some sort of delayed reaction somewhere because as i asked in week 1, where are these cravings ? Where is the physical climbing the walls for me ?? Am i being lead into false pretences here ?? Hope not ??
Marg yes you are so so right bout us nurses, we are definately the worst along with the consultants but hey we don't smoke now so we are good !!!
Can't quite believe how I have moved through the weeks on here already Marg, Wowee it's great... Ok gotta get ready for work now so I hope everyon'es good and I hope minnie's day go as well as it can for her and her family.... thinking of you Min xxxx