Hi, everybody ......
I feell the need, like I did one year ago when I quit succesfully first time in my life, smoking.
We are 3 people , a family ,heavy smokers. My father was heavy smoker also and he died from lung cancer some years ago.
I have the major problem: my hands start to turn red. Even if you are not a doc may you have heard what does it means. [Buerger's disease]
Anyway,I stopped smoking at all, year 2007 and the symptoms disappeared.
Coming back in my country where everywhere almost is allowed smoking, I started again. But the symptoms this time arised fulminant (=very fast).
I must stop once more and this time for ever because the occlusion of the arteries kills slowly with numerous amputations, at least cancer kills at once.
At the moment I am in panic. I will try to buy CHANTIX and persuade my family to follow.
Last year I was in a forum and that helped me a lot because I shared my fears and my try with other people.
Thank for all.