Team 10 i failed: Hi team 10 im sorry to... - No Smoking Day

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Team 10 i failed

nsd_user663_2772 profile image
32 Replies

Hi team 10 im sorry to report that i have failed my quit after 54days of not smoking.I would like to thank everone in team 10 and every one on these forums who have given me fantastic support over the last 50 odd days.This is quite normal for me i normally last between 7-8 weeks cant seem to last any longer than 8 weeks.I will be quitting again soon wont be trying the patches,as i have been to my docs today and she has given me a 2 week course of champix im a little worried about side effects and horror stories you hear.But got to be worth a try as i have failed on patches about 5 times.Good luck with everyone else you are all doing fantastic stick with it will be worth it.

All the best


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nsd_user663_2772 profile image
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32 Replies
nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Hi Dave

You haven't failed - if you read the stats it takes most people numerous attempts before we actually succeed.

Don't beat yourself up over this.

Look at your previous attempts and try and see what it was that broke your resolve.

Don't ever give in, or let your resolve waiver.

Keep on trying and trying and trying.

You'll get there.

nsd_user663_2955 profile image

Hi team 10 im sorry to report that i have failed my quit

I hate the word failed.... you just got stronger for next time Dave, all the best and will see you here again soon.

nsd_user663_1732 profile image

Hi Dave,

Don`t feel bad about failing, Im on day 50 today, and am still finding it soooo hard to forget about smoking.

Sometimes I feel like that the problem, when you have gone the length of time we have you begin to think, well what now? somethings defo missing.

You will succeed in the end as we all will because we all want to quit.

Good luck for your next quit I know you can do it.

Liz team 10

nsd_user663_2866 profile image

hi dave you done real good just set another date i used champix cant put it in to words .they were life saver for me. no bad cravings i still have bad days but more good days getting their

nsd_user663_2052 profile image

I have had the same problem in the past. I suppose it's complacency as another poster suggested. I get so far and I'm not as focused and BHAM! I think a taste would be ok, maybe 1. That's usually it for a day or so and then it comes back and just gets stronger and stronger. The only thing I can think is that there's a need to be extra vigillent after a few weeks.

And.....never quit quitting!!



nsd_user663_2743 profile image

awww dave, im sorry hun.

you will do it on the champix, dont worry about the side effects, they are different for everyone and they arent that bad!

be proud you did 54 days, thats a long time! next 60 days!!

ill be watching you ! :eek: :D

nsd_user663_2730 profile image

Hi Dave

Sorry you have had this little blipp im sure you will do it next time !!!


nsd_user663_3083 profile image

Sorry to hear this Dave, now bugger off to the first forum and do it again:p

Keep at it, crack it next time.

I'm not going to be all slushy and politically correct and say how well you've done, you weak willed bum. Start again NOW!

There for the grace of God.........

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

I'm not going to be all slushy and politically correct and say how well you've done, you weak willed bum. Start again NOW!

There for the grace of God.........

:eek: im too scared to fail now!! :p

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


If your going to try again thats not failling thats just tripping over mate. we are all here when you start again. Linda

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I have to agree with what all the previous posters have said.

I'm sorry you had a blip Dave - but you are still a member of Team 10. You don't get away that easy.

Good luck with Champix - for me it was a wonder drug - hope you have as good an experience with it as I did;)

nsd_user663_2772 profile image

Hi all thanks for kind replys and the kick up the ass from bit wobbly

I seem to fail my quits when im driving as when i restarted smoking last friday i was driving to plymouth and back and just getting constant feelings in my head that i need a fag i tried everything to combat these drinking water mints,sweets,music,also i was feeling tired so had cofee and energy drinks but still not helping and after 6 hrs i brought fags.The fags tasted like crap but after smoking i felt lot more alert and awake.

During my quit i was fine when i was working on site and working in the factory it was just when driving i always seem to fail my quits when driving for a long time.

To anwser your question smirn "Dave was this a hiccup or a full flown Im back to 20 a Day restart?"

unfortunatly i am back to smoking 30-40 a day and it's making me feel crap again ie constant headaches and bad cough starting to come back:mad:,so i cant wait for the champix to kick in so i can get of theses evil things again.


nsd_user663_3078 profile image

please learn from this dave

if the weakness is when you are driving then think of a solution to deal with it for your next quit (which i hope is very soon, nudge nudge)

maybe the others can think of some, i will and then come back to you

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hi Dave, i think bobby is right, you need to find a solution to your driving , is it your car?

the champix still needs willpower, it wont do it all for you, if your smoking 30-40 a day, i really think you should try to cut down , you can help the pills start to work.

good luck

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi all thanks for kind replys and the kick up the ass from bit wobbly

I seem to fail my quits when im driving as when i restarted smoking last friday i was driving to plymouth and back and just getting constant feelings in my head that i need a fag i tried everything to combat these drinking water mints,sweets,music,also i was feeling tired so had cofee and energy drinks but still not helping and after 6 hrs i brought fags.The fags tasted like crap but after smoking i felt lot more alert and awake.

During my quit i was fine when i was working on site and working in the factory it was just when driving i always seem to fail my quits when driving for a long time.

To anwser your question smirn "Dave was this a hiccup or a full flown Im back to 20 a Day restart?"

unfortunatly i am back to smoking 30-40 a day and it's making me feel crap again ie constant headaches and bad cough starting to come back:mad:,so i cant wait for the champix to kick in so i can get of theses evil things again.


Hi Dave - sorry to hear of your slip. I am sure you will manage to kick it in the butt again. Most of what I wanted to say has already been said but there is a gel that you can rub into your hands which lasts for hours. It is called Nicogel. My colleague's husband owns a tobacconists and actually sells these little packets of the stuff. I have just put some on today and will let you know if it works. If it does perhaps you could rub some on the palms of your hands about half an hour before you drive say and see what happens. Anyway I will let you know. Although I don't know if you can use it if you are on Champix. Good luck and look forward to seeing you back here

nsd_user663_3083 profile image

30 to 40 a day!!!!:mad::(:eek:

say after me;


Now get back to day one immediately.



nsd_user663_2772 profile image

Hi jude and jan yes the long drives seem to be my problem iit is just the boredom of being in the cab on my own for all that time and getting bad cravings.Jude i drive a truck for work which is quite comfortable.I just need to think of something to beat the boredom.


nsd_user663_3083 profile image

self abuse worked for me;):D

nsd_user663_2772 profile image

30 to 40 a day!!!!:mad::(:eek:

say after me;


Now get back to day one immediately.



Thanks for the encouragement bitwobbly very helpfull NOT


nsd_user663_3083 profile image




nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hi dave, are you allowed to smoke in it now, or does it not matter , i thought work vehicles were included in the ban?

try to cut down hun, the champix will start its magic in a week or so!

and im keeping my beady eye on you!! ;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi jude and jan yes the long drives seem to be my problem iit is just the boredom of being in the cab on my own for all that time and getting bad cravings.Jude i drive a truck for work which is quite comfortable.I just need to think of something to beat the boredom.


Put the radio on loud and sing at the top of your voice or do what I did the other day and thump the steering wheel (without going out of control of course:rolleyes:) and shout "I do not want a f........g fag" several times. Sorry about the swear word but I found it helped me.:o

By the way the Nicogel seems to be working at the moment.

nsd_user663_2772 profile image

hi dave, are you allowed to smoke in it now, or does it not matter , i thought work vehicles were included in the ban?

try to cut down hun, the champix will start its magic in a week or so!

and im keeping my beady eye on you!! ;)

Hi jude no i shouldnt be smoking in work vehciles:eek: i will try to cut back on my smoking.


nsd_user663_2772 profile image

Put the radio on loud and sing at the top of your voice or do what I did the other day and thump the steering wheel (without going out of control of course:rolleyes:) and shout "I do not want a f........g fag" several times. Sorry about the swear word but I found it helped me.:o

By the way the Nicogel seems to be working at the moment.

Hi jan some great tips there i will give them a go i did google nicogel seems to work like the patch asborbs the nicotine through the skin.But you dont have to worry about patch falling off all the time so seem like a cool product,but unfortunatly i wont be able to use any nicotine products with champix.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i am not a employee of anything connected to stopping smoking!

i have never "put down" any ones method of quitting, be it ct, nrt or pills!

i am on champix, it works for me!

i have never posted any comments on this subject before!

i do not have anything to sell or promote!

nsd_user663_2955 profile image


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i am on this site for support !!

i have been quit almost 2 months!

i found great information about my choosen method (champix) on this site from other users!!

anything else you want to ask!!! ?????

and because i choose not to read your book, does not make me a employee !

im now finding it hard to keep calm, so ill leave it at that!!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image


and is that supposed to be funny

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey jude, having a bad day? Hope it improves for you, I know you're struggling with your emotions at the mo re your sons.

I guess all of us have certain things in our quit that really pushes us to the limit. I have mine. Luckily, it is only ONE thing! We are all doing so well and it'd be a shame for any of us to let this horrible, vile, nasty smelly addiction beat us now! No to the nic!!

nsd_user663_2955 profile image


I apologise Jude, i didnt mean to cause you upset, im in your corner, it was more directed at Mr Marshall.

nsd_user663_2772 profile image

Thanks for all the support everyone,i did read allan carr's book a few years ago i will dig it out and have another read before my next quit.I did find allan carr's book very helpfull in understanding my our addiction.

Andy you are so wrong about jude she gave me great unbiased support during my quit and i wasn't using champix method.Shame the books not going to well cant even give them away:D


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

I apologise Jude, i didnt mean to cause you upset, im in your corner, it was more directed at Mr Marshall.

im sorry too, not haviing a good few days.

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