Blown it. :-(: A combination of:- 1. Friday... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Blown it. :-(

nsd_user663_2048 profile image
22 Replies

A combination of:-

1. Friday - the downstairs cloakroom flooded - which a plumber charged £75.00 to sort out.

2. Sunday morning - the downstairs cloakroom flooded again - this time it went all over the hallway and into the lounge

3. Sunday afternoon - some 'friends' came round to eat us out of house and home at a BBQ for the nth time, whilst I looked after another plumber and the insurance company. This made it day 7 of not having a proper meal because the misses is on a diet and cooks special meals for herself.

4. Monday morning I felt dead tired and sick so spent most of the day in bed listening to the fans and dehumidifiers.

5. Monday afternoon - the misses 'lost it' and just abandoned the house leaving me with the children who were in 'ultra noise' mode.

6. When she came back - she made dinner for herself.

7. Tuesday - at work I was dead tired and depressed.

8.Tuesday afternoon - Received a 'phone call from my brother in law saying that he didn't want anything more to do with my mother because blah blah blah.

9. Tuesday evening - I get home to find that my four year old had managed to take the knobs off the fans and had lost them. So, I started looking for them as the misses slamed her way around the house.

10. Eventually I said 'I've had enough of this' (trying to find the knobs) and then the misses launches into how bad I am at 'hands on' with the children etc. And to round it all off she says 'This is no marriage'

Result:- I go out and buy 2 packs and chain smoke 5.

Terrific. I feel that the odds are constantly stacked against me. Why bother? Seven weeks. Might as well have made it seven hours and saved myself a load of tiredness.

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nsd_user663_2048 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw meercat x x x x x

I am sorry you have had a rough time of it x x

I do hope everything dries out Ok!!

Kids and knobs maybe tomorrow you should check the poo!! :p

I am sure the stress and tiredness would of existed smoking or not!!

Doors will continue to slam and the noise levels remain the same!!

You have to do what you feel right in doing.

A few cigs can be just that!

And week 8 can continue on if you want it too!!

This decision is yours for you x x x x

Good luck and keep posting x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi meercat

I agree with all buffy as said, bet it didnt make anything better But only you know how you feel and only you can cont week 8 or not. But good luck what ever you do and we are here if you need us Love Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2048 profile image

She's been taking the kids out for main meals.

I asked her this evening why she's only preparing stuff for herself and she said that because I've been tired, ill etc that she didn't think I was interested. She then went and preped herself dinner.

Oh my days.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

She's been taking the kids out for main meals.

I asked her this evening why she's only preparing stuff for herself and she said that because I've been tired, ill etc that she didn't think I was interested. She then went and preped herself dinner.

Oh my days.

Would be nice to be asked if ones interested or not!?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ha ha lol ijit nice one boudee I wouldn't dream of excluding any one from my dinners either.

nsd_user663_2041 profile image


Hugs and lots of TLC for you .....

Its a difficult time for you, smoking or not, that is a shame, so why not make it a no smoking difficult time? At least you will have something to feel good about. Anyway i hope things improve, take care xx

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Meercat

You've had a really rough few days and there's no denying that - it's enough to push anyone into grabbing for the smokey joes. You do need loads of TLC as the others have said and to be honest by the sounds of things you're doing a cracking job with the kiddies coz my hubby never looks after ours on his own. Don't be hard on yourself you did so amazingly to get to 7 weeks - shows you can do it. I hope you go for week 8 coz you can do this Meercat and we're all behind you every step of the way.



nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi meercat,

Sorry to hear your all down in the dumps but i'm not surprised after how you are getting treated. Come on babe, you have done so well don't let her win now and drive you back to the cigs. Meercats stand tall and proud and so should you coz you haven't failed you have just slipped a little.

We all love you and give you big hugs in spirit so take all our love and support and come back to us.

Try leaving a few cream cakes lying around and see how she likes it!

Befly x x 153

nsd_user663_2048 profile image

Back to the task that matters

Right. My resolve is to get back on track. Fourteen cigarettes later and one pack spare - they have to be ditched. I'll go and buy some inhalators.

I'm really annoyed about what's happened and just hope that nothing 'more' is going to come and mess things up - again.

Looks like I'm on my own at home at the moment..... zero support - just criticism. However, there's no excuse (really) for smoking, so I just have to put it behind me as a bad experience.

(To a degree I can understand her ire - nobody likes being flooded out - but to take it out on me - especially at the moment - is a bit unfair. And, I only complained about the knobs being lost... that was her cue to lay into me, and was the straw that broke the camel's back).

Thanks all for your total support and that's helped a great deal. I don't feel so alone in what is a lonely time at the moment.

(Oh... it's 'no talkies' at home at the moment - which *really* does not help. Everything I say gets 'bitten'!!! It's like treading on egg shells. Anyway - this has nothing to do with smoking - bit off topic - but I need to vent!!!).

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ooooooo Meercat you need a big cuddle!!

It's always so hard when there is so much rubbish that comes your way at the same time. But so well done for getting yourself sorted coz you did so brilliantly to get to 7 weeks.

Hey and don't worry about venting - we all need a good vent!! Are you able to get out and go the gym or something and take some of your angst out on a running machine or something???

It sounds like Mrs Meercat is a bit stressed out!! I know a good place to get expolice riot gear!!!!

All the very best and Big Hugs again


nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Meercat,

It is very hard when things aren't right on the domestic front and that is when I always used to give in when I was married, every time we had a row when I had quit he would say "oh for gods sake, go and buy some fags" and I would.

Please try and be strong, you have done so well and things will get better at home soon I am sure, at least the money you saved from smoking will pay for some of the plumbers bill!

Stay strong and we can always start up a new thread, My partner is a Pig! I am sure plenty would post on it from time to time.

Befly x x

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Oh dear,

Yeah sorry guys, thats another thing with quitting, your brain goes to mush and you do stupid things, can i go back and edit the name? I will try.

Thanks boudee!

Befly x x

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Meercat, sorry you have had such a lousey time, keep strong, take care.


xxxxx Pupalup xxxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done on your decision to march on into week 8 Meercat x x

I am very proud to hear that of you x x

If nothing else you will have not faltered and shown your strengths x x

Just bring in a take away for yourself tonight! what else can you do?! :p

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Keep going meer you poor love, hope your back on track now honey, hugs and support to you, luv

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi Meer,

How are you feeling now? I hope that the misses has eased off of you by now :confused: We all know the feeling of the mr. or the mrs. gettin on our nerves and makin us want to light up :mad:

How did the misses feel when she saw that you were smoking again?!! She must have felt a small bit of guilt that she caused it or helped cause it?!

Anyway Meer ~ Tomorrow is a new day and you have done it once, so we all KNOW you can do it again. Chin up, guilt gone, horse ready for ridin'! Go gettem tiger :D

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Meer, I hope you're okay now and that things worked out. I actually think you're more than ready to awknowledge you've learned a lesson and to go on, especially since you said "However, there's no excuse (really) for smoking, so I just have to put it behind me as a bad experience" See? You are a smart guy, you know there's no point in blaming yourself or your wife, and you do know what is best for you ;) Hold on!!!

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Weve all given up eating dinners in our house cos no- one will go food shopping. and theres no kids in our house just 2 supposed 'proper' adults and my 20 year old home from uni.

I really think stopping smoking can destroy normal everyday life and relationships. Or is it just me on a down day again.

Meercat - I read your post and had a little chuckle (sorry) it just sounded like hell but kids nicking the knobs off the fans he he (sorry again).

Cant you eat your wifes special diet meals but just have sort of quadruple portion size?

And as for smoking

As our two wise women say - life is always going to continue with all the stresses and strains. You can continue into week 8 if thats what you really want to do, one hiccup isnt the end by any means. So glad you have decided to keep at it. The very very best of luck. x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I really think stopping smoking can destroy normal everyday life and relationships. Or is it just me on a down day again.

Sharkbait!! :eek:

It changes the way you were living maybe at a push but wooooo that's deep!!

Please don't feel like that :(


She can do her bit while she's home :D send her shopping while yous are at work!! :p

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Aw thanks Buffy,

I know lots of us no smokers on here feel like this - it's almost like something is missing, that you take things too seriously and that people preferred you when you smoked????????????? I cant really explain it. Its the most ridiculous thing in the world to want a cigarette - so Ive just had a Double Decker instead.

Could do with a happy pill to lighten up my afternoon, roll on tonight so i can get right back on the Pinot.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D enjoy these, till pinot can sooth the pains of the day away ;)

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

oooh lovely, dont let Max see them, he'll be shovelling them in like smarties! :)

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