Hi I'm on rituximab maintenance treatment following chemo for follicular non Hodgkin's lymphoma. the last few days I'm getting very breathless, gets worse on an evening, feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen , chest tight and palpitations, shakes and feel really lightheaded, I can cope during the day but nights are unbearable, any advise please
Rituximab maintenance treatment - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Rituximab maintenance treatment

I would say contact your doctor immediately. May be an allergic reaction to something, but better to be safe.
I've had 10 lots of the rituximab and been OK , I'm on holiday at the moment so can't really see my go but if it happens tonight I will ring for advice
My mum got same on maintenance 3 months ago, had full medical at a&e and they only found her thyroid med needed decreasing. Has it now again but gp can't find anything wrong. Hoping it passes and its just dehydration from treatment, think its a bit of anxiety as well, she is due to go on holiday in a few days. Let us know how you get on, sending you good wishes..
After being advised by my Haematology team to go to nearest a&e dept(as I'm on hols) had bloods, chest x ray, ECG and ct scan, put on iv antibiotics, fluids and given morphine, it was an infection, anxiety and heat, am back at our caravan now and feeling much better, hope your mum is feeling better xx
Contact your doctor ASAP