I'm a "non-Hodgkin survivor" who lives in Canada and receives the best health care anyone could wish for. I visit this forum every few days to see if anyone is experiencing the stuff I struggled through. Sometimes I can relate, sometimes I can't resist commenting. Mostly I support people, just like I was supported through all the months of chemo. What staggers me every time I visit here, is the sheer diversity of cancer and the treatments doled out. We are so lucky to be living at this time!
How many ways to do battle? - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
How many ways to do battle?

My sentiments exactly!! Definitely gives hope and sunshine on these gloomy west coast rainy days!!
Certainly, and when I look at the list of trials for new treatments the outlook is very hopeful indeed! There's just one thing more we need, that is for one of the regimes to find the still elusive cure.
It does make you realize we r blessed for sure, I'm in my third year almost of watch and wait, doing my second battle with cancer. I had melanoma. Feeling that I'm still here for a reason and appreciate every day 😊
R-16728, I could not agree more with your sentiments. If each of us had the misfortune to be diagnosed with cancer, we are fortunate that it is in this time in history. There are now so many discoveries and breakthroughs on the horizon that our cancer is no longer a death sentence. I'm in Calgary, Alberta and I know that I receive stellar treatment from my oncology team.
Yes, R-16728, Tinkerbellcgy and others !! I also live in Canada (in southern Ontario). We, for sure, live in a good era where things are happening both for new treatment and better ways to cope with treatment. I will give you an example of how things changed in 10 years in my situation. When my twin sister passed away in 2001 from a very aggressive type of breast cancer, she had gone through 2 brutal years of treatment, always hoping that it would go away. Unfortunately for her, it was not to happen.
10 years later, when I was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell NHL (nothing to do with breast cancer, by the way), and about to undergo 8 rounds of CHOP-R chemotherapy & 20 rounds of radiation. I am the type to ask lots of questions and a "need to know" person. I read lots, and had many conversations with the oncology nurses when I was having treatment. In the past, one of the big fears we all have before starting chemo is the nausea which can go along with it. I was given Zofran to combat the nausea, and of course, asked all about it. I was told that it was a breakthrough 'miracle drug' for chemo patients. I asked how long had it been on the market, and was told it had been out for about 10 years. So, this took me back to when my sister suffered from severe nausea, just before this new drug was available to cancer patients.
So, we are the lucky ones. We may not feel that way when we first hear the news that we have cancer, but, I am grateful and optimistic for the future. The sun doesn't shine every day, but today it's just over my shoulder as I write this. Hang in there !! I'm here with you !!
As crazy as this sound I feel if I had to have a cancer (yuck I don't even like to say the word), this is the best one to have....
In 2008, I was a patient in the palliative unit. I was very sick and they were trying to diagnose exactly what type of cancer I had. I was in hospital a couple of weeks before they diagnosed lymphoma and I recall one of my nurses telling me that I was a lucky one in that if I had to have cancer, lymphoma was the one to be diagnosed with. I recall looking at him sideways and thinking "alrighty, then!" being a wee tad dubious. Fast forward 8 years and 3 experiences with lymphoma later and I have to take my hat off to Mike...he was right! 👍
How frightening for you !!!🙏🙏💜
Thanks, josie2rulrs. I was so very sick that I was at the point of either let's get on with making this better or let me die. Suffice to say, my grit, determination and the stubbornness that I am well known for prevailed. As you can see, I 'm still around to terrorize and torment people and apparently I do a mighty fine job of it! 😆
I can relate. I was originally diagnosed in 1994, am stage 3, but last relapse was in 2005. I am very grateful to have survived -am 81. My daughter was diagnosed with nhl at age 9 in 1974. She never relapsed and had 4 children. In Aug. 2015 she died from liver cancer, no connection to the NHL. We suspect a scan a few years earlier was not followed up, there were two suspicious spots. Nothing to do about it now, but after the treatment she had as a child she tolerated it and missed very little school. It was devastating. She was 50.
I agree whole-heartedly with all the comments. I feel very blessed to be able to benefit from so much diverse medical knowledge.
Me too
I am Also a NHL survivor. First diagnosis in 1994, am stage 4, last relapse was 2005. I'm doing fine and have made it to 81! The stem cell transplant I received in 1999 helped and the last treatment of treandra. I feel so blessed!