Heartburn, stomach medications - Early CKD Support

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Heartburn, stomach medications

Sally10255 profile image
13 Replies

In doing some reading yesterday, I saw there is a lawsuit from users of Nexium, Protonix, Prilosec, and another I can’t temember. The medicines used for heartburn and stomach issues are linked to kidney damage. Just sharing the info.

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Sally10255 profile image
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13 Replies

Here is the link to a site that is looking for people who took the medications mentioned.


Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to

Thank you for sharing that. My husband was taking one. He started having severe stomach issues, not necessarily kidneys. He had upper, lower scope, almost a trip to emergency room. One doctor said he had the makings of stomach cancer...then I saw an ad on tv listing the side effects..for him, they were worse than the help. His gift numbers are lower than what they should be, but I can’t jump the gun and say the medicines caused it. Do will continue in with healthy lifestyle.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Sally10255

Sally10255: Know what you mean on concern on Prilosec or Nexium. I am taking Prilosec daily now and had been taking it for many years due to GERD. I had quit taking it since diagnosed with CKD. Had an upper endoscopy and found pre cancer and advised had to make a decision, so back on Prilosec to remediate condition. However managed to get prescription prilosec which may not have as much bicarbonate and magnesium and other additives as over the counter? Will see how GFR goes.

Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to orangecity41

Great luck, my husband is on something totally different but I am going look it up..I really hope it works for you. Like me, I am on cholesterol medicine and it can affect kidneys. But even though I diet and exercise about 2 hours a day some numbers aren’t what I think they should be. So will speak more with urologist. He hates them

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Sally10255

I am on non statin cholesterol med Zetia (generic Ezetimibe) which seems to be working and Dr told me does not effect kidneys like a statin does.

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to orangecity41

Hi Orangecity 41. I was on all those things for years. First Tums daily, rolaids, then Nexium, Prilosec and others. I had stomach aches all the time and indegestion. If you have a Hiatal Hernia, this probably won't help, but I found out that my problems stemmed from food intolerances. I'm not sure why more doctors don't know this. Even my integrative doctor had me on Prilosec then he had me do a food intolerance test and I had all sorts of issues. Giving up gluten helped a ton, but now I also have to watch other foods. I have issues during certain times of the year- ie. during ragweed season I have to be careful of eating too many apples, cucumbers and zuchini as apparently they are part of the rag weed season. Other times of the year I can eat them just fine, but during that season I get an itchy throat and lots of GERD.

Just something to consider. But, if you have Hiatal Hernia, then that's a different story.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to Zazzel

That is interesting about your food allergies causing problem. Something to watch for.

newbie1956 profile image
newbie1956 in reply to orangecity41

So, is magnesium "bad" for CKD ? Hope not.

Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to newbie1956

I will be asking my doctor. I bought some to take and B 6, but will verify. Watching potassium and phosophorous

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41 in reply to newbie1956

That is something to ask your Doctor. It can be at certain ckd levels for some.

Zazzel profile image
Zazzel in reply to newbie1956

Both my nephrologist and my holistic kidney doctor know I take Magnesium. My holistic doctor put me on it. Of course it probably depends on your personal health history, other meds and other conditions, so always check with your own doctor before starting any supplements.

Hildegirl profile image
Hildegirl in reply to Sally10255

To add more info on taking nexium and the like, I had gerd for many years took like they were candy, dr. put me on nexium and other such meds. finally I had many tests to see what was going on, a stage 4 hiatal hernia was found, needed surgery also had the linx device inserted and I have been gerd free. I have 3b ckd, caused by high blood pressure still working on getting a handle on it, and hyperparathyroid desease which also ties with ckd. but the gerd problem is no longer an issue. maybe looking into the linx procedure will help you too.

newbie1956 profile image

Thanks, maybe I will Google that 😉

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