Xenotransplantation is when non-human cells, tissues, or organs are used to treat medical conditions in humans. More people need organs than what is available. On average, fourteen people die each day in the United States waiting for an organ transplant. Finding other sources for organs is critical to save lives. Learn more about this meeting: kidney.org/externally-led-p...
Externally Led Patient-Focused Drug Deve... - Kidney Transplant
Externally Led Patient-Focused Drug Development (EL-PFDD) Meeting on Kidney Xenotransplantation

Hello JackieJ_NKF,
Is there any organization doing research on this situation that my spouse is encountering: His kidney transplant from a deceased donor is functioning for 6 years now, but the quality of life for my spouse is just about zero due to the anti rejection meds he takes. They have been changed to different types and/or doseages changed to no avail. He encountered less than 3 months after transplant his first and only low grade kidney rejection and the doctors seem to not wish to budge on things with him now that the blood chemistry is finally 'right' (that took 14 months) and the kidney is functioning. My spouse feels lousey everyday similar to when he had chemo 33 yrs ago for hodgekins lymphoma. He's in remission from that long ago. Thankful for that. THanks for sharing your news.