Tonight I went to take my medication and somehow I took the morning dose instead of the night time dose don't know what to do now worried
Medication: Tonight I went to take my... - Kidney Transplant
I've taken the mid.morning dose instead of the first thing dose. All was well. I think theres a bit of wiggle room as long as you dont do it habitually. X
Ive done that a few times recently too. You should be okay.
Thanks but should I take the morning dose now again this morning im wondering

That's what I've done previously just to get back on track. I imagine you could probably contact your closest hospital that has a transplant unit and ask their on-call provider.

It's probably safer just to take the correct doses at your next med time, get on track and continue as prescribed. It's not a good idea to double up on your meds.

I usually skip and go back the next day. I don’t know what you take though so maybe call you doctor. They tell me one dose is not going to hurt.
I’ve done this twice over almost 5 years. . It’s very unnerving . When I told my team they were unconcerned. Since then I have an alarm that goes off 3 times reminding to take it over the course of 45 minutes .
Still have to be reminded ..
Contact your renal team. You do not want to overdose depending on the medication. Like all have shared, we all have been in your shoes and experienced the same anxiety.
As others have said - call your Transplant Team as soon as you can.
Usually they would tell you to skip today's. Morning dose and resume tonight with evening dose...But it depends on what medications you take...Best to call your team
Yeah I rang this morning said to take as normal so all good
call your pharmacist…… they should give you good advise regarding meds
u should be fine over 10 years of my transplant i shoudl say this but i’ve done it many times either i’ve missed my dose coz i overslept or the alarm didn’t go off or taken the wrong dose but then i would just continue as normal with my next dose …