Being evaluated for transplant What can ... - Kidney Transplant

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Being evaluated for transplant What can I expect?

bert579 profile image
5 Replies

I have started my evaluation for a transplant. Wat can I expect?

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bert579 profile image
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5 Replies
horsie63 profile image

Where I am going to they sent me a video link and said I needed to watch before my appt. I also got a list of tests that I needed to have done. Contact the transplant coordinator for your hospital and ask him/her what is required as it is different for each center.

Panda9122021 profile image

It can be a long process, but totally worth it in the end. Hopefully your transplant center will provide you with a manual with all the details of what to expect. Best wishes!

Darlenia profile image

Your transplant center will likely have that answer for you on their website. If not, perhaps your personal nephrologist can give you an overview. Every center has their own protocols and requirements. Some centers, not all, may have you visit with a transplant surgeon, a transplant social worker, and others. And some, not all, may have you undergo a day's worth of testing on site. And so on. In my hubby's case, our center required a referral letter from his nephrologist before seeing him. He met only with the transplant surgeon who took his blood pressure, nothing else. After a discussion laying out some of the considerations involved (did he have a living donor, would he consider a kidney with issues, type of dialysis best for him, etc.) he was given a list of tests he needed to get done on his own within a 3 month deadline. Once all the tests were in, we were told his folder would go to the "transplant panel" for evaluation and listing (or not) on the transplant list. The entire visit was no more than two hours. Crossing my fingers that all goes well for you!

Beachgirl32 profile image

my eval was five hours they made sure I had mammogram and colonoscopy and if female Pap smear I didn’t have to face that cause of full hysterectomy . I met with each person on the team I first was sent to have labs done . I had an echo done . And they sent me for cat scan of heart we had to wait around on this one cause they wanted to do it with contrast and artist time I was not on dialysis and my kidney doctor said no to contrast it hard for the kidney to get rid of . We met them with kidney nephrologist . Social worker . Nurse.

Suppose to meet with dietitian he didn’t show up that day . And last one transplant surgeon . Oh has stress test too this was nuclear . Transplant surgeon show me X-rays and cat scan they took that day . My center is pretty strict with test I have to do them once a year some don’t make you go through this also had kidney ultra sound I know I had to have car scan if my brain but I have had brain aneurysm so don’t know if that standard for people .

What nice if you get listed at more than one place then they may use your test from other center I got listed at uva this month I just met with nurse nephrologists transplant surgeon and social worker only test they did was the six minute walk test at Sentara when I did walk test all I did was walk down a hall And I gadcaboutvz20 tubes of blood drawn at Vcu and chest X-ray I was there maybe three hour . Good luck to you every center is different but your center will send you a letter of what you will be doing .


Ar2D2 profile image

I was listed at more than 1 hospital so saw first hand that each place did the tx evaluation differently, but in general they all included:

-Educational session where they went over a bunch of stuff as a group.

-Exam and appt with tx nephrologist and/or surgeon

-Appt with tx nurse coordinator

-Appt with kidney nutritionist

-Appt with social worker

At 2 of the hospitals they put me in a room and each person came in for like 30-45 min each. Was like a really bad version of speed dating, where u were bombarded by a lot of info that you won’t remember.

Everyone was nice but it was a lot. Definitely bring someone with you! I felt like just as important as health stuff, they were also focused on insurance/finances, mental health, and especially that you had a good support system- hence bringing a family member or friend.

(Idk if the fact that I live alone had something to do with this but was glad I always brought a friend with me for initial evaluations).

There were also a bunch of blood work and tests they required (ekg, echo, pap, mammo, stress test, etc) that I had to get done within a certain time period.

Overall it was fine just a bit overwhelming. So my one bit of advice is to bring a member of your “support system” with you.

Good luck!

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