Period like pains after transplant - Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

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Period like pains after transplant

transplantwarrier profile image

Anyone else had what feels like period pains after having a transplant?

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transplantwarrier profile image
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12 Replies
Jepsos profile image

Yes!!!! I’m 3 weeks post transplant. I was having some loose stools and occasional diarrhea. Once that cleared up (change of 2 antibiotics), the period like cramping resolved. It was awful. I ended up back on my pain meds for several days.Many of our meds can cause GI distress. Definitely report to your care team. Good luck!

transplantwarrier profile image
transplantwarrier in reply to Jepsos

Hey, I’m 3 weeks today post transplant! I haven’t had a period since before I started dialysis but been having cramps which feel so similar too period cramps. Thanks for the info that it could be the meds I will chat to the doctor at my appointment tomorrow. Congrats on your transplant hope you’re doing well

Jepsos profile image
Jepsos in reply to transplantwarrier

Congratulations on your transplant!!! I’m doing well, but I think I pushed it a bit - wanted to walk around my garden and enjoy the Spring weather. I ended up getting a large pocket of fluid in my lower kidney. Doctors think it will reabsorb. My labs are great - no sign of infection.It could be your period. I’m on Depro-Provera, so I don’t get a period but it has helped with my anemia.

transplantwarrier profile image
transplantwarrier in reply to Jepsos

I’m exactly the same, it’s so hard not to push ourselves when we really want to get back to normal now we’ve had a transplant and have a sense of closure

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

Remember that you are not that far out from your surgery. Your body is still healing. With your immunosuppressants and steroids, you are healing more slowly than normal. You had major surgery and nerves and muscles were cut and moved around to place your transplant. Take it slow, one day at a time. I found that walking helped meI am now 22 + years post transplant and have a fantastic life!

Post-Op-Jogger profile image
Post-Op-Jogger in reply to WYOAnne

22 years and living well! That's fantastic!

bluekidney profile image

Hi I’m close to 10 months post transplant 3 weeks is still early in the healing process and there are many different aches and pains that come along the healing journey. I was always paranoid at first and kept bringing it up to the doctor. They keep reassuring me it’s the nerves healing. Just last month I’ve started having cramp like pains and then a strange feeling that I’ve never felt before almost like my kidney did a somersault in my belly just a weird feeling. It scared me and immediately called my transplant nurse. Again she said it was probably the nerves healing but to watch for fever or other symptoms. She also mentioned it could also be an ovarian cyst acting up. Since then cramp like symptoms persist once in a while. Labs look great so they weren’t too concerned. Good luck and definitely take it slow at your own pace it will definitely make a difference in the long run. When in doubt check with your team.

Lifechanger1 profile image

Coming up on 2 years since transplant. Remember to take it slow first 2 months. I could not wait to start getting more active but I did not want to push it. I started to feel so much better after surgery but understood I just had major surgery and had to be patient. In the second month after surgery I started small walks. Within 6 months I was walking daily, .5-1 mile depending on how I felt that day. At 9 months I was walking 1 mile a day 5 days a week. Now I am doing 2 miles a day. I’ve never felt this good and energy level is great. Creative is 1.0 average past 10 months with all other numbers in normal range. I watch my diet and drink plenty of water. I don’t want to go on dialysis ever again! Stay positive, set goals and lay out a game plan and you’ll do just fine😊

Post-Op-Jogger profile image

Yes absolutely. I think that may be how women understand pain in that region. I said to the nurse that it felt just like severe period pains and didn't bother with the morphine.Also, it's just occurred to me this very minute that when your kidney starts working again your hormones go back to normal so it may well be period pain. One of the nurses told me lots of women get their period within a day of getting their kidney.

Post-Op-Jogger profile image

PS my cramps resolved in about 3 days. Then it was just the stitches and cathetar.

BabyTee profile image

I am almost 5 weeks post kid-panc transplant. I have those pains, but I also have very loose stools, as someone else mentioned. I have mentioned that pain to the doc, but they just say "You are still healing. Be patient." I take Tylenol, and it goes away. I also wake up with more severe pain than I have during the day. Haven't figured that out yet.

OperationKidney profile image

Yes! Because of where the kidney is placed it can feel very much like period cramps. I was told that sometimes that pain can last awhile but for me it has gone away over time. Congrats on your transplant and best wishes to you! 💚

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