Can you get dialysis with no money - Kidney Transplant

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Can you get dialysis with no money

MyrtleFluffy profile image
12 Replies

I am get very close to the stage where I will need dialysis. I am about to lose my job and insurance. Will I be able to have dialysis when I have no way to pay for it or do I just have to slowly die.

Don’t mean to sound morbid but I really would like to know what happens to people like me. Thanks

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12 Replies
EYatNKFSvdMYLIF profile image

Yes absolutley! You can apply and receive Medicare and Medicaid. You can also collect Social Security Disability which I would begin that process immediately. They cover End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and Medicare does either permanently or up to 3 yrs after a transplant. Also you can contact the National Kidney Foundation by telephone they are phenomenal to talk to! Also see their website for advice for types of financing. Your State may have funding to contribute as well. Doctor bills also can be written off. I would contact Medicare right away for an application to get that started. On a separate note, under any circumstance, whatever you do never let ANYONE not a Dialysis Corporation no one let you slowly die. No. You can go right to the Emergency Room at your local hospital, contact your Nephrologist and if need be find another Dialysis Center. Always try to have a B when it comes to doctors and locations if you can. But financing will be taken care of. You will be okay!

MyrtleFluffy profile image
MyrtleFluffy in reply to EYatNKFSvdMYLIF

Thank you so much for answering. The relief you just gave me was a blessing. I have been living in constant fear about this.

Thank you so much

EYatNKFSvdMYLIF profile image
EYatNKFSvdMYLIF in reply to MyrtleFluffy

You are most welcome. I know how frightenign this all is. The best advice I can give you is its never too late to get proactive. The foundations can give you all the information and connections docs dont' have time or can't because of insurance laws. Getting information early helps immensely. Also know you can get on a Transplant Wait List at 20% you don't have to wait to 15% as most docs tell you 15%. I was fortunate to have foudn out at age 36 was given 5 to 10 yrs but made it to 10 becuase I got proactive instantly. I called National Kidney Foundation and they can give you infomration over the phone on the website. I did the walk just one yr in 2002 but just by tyring to find a sponsor I went ot my docs office taht was connected to a bldg I didn't know it was the dialysis center they do taht purposely. You won't find out until its time. But my butt got info from NKF 10 yrs ahead of time and though my doc was pissed I didn't care. I introduced myself to the center sat in on a class to check it out and learned no one knew until that day or hte week beforehand. So you are already way ahead. You came here for help. You are on your way. As the only way to learn the ropes really is getting info. I was my only support but I had time. I learned by just asked for my docs office to sponsor me they couldnt' when i walked out I ran into someone coming out of the bldg it was the dialysis center and a RN. We chatted and she informed me of somethign i never heard of A Renal Nutritionist! I had regular ones htat was not good for my kidneys. The Renal Nutritionist accepts Medicare and worked with my Doctor to help me limit water and the nutrients based on my blood tests where I was at with my doc and health at the time. So info like this you come across just by reaching out to the places like here. The foundations have the time and care and info they can give that doctors can't. Its a world of resources and connections. So what I would do is talk to my doc talk to my nutritionist then call the NKFs RN they had at the time lol and ask her the same and see who was giving me the info Sometimes docs like to hold back they don't want ot make their patients anxoius. You having to work and do all this is enough. But just knowing if you have questions other sources are there if you are not getting what you need in todays health care system. Docs are great but they have so many patients. Getting a Resource Center like NKF is key. I would do the best you can to make the calls now ahead of time. I networked and established a great rapport. The info they can mail you too is so many pamphlets that can help you with diet exercise but also getting ready for lifesytle changes the emotional experiences.. all that was and still is helpful to me to this day. Its important to get muscles in shape for dialysis so ask you doc about what exercise you can do if you can depending on where you are now. One thing at a time. But if you have support speak with them let them help you or ask them too. I know its hard. But for me education calms me down. Info helped me gauge. Its never too late and even if you can't exercise now you can find out how to limit amount of liquid intake and what foods to eat or cut down. That is between your doc and You and if you do happen to want or find a Renal Nutiritionist. But all will be okay financially. That will work itsefl out. If you can get to your local Social Security Office or call them I would get the application started Immediately do not wait. Same with Medicare. Medicare will cover all your docs and nutritionists. They give you one once you start dialysis but if you have time even if its months I would learn how to eat and diet while you can. This is all overwhelming i know. But information is a great support once you konw your questions and where to look for answers. I had no idea who to call what why or how. NKF to this day is always my core center. :) . I am here for You. We all are. Every person is different so I dont' know your health and can't speak for a Nurse or Doc but as a fellow Kidney Patient I can tell you You have already made a huge step reaching out here and asking what to do. You are not alone. I hope you can find the answers you need. I am here. Many are. Please feel free to ask the moderators for any guidance as well. :) You are not alone. So nice to meet you!

MyrtleFluffy profile image
MyrtleFluffy in reply to EYatNKFSvdMYLIF

You mentioned a couple of times about having a sponsor. What does that mean exactly. What kind of sponsor and what do they do?

I really appreciate you taking the time to explain all this in such detail.

EYatNKFSvdMYLIF profile image
EYatNKFSvdMYLIF in reply to MyrtleFluffy

Oh I am sorry I meant I was looking for sponsors for me to do the Kidney Walk of 2004. Having someone make donations. It turned out It was just me and I only had two sponsors. But the my point was when I called NKF and got so much info I actually joined a Walk in NYC. I went up once before and I just wanted to get involved on my own behalf. But just doing something as simple as joining a Walk, which I went around to my doctor's office asking them to sponsor my walk they turned me down but when I left the office right there I bumped into someone who changed everything by me asking her questions. See I talked to anyone I came across. Just by making one minor step into participation led me to all the answers I never expected and opened up a huge avenue in learning what to do. Its a journey of its own. But no matter where you are whoever you talk one little thing one word can lead you somewhere. So always ask questions. :)

EYatNKFSvdMYLIF profile image
EYatNKFSvdMYLIF in reply to MyrtleFluffy

Hi MyrtleFluffy! Its 7:10am 10/8/18 and I just came on here I saw a post that will help you! A post titled "Assistance with monthly expenses" is showing a few articles down from yours. See if on your page you can scroll down to other articles. I hope you find it and I hope it can help. It discusses Medicare at length even better the Federal Law passed in the 70s to protect Kidney patients by making sure the cost of dialysis is covered. :) Have a nice day!

Kbressler profile image
KbresslerNKF Peer MentorNKF Ambassador in reply to EYatNKFSvdMYLIF

Your question about Dialysis has been covered extensively. I have a question for you. Why are you not thinking about having a transplant before you even go on dialysis?

MyrtleFluffy profile image
MyrtleFluffy in reply to Kbressler

I would rather get a transplant but I am concerned about the money issue.

Are you able to get on the list and get a transplant when you have no money to contribute?

I have someone who says they will be a live donor is they are a match. Will Medicare and the kidney funds cover all of those expenses and follow up care?

Kbressler profile image
KbresslerNKF Peer MentorNKF Ambassador in reply to MyrtleFluffy

I can tell you that when you are transplanted you are on Medicare for three years. Funding is available from sources but afterntransplant you can go back to work and support yourself. Ask your Nephrologist tonrefer you immediately for transplant and when you are evaluated and get listed tell them that you have a donor. If that donor is not a match and agrees to donate anyway younthen are both placed in the swap program and you will get a donor. I believe that you should not worry about funding it will be there. Prepare for transplant not dialysis. I will pray for you as will others. Ask Kelli Collins at NKF she will tell you about me. Preemptive transplant is possible and outcomes are greater than dialysis. Work closely with your Nephrologist tell him that you are wanting to be evaluated for transplant.

EYatNKFSvdMYLIF profile image
EYatNKFSvdMYLIF in reply to MyrtleFluffy

A transplant is much better than dialysis. When your GFR gets to 20% you can get on a wait list. Most tell you 15% but i would contact translpant centers. Get the info to which is nearest apply to several. Transplant is a much better modality. I didn't know how to do it either but I never heard about the transplant centers in my area before until NKF. Feel free to ask them too. The centers have classes that give you thorough information on financing and the resources. Money is always a concern but nothing is more important than your LIFE. All will work out. Do you have a support system? I did not so I know it can be scary. But exploring the options taking steps to call and travel to them for their evaluations is so worth it. They can guide you through. Then you can call NKF main number and speak to them they can fill in the gaps. Its so hard when you get started but you already have. You have begun inquiring. .. you are on your way! We are here!

Kidneytx2 profile image

Ofcourse you will! Call your social security office and/or get online at make sure there is a picture of a lock before website name for security. You can fill out the form there

cguella profile image

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