I am trying hard to find a donor for my fiance. He is a father of four, working professional and goes home to dialysis nightly. I am amazed by his stamina although the reality is he coughs and stresses out each morning. The sleepless nights are affecting his daytime overall feeling. But I call him a "focus warrior" because he is mind over matter with so many responsibilities. I wish I had half his toughness. At any rate, we have dreams, a beach wedding planned this summer and I sometimes feel helpless because finding a donor is hard. First time in my life I am literally trying to save a life and it's 200 percent worth it! Any brilliant ideas to get this donor?
I need support please, finding a donor i... - Kidney Transplant
I need support please, finding a donor is a challenge!

I created a Facebook page,web page, twitter campaign and was beginning to have yard signs and t shirts made for a fundraiser, as well as a walk/run event to campaign, but a donor came forward prior to the last events.
Also, consider the national exchange, if you are not already registered. As always, do your research and vet ant agencies before diving in. One of my brothers registered as he was not a match for me.
Best of luck to you all.
Try matchingdonors.com they have altruistic people there willing to donate.

Dear needing donor,
So glad you reached out to this group. You are not alone and as you can see in addition to encouragement, others are sharing their ideas too. There is much to learn on this topic of finding a donor. I actually wrote a book on it called "In Pursuit of a Better Life: The Ultimate Guide for Finding Living Kidney Donors." (Avail on Amazon). These powerful strategies worked for me and many others, and I'm sure the information will be helpful to you and your finance too. Keep holding on to your beach wedding plans and all your future dreams. You are on the right path to get the message out. Bless you, for trying to help him. You've taken the first step. Now you just need to follow some specific steps that involve learning how to share your story and enlist a team of folks to help you spread the word so you all can become a Donor-Magnet(r) Pro! Please keep us posted - we're all rooting for you!
I really appreciate all of your encouragement and guidance. I will check out your book on Amazon. Sharing the story seems to be a common theme. Today I will go to church and meet the Priest. Many people say it's a great outreach too. Praying hard today! Yard signs and t-shirts also are great ideas. Did anyone hold an event for awareness?

Have you gone to NKF website and go to "Big Ask" kidney.org/transplantation ?

Ask every relative, friend, neighbor about being a donor. Some print out fliers for bulletin boards at work and church. I know some people even put our a yard sign. I don't know if you heard the story of the man that had a t-shirt printed with his need for a donor and wore it to Disney. It was on TV and he found a donor.
Search all of the websites that help and then try some "off the wall" things.
I have been there, waiting for a donor. I had relatives come forward and were being tested when I was offered a cadaver donor. I am now 18 years post transplant and going strong. Good luck to you for your search for a donor. Remember to think "out of the box" when doing your search!
I'm so glad to hear of your incredible outcome and that you are going strong. WARRIORS !! This is so hard for him and moreso as the months go by on dialysis he loses hope and the will to go on. I have to encourage and fight him to stay strong. God is watching over you Anne and all of us. WE can get through it. I love this quote "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right!" By Henry Ford
I liked your quote. When I was first diagnosed with kidney failure, I had a friend give me the ATTITUDE poem by Charles Swindoll. Google "attitude poem" and I am sure it will pop up. It's by some not known author. Think he was a pastor. I live by that. Print it out and give to your fiance. I just read it again and brings tears to my eyes and makes me strong.
When I got called at 2:30 am for my transplant miracle, when I was being checked in by a nurse, she told me that I would do well. I had the right attitude. Attitude is EVERYTHING!
God bless & good luck to you and your fiance!
Maybe we can help each other out im in stage 4 renal failure cause of recent illness you spread the word around to your friends and aqqaintices about wanting to talk about living donor and I'll do the same here sorry about your husband mam whats his name if you dont mind me asking
Yes maybe we can spread the words together. His name is Greg. Whats yoru name?
Hi, Are you aware of the "Paired Kidney Donor " program? That is how I got my kidney 3 1/2 years ago.