I'm Jim. I'm a transplant patient referred by the NKF. Happy to be here!
Hi Jim Myers from the NKF: I'm Jim. I'm a... - Kidney Transplant
Hi Jim Myers from the NKF

Hi, Jim!
Just found out about this "place."
Hopefully this community can get more into the "nitty-gritty" of CKD1
We need to be more proactive in the current environment of healthcare change.
It is obvious that that are afraid and ashamed in what they have put together. How would Trump justify signing a MEAN health care plan that will affective everyone including his base. Ryan supports it say it will obviously be changed, I guess his is implying for the better, how low can we raise the bar.
To not even allow their members to see and study before a vote. Limiting the possibility of admendments. Not allowing the opposition in. No public hearings or disclosure to the American people by the press. Awful! They plan to ram this through.

Welcome Jim!
Looks like you are at a kidney walk Jim. Our team - you've gotta be kidneying me - has been walking since 2008. All the best to you
Twin Cities
Does your group have a page on FB?