new to Dialysis
Hello i been on dialysis for a year now an... - Kidney Dialysis
Hello i been on dialysis for a year now and still confused and scared i just push it to the side i just don't want to die

GOD did not give you the spirit of fear, but a sound mind!!!!! Let the fear go.
Pray and ask HIM to give you a sound mind.
I do Peritoneal, 4 times a day. April will be 4 yrs. Nobody wants to die. We all were scared in the beginning, including me.
Hemo, headphones with your favorite music to listen to.
Peritoneal, watch tv while or again, listen to your favorite music.
Be Blessed!!!!!
LadyLuv, I’m nearing dialysis. Lab just came back really bad. Was there a specific reason you chose to do Pd 4 times a day rather than machine at night? I’m having a hard time deciding
Hi the same boat..not sure which method is better to follow..hope your ok..sorry to hear your results arnt too good this time..stay positive..
I’m trying. But sometimes it just hits you, ya know? Do you find you feel better on dialysis?
Yes Bunkin know the feeling only too well..hang on in matter what you are still will be a change in lifestyle but iv heard you can manage if trained not on it yet but have had the meeting to prepare..I hope it makes us feel do you feel at the moment?
Don’t remember if I told you on Christmas I had blood in urine. Took a week for doctor to get back to ma, he thought it was a ruptured cyst. My back has been bothering me and wonder if that’s why my lab was so bad! How are you?
No I didn't know you had blood in the urine..Iv always had protein about +2 and blood but small amounts..iv been experiencing back pain too..lower region..also frequent urination at night..very difficult seeing the consultant in March.. waiting is hard but will face it as it comes..try and remain've done brilliant so far..and will deal with it..strong person..always here if you need a chat..
I understand your fear of this new unknown situation. At 77 years old, I'm fairly new to dialysis myself and have some concerns. The good news is that I'm doing very well. I've lost write a bit of weight, much of it stored fluid. My heart beat is stronger and more regular and I no longer need oxygen to help me breathe. Also, I've had several friends who have been on dialysis for many years and there doing well. My suggestion to you, and to myself, is to go with the flow as much as possible and do ask that we can to build good health. For me that means eating as guided by my dialysis center nutritionist and increasing my walking and doing daily meditation. I hope this helps and I wish you the best.

Have you tried talking to the nurses, doctor and other staff about your fears and confusion? Sometimes it helps to talk over things and they may have some suggestions to make your dialysis experience better. Are you getting good kt/v clearances and being careful not to gain too much weight between treatments? If you have fear of the pain of putting needles in, they can supply you with anesthetic cream to use on your fistula an hour before the treatment. Deep breathing helps, too. Good luck to you!

You really need to write down your questions and your fears. You need then to talk to your doctor about all of this. You need to change your attitude and be more positive however you can do that.. I know all to well that is not always easy. Someone once told me DML - Dialysis Means Life. Please, remember that.
I am 19 years post transplant and I firmly believe that I am doing so well because of my positive attitude and the grace of God. I also have had a strong faith that has helped me. Maybe if you belong to a church or synagogue you could talk with your minister, priest, or rabbi?
Please get some help. Maybe the social worker at dialysis can help to find someone you can talk with about your fears and try to make you feel better about this kidney journey you are on.
You are in my thoughts and prayers! Let us know how you are getting along and if you are getting some help?
Hi my name is Dave ,I know dialyses is horrible but hang in there it will keep you alive, i was on dialyses for 7 years and I was ready to give it up and then a miracle happened I got the call for a kidney.7 months ago I had a kidney transplant 🙏my life literally. Changed over night😝so hang in there stay strong there is a light at the end of this tunnel.if you have ANY QUESTIONS please don’t hesitate to ask,I know quite a bit on the subject😝
Hi my name is Dave I was on PDfor 3 years hemo for 4 years I was it took me a long time to make the list.but finally I made it🙏2 months later I had a kidney transplant 🙏so now I’m allmost 8 months strong😝 hang in there do all the tests they ask you to do it will pay off in the end😝
P.s I was 49 when I got sick I’m 56 now and my life has changed over night hang in there stay strong 🙏 if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask😝
Once you start dialysis you won’t feel like you’re gonna die. It’ll get better. Trust me. I hated feeling bad and my kidneys were worst before. They still are but dialysis prolongs my life and I feel like more than 100 percent better. I do the at home PD and it works wonders! It’ll get better. Trust me
Amen to all replies. My Aunt was on dialysis for at least 15 yrs be encouraged. God bless