Will high level of oxalates in nuts worsen the kidney function ? I wish to have dietary tips and advice for ckd stage 1 or 2? What precautions should i take to delay its progression and how to deal with persistant microalbumin with UACR 70 to 75? Im diabetic with HBA1c dropping from 8.9% to 5.4% over 6 months. Thank you
Are nuts such almond kidney friendly food i... - Kidney Disease
Are nuts such almond kidney friendly food in ckd stage 1 or 2?

In the earlier stages dietary restrictions mainly focus on sodium reduction and eating a balanced diet. The goal is to delay or halt function decline that isn't "natural" the kidneys will naturally decline in function so the goal is to reduce any decline that doesn't occur naturally due to age. To what I understand, while a progressive disease, it is possible to prevent further kidney damage which would continue progression however the progression that occurs due to age is what make the disease life long and progressive since having CKD puts us at a lower baseline for the population average so that does increase the likelihood of transitioning to a later stage outside of natural kidney decline. Nuts and seeds have natural oxalants but the serving sizes typically do not impact kidney health until the later stages or if you are sensitive to oxalants. I'd ask your doctor for their input but a renal dietician or Nutriontinist may be better to ask.
In summary:
Stage 1 and 2 are not considered "renal issues" yet but if not treated they can become renal issues. The focus is to stop unnatural kidney function decline by reducing protein, comorbidities, and avoiding damaging toxins.
Consider getting a renal dietician or a Nutriontinist familiar with chronic diseases. They can help with recommendations.
Monitor the following levels:
Sodium (prioritize)
Potassium (pay attention but at this stage it is unnecessary unless levels are elevated.)
Phosphorous (pay attention but at this stage it is unnecessary unless levels are elevated.)
Focus on a low sodium diet. Consider limiting meals to only 600 grams of sodium or lower (this varies depending on your restrictions, age, and blood work)
Drink more water if you're not in any fluid restrictions (64-100 ounces a day)
Consider reducing animal protein to 1-2 servings a day unless advised otherwise to go lower. (4-8 ounces a day, some go lower but it should be based off your labs)
Hopefully this helps!
There are a lot of people on here that know more than me.
You're not alone here, message us anytime.
Thank you lots.. i, 40 years, was so depressed after learning to have CKD. Father of two kids under five , being in good health for them is my priority. I dont want to be a burden on them later by being sick and less active. Is there a way i can know how long will it take to progress to renal failure or dialysis stage? Is there any online reliable renal dietician you can suggest please as in my area i dont have one who deals with renal patients. I am worried about microalbuminuria with persistent foamy/bubbly urine.
Comorbidity: DM Type 2
My labs results:
July 2024
Hba1c 8.9 %
BMI 25.8
Medication and lifestyle changes Dapaglifloxin/metformin
Being more physically active
maintain good hydration
DEC 2024
HbA1c 5.4%
BMI 21
On next appointment for blood test , i will do cystatin c level to have a clearer picture of my renal function.
S.lipids s uric acid, Urea creat and electrolytes calcium and phosphorus are all within normal range on both occasions.
Thank you lots for your encouraging words. It meant a lot for me.
Fay Dieticians have a good reputation and do all services online unless you want in person. You're able to search for the kind of dietician you want. I'll get you the name of the one I work with shortly.
As for the timeline, the only way to predict is by working with a Nephrologist and they monitor the protein in your urine, even that is only a "correlation" a strong one but correlation isn't causation. Most treatment in stages 1 and 2 is to treat underlying causes, reduce protein secretion, decrease blood pressure, normalize blood sugar, and reduce the strain on the kidneys. Think of CKD 1 and 2 as pre- renal problems, you're not there yet but without treatment the outcome can lead to decline in function. It is possible to prevent the disease from progressing but it really is dependent on how much you adhere to treatment and developing a better diet that consist of mostly fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of data on treatment for stages 1 and 2 since most people don't get diagnosed until stage 3 or later.
Positive side:
Early intervention has the greatest chance of reducing the risk of progression. CKD doesn't always mean transplant or dialysis but it is a risk. Focus on improving your overall health including your mental health, that will significantly help with the disease outlook.
It's scary, terrifying even, and honestly I still have my day where I freak out but unlike other conditions we do have options as long as we take care of ourselves.
You're life isn't over, you are not dying, and you still have a lot of life ahead of you. We're here for you as well, we've all pulled each other out of the depths of despair as a community.
Please also share your fears with family/friends you trust. Keeping your fears inside will only exacerbate your symptom.
Thank you lots
Have you considered trying to reverse your T2D via a qualified Nutritional Therapist specialising in that area? Of course, that may also help with CKD.
My mum prefers Nutritional Therapy to a renal diet, for various reasons, for her CKD.
Don't know where you live, but Mayo Clinic, John's Hopkins University and Cleveland Clinic provide much information.
I just looked up "oxalates" from some reputable sites. Apparently they are mainly a problem for people predisposed to kidney stones. Also, they can impede calcium absorption. There are low oxalate nuts- coconut, hazelnut, walnut, pistachios, macadamia nuts. Spinach and chocolate are also on the high side. Peanuts are pretty high, but intestinal absorption is low unless you have intestinal inflammation.
I've been eating lots of nuts for several years- they are one of my favorite foods plus I'm vegan and feel well. I'm at stage 3, by the way, but with no proteinuria, so pretty stable. Also, I must add, no need for you to limit proteins until your eGFR is about 40, according to recent research, but red meat is really not good for any human, or our planet for that matter. (same with sugar, but lots of folks are addicted). Also, you can eat a normal amount of salt, but do watch it, unless you have other contra-indications. I developed CKD as a result of too many NSAIDs and high blood pressure, also I was pretty unfit.
Please don't be too preoccupied with your health. I tend to be that way but am fighting it.
Thank you for your kind advice.
There are many underlying causes for kidney issues - they can be autoimmune conditions, polycystic disease, infections, improper use of meds, etc. The underlying cause for your kidney situation apparently is diabetes - also known as Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) - the leading cause for kidney decline. My husband, a T2D, lost his kidneys to this disease, went on dialysis, and then received a transplant. My husband also had two kidney stones episodes early in his life but none thereafter. Throughout, my husband was cautioned to watch his sugars and carbs, not his intake of nuts, etc. You see, not only does diabetes lead to kidney issues, it can also influence stones as well. How so? Well, high glucose hardens and narrows the various vessels throughout the body, including those fragile vessels inside your kidneys - when they don't filter well, toxins build up leading to all sorts of issues including stones. (This process also frequently leads to high blood pressure, blindness, amputations, etc.) So, you asked about dietary advice. My suggestion is that you focus primarily on your carb and sugar situation. Don't let those precious vessels and filters deteriorate further. When you're at a crossroads regarding diet, my primary focus is always on my husband's diabetes recommendations. This means eating fresh fruits and veggies, nuts (yes, most are generally low in carbs/sugars), white meats, etc. Interestingly, "white foods" are often laden with carbs such as wheat (flour), rice, potatoes, etc. Also, processed (box) foods are usually exceptionally high in carbs and sugars. Become a label reader. Ask your doctor or a registered dietitian for guidance and regular follow-up re your progress. (One can lose a lot of weight this way.) I wish we had known about the significance of all of this at the outset - how diabetes affects health instead of simply relying on meds - we could have avoided a lot of heartache and trouble. Thankfully, you're at an early stage where you can make the necessary modifications and live life well - never needing dialysis or a transplant. (It usually takes a decade or more for unrestrained glucose to take your kidneys.) My husband and and I are sending you much encouragement - we sense you'll be successful in living a long and fulfilling life!
Thank you loads for the reassuring words. God bless you all.
I was at stage 3 ckd for 14 years. One day I started coughing up a large volume of blood. Over the next 48 hours I completely lost all kidney function. I spent the next 29 days in the hospital while they tried to figure out what was wrong with me. Turns out I had a very rare disease called microscopic polyangiitis and C3GN. The point is, had I not come down with this version of vasculitis, my stage 3 ckd could have lasted a whole lot longer if I continued to follow a renal friendly diet.
Thank you for your reponse. You must have been very diligent in maintaining healthy diet and lifestyle. Can you please share how your renal friendly diet was like? Did you have microalbuminuria? Was CKD due to diabetes?
I was diagnosed in 1996 at age 29 with stage 4 CKD most likely due to high blood pressure and my 10 years as a hard drinking Army officer. Shortly after, 8 days to be exact, I suffered AKI resulting in nearly 7 months in the ICU and a year to totally recover. Since then eGFR 20ish, never more then 20,21 nor less then 16/17. Last eGFR 17 or 21 depending on the test…lol! In 1996 at least in Little Rock, Arkansas no one knew about diet, eating properly or any of the current “treatments” for CKD. You got better, took the best care of yourself that you could then lived your life. Unfortunately not much has changed except the discovery of the benefits of SGLT2’s. If taking one already, great. If not try to find a doc willing to prescribe. In my case I’m a veteran so it’s VA care first and that doc won’t prescribe as he’s just marking time till retirement…my nephrologist is an idiot but I live in BFE Arkansas 120 miles from any real city, Memphis, Little Rock or St. Louis and cannot afford to be without a nephrologist but it’s almost impossible to see that pompous @ss quarterly. To sum up I was stage 4 prior to having my 2 kids age 23 and 28, had complete kidney failure that led to total organ failure and my clinical death (13 pages of flatline ekg I remind myself with if the urge to slug a pint of bourbon hits me…lol) and spent 7 months in the ICU. If you are a believer I had the hand of God protecting me, if not I respect your choice and I’m just a lucky guy…lol…regardless (and my point is) unless your kidney’s aren’t stable (decreasing eGFR in consecutive tests, you’ve been diagnosed with a system wide disease such as cancer etc…most likely, with a few minor modifications in diet, adding consistent exercise and watching EVERYTHING that goes in your body what you have been stricken with is totally manageable. I was 29, I’m now 58 so I’ve been “sick” as long as I was “normal” but I’ve owned a business nearly 30 years, had a great career helping over 500 folks manage for retirement, save for kids college etc as a financial advisor, traveled the world with the love of my life (my wife) and my kids who can’t remember a time we didn’t take 3/4 trips a year to the Caribbean or at least the Gulf Coast several times. What I’m not saying very well is if your disease is stable, you can live a GREAT life without much of any impediments from your CKD. Just a couple of modifications to diet, see the doc regularly and take care of yourself and you’d be better off worrying about a car wreck then CKD as a life ender, will my health issue shorten my total life span, don’t know, who knows but why worry at my age I should have at least another 5/6 years anyway…lol! Anyway, probably TMI but thanks for indulging me and my best to you and your total GREAT health!
Thank you so much for being so inspiring. you are a miracle