I'm a 75 year old man. Have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, peripheral artery disease. But to be honest, I feel lucky. Had surgery for PAD in April. Big deal. Major bypasses to provide blood flow to legs, stent in left leg. Doing great, walking,etc. That was the first time I ever needed surgery.
Have chronic kidney disease stage 3A. Had it for a long time.
While in the hospital medication was switched from Metoprolol Tartrate to another that dangerously raised my Potasium. Internist, who is great, called me at home got me on something to lower it immediately. After I went back to Metoprolol Tartrate , everything seemed fine.
A few weeks ago I had full blood work. Most was fine. A1C 6.9, cholesterol, etc. all good. Probably because I've been walking like crazy to fight the pad.
However my potassium was up to 5.5.
We're repeating the CMP Friday. My doctor asked if I changed my eating habits. I haven't, but I did recall the night before the test I walked for an hour and a half approximately 3 hours from 4 to 6 PM. Took blood about 7:30 the next morning.
Just wandered if anyone know if that could raise the potassium.
As I said, all else is good. Creatinine was slightly high at 1.42.
As always I am nervous and hoping for the best.
But I wondered if anyone thought the exercise might have raised my potassium.
I appreciate any comments.